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New Scenario: 3:10 to Yuma

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The LOS into the compound just turned out that way after I finished the map - a welcome coincidence, so to say, which I tried to exploit for red. :D

Quick question, how did you get Syrian units on the blue side? I'm looking at the scenario in the editor and when you click "purchase blue units" it actually shows me a Syrian TO&E. I've noticed a few other scenarios that use Syrian units on the blue side.

In the Mission-Data Screen, the last entry Force vs. Force can be set to red vs. red, or blue vs. blue.

Change the sides to red vs. red, buy forces, change the sides to blue vs. red again and buy some more. Or the other way round. Whatever you like. I made a scenario where I have only red troops for blue and only blue troops for red. ;)

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Bravo, Birdstrike, on an excellent scenario.

One thing which hasn't yet been commented on is the briefing. I like the length and completeness of the briefing, which makes sense not only because this scenario has a more definite story than most but because it stands to reason that Delta Force guys would make doubly sure they had all the intel available and understood the plan from front to back. The briefing gave me a more sure sense of the situation; it made me feel more like a Delta Force team leader. (Not that I know what feeling like a Delta Force team leader feels like. lol)


The swarming, guns-blazing determination of the Uncons to get into the police station and take out Bin Wadi reminds me of that level in Call of Duty 4 where you're defending a village against a couple hundred insurgents trying to claim the corpse of the shot-dead militant leader. Overall the scenario also reminded me of Black Hawk Down as far as Delta Force guys fighting for their lives against numerous militia.

Last night, I have lost every single Blue soldier on the map before reinforcements arrived even though I considered my defensive setup to be sound. I guess one problem was that I underestimated the ability of the enemy to close up to RPG range due to terrain shielding.

I shall try and keep a tighter perimeter in my next attempt, perhaps even bunching up everybody in the police station.

Anyone for "Alamo 2009"? =P

What I have seen so far was a great battle! The "race" to the police station with guns blazing in all directions was a thriller.

The first time I played this scenario, I sent all the humvees on "Fast" along the road to the police station, but they got shot up on the way and I lost all but one. =(

The second time, I moved forward in bounds on "Hunt", and there seemed to be fewer Uncons along the road, though the fire got heavier as the humvee convoy rounded the bend in the road heading into town.

I would really love to read the kill stats on that thing in this scenario!

How does one read kill stats on a given unit? I suppose it's different from CMx1, where you select a unit and hit Enter....

I keep it guarding the entrance to the compound ... a meat grinder!

The last time (so far) I played the scenario, I positioned one of the M240-armed humvees with its rear almost to the wall of the cellblock, but some RPG-armed Uncon blasted it from a nearby rooftop before any enemies even came through the gate of the police compound.

I had avoided the other one earlier because I happen to click on the spotter who was being engaged at near point blank range by one of my Humvee's and noticed his title! I could almost imagine the color flush from my troops' faces as they realized what was probably lying around nearby.

Why is an enemy unit's "name" and type visible as soon as it's spotted? In CMx1, with Fog of War at the highest (most realistic) setting, an enemy unit was not identified even by branch until it was fairly close or had been under observation for some time.

How would even Delta Force guys per se know that some average-looking guy nearby was in fact an IED triggerman?

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Thanks for the feedback, Dietrich. :)

The first time I played this scenario, I sent all the humvees on "Fast" along the road to the police station, but they got shot up on the way and I lost all but one. =(

The second time, I moved forward in bounds on "Hunt", and there seemed to be fewer Uncons along the road, though the fire got heavier as the humvee convoy rounded the bend in the road heading into town.

The AI uses different setup zones, sometimes there's more of them in one spot, sometimes in another.

How does one read kill stats on a given unit? I suppose it's different from CMx1, where you select a unit and hit Enter....

Not implemented, yet. From what I've read, perhaps we'll get it back later down the road.

How would even Delta Force guys per se know that some average-looking guy nearby was in fact an IED triggerman?

Because of the remote or mobile phone he's holding? :D

("Hey sarge, either I just shot a guy who was going to blast us all to kingdom come, or a wallstreet trader... ")

But seriously, after reading cmfan's post, I checked the map in the editor and realized that I've used a number of IED triggermen to simulate isolated gunmen - I just forgot about that.

There's no hidden IED triggerd by them, if that's of help (I can add one, though if things are getting too easy).

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Well, I suppose a hidden IED near the road by the ditch/trench at the edge of town could be logical. I did at least put my whole convoy to a dead halt as soon as I spotted IED triggermen and unleashed hell upon them with everything I had and a little more than that, just to be sure they'd die before half my convoy would!

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Hm, I'll give it a thought. Maybe one or two smaller ones... ;)

I'd love to have variable positions for IEDs, but AFAIK, they are fixes, once you place them on the map.

Haven't used the editor, but can't you bind certain triggermen to certain IED's, and randomize their presence/position so that you can get different IED's potentially going off?

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Haven't used the editor, but can't you bind certain triggermen to certain IED's, and randomize their presence/position so that you can get different IED's potentially going off?

That would be an idea - but with several triggermen around, it could be that I end up with all of them triggering all the IEDs.

I need to test that, though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I want to add my praise here. This is a great scenario. I love the idea of breaking one scenario into several seperate phases- first the frantic drive, then the defense, then the rescue. Its something I have been tinkering with for a scenario of my own.


For me, the mission started out with a bit of frustration. I "knew" the drive into town was going to be rough, and I thought I had identified several likely ambush spots. The plan was to put down suppressive fire with all vehicles while driving past in a nice column, shifting targets as they went. Unfortunately the very first RPG, hidden in the trees by that corner, was unexpected. They took out one of my sniper-carrying humvees from about 20 meters. The whole load of guys, about a quarter of my force, dead without firing a shot! :eek: I abandoned my orderly column idea and sent everybody racing into town on fast commands, every vehicle for itself. They all made it- suprisingly, with no additional casualties. After that I abandonded the humvees, they were too dangerous. I was surprised to see other posters here using the 40 mm GL to good effect... I never even considered it.

After that, the defense part was alot of fun. I got my remaining sniper team (with the 50 cal) and my FO team in a building on the edge of town (the one with two taller sections connected by a single story section). From here they could see just about everything. I ended up getting sweet, sweet revenge with that 50 cal sniper team- When the syrian reinforcements appeared in my starting area I was able to pick off a half dozen vehicles with the sniper from 800 m+ :D This was impressive, to say the least, and I have never used a sniper more effectively than this. The vehicles were wrecked, the crews piled out and became pinned, and I dropped a bomb on them with one of my planes :P

Besides that, things went off about as I expected. I put my delta guys on the second floor of several buildings, with the police squads on the ground floor. The plan was to have the better shooters upstairs to get more sightlines, while the police-meat on the ground would prevent entry to the building.... unfortunately my plan backfired. The second floor DID have better sightlines, but it worked both ways, and my delta boys were massacred by RPGs while the police below escaped unscathed. Go figure...

The vehicle IED was great fun. It came around a corner and actually drove into the compound's front gate. Somehow I managed to kill the crew before it went off, and there it sat for the rest of the game. I kept thinking it would go off, but it never did.

Lastly, the rescue was awesome. I felt I was 3-5 minutes away from total collapse when they showed up. Just right. A whole column of technicals was stacked up on the road used by the rescue convoy, pouring fire into the compound. It was great to watch the lead Tank come tearing down the road, shooting up the vehicles from their 6 o'clock!

So ya, I was enthused, had to give you the full report... My only complaint has already been mentioned. The vehicle path finding frequently made me want to tear my hair out. There is a big issue around corners as vehicles slow down and bunch up and then consider each other obstacles. They end up taking all kinds of weird routes and end up facing the wrong direction. Maybe this is less of a problem in Real Time, but I generally play turn-based... anyway its frustrating. But not your fault.

Cheers! :D

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Nice one :D Thanks a bunch for the comments.

Actually, I never dared playing without excessive use of the Humvees - so I'm quite impressed you managed to get along without them. :)

btw, the AI plans use random starting positions for most of the units, so if you should happen to play it again, you might encounter the enemy at very different locations.

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Speaking of vehicle pathfinding, I have discovered something which, if not a solution, closely resembles one: Add two or three extra-short waypoints to a vehicle's movement order at a road bend whenever the bend is more than 25 degrees or so -- this way the vehicle plots the course correction more smoothly.

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Tried with 1.11. Noticed that enemy troops quantities have increased dramatically, i have serious trouble over getting my hummers in. As if the Wire IED troops have changed to huge combatants or something like that.

This scenario is a masterpiece as it really puts you in command of modern army troops. Not only do you have complex (and very powerful) arsenal, but your orders are also 3-dimensional. I would really like more restrictions on using the firepower on the city itself. Blow up couple of blocks and you should get a really nasty penalty.

Too many scenarios/campaings done for CMSF are human-wave attacks from blue side when it really should be opposite of that. I often find myself figuring, why am i getting third wave of reinforcements when i already have 3 tank platoons and thousand fold troopers left.

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I just played it trough with 1.11 and altough the troop quantities were greater than before, after i got inside the town things were back as usual. Ai is much better now at preserving its vehicles and enemy seems to be much more agile in finding cover.

Timetable is still good, altough i would like to see if pursuers would come just a minute or two sooner than currently. It is definetly possible to keep the town almost intact the 1.11 seemed to cut air support delay by 2-minutes and helos can arrive as soon as 3 minutes!

Tactics advice:

1. Find a place for the observer, where he will not draw any enemy fire and use cover arc order to limit the engagement ranges. If your observer is killed, you can as well restart. You have to defend your observer.

2. Keep all of the air support, that is building up during the mission, busy constantly. If you sense an attack, you have to foil it well before it reaches the town. Keep pounding the attack routes.

3. Move the insurgent in the holding cells as it has the best possible cover available.

4. Create defence perimeter in the town center.

5. Utilize the snipers to their full extent, .50 cal sniper can engage vehicles.

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Thanks for mentioning this. I've just downloaded 1.11 and will review the scenario later.

Adding penalty for destroying buildings was also on my list, it didn't work as I wanted it to in the initial release, but I'll add it in the updated version, for sure. :)

No pressure :)

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Sorry, haven't done much the last days ;) but here's a quick update:

I had the impression the scenario seems to play out somewhat easier with the 1.11 patch (or maybe I'm just getting too used to it :D), so the changes I made are all designed to make it a little harder for blue.

I have played around with some new settings, but need to test them more. Some changes so far: added preserve objectives for blue, all blue air support will arrive some minutes later, cavalry will arrive randomly some minutes later (watched the movie again recently, and the train was late, too - so I had no other choice :D).

I also tried to include IEDs, but encountered an issue and will probably leave them out for now.

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Tried downloading this numerous times from the Repository, and all the Download link would ever take me to is a white screen with a listing of the file's name, and a link to go back to the page I just came from.

I clicked on it so many times that I got a message from the Repository that I've exceeded my ability to download it. So, does anyone know if that means I'm forever unable to acquire it, or that I'm temporarily blocked from getting it, or what...?

This sounds like a "must play" scenario, and I'll be mighty frustrated if I'm unable to get a crack at it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Just played this again... Kickass!

Spoiler Alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!









Right off the bat, I set up my forward observers on the high hill right at the entrance. From there, they could see everything. I forgot about the enemy coming in right there, but my FO's took it to them! 5 guys with rifles really tore them up, with no casualties! I left one hmmwv not too far from there and they came in and mopped up the remaining guys. Very few made it to the town from that area. All in all, my guys fought very bravely and killed many enemies. 6 kia and 6 wia.

I love this mission! Thanks birdstrike!

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This was my first time playing the mission and it was superb!

I made it into town with no casualties after getting some covering fire from the police snipers occupying elevated positions. Using CAS I managed to foil the enemies attacks but look heavy losses when the Cavalry turned up just in time. After clearing the town I secured the prisoner and began to pull out.

Then, on the road out of town an F-15 that had been spotted by a KIA squad (meaning I couldn't give a cease fire order) took out the prisoner's transport :eek:

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