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circle the wagons! *possible spoilers - for people have who already completed*

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So I'm playing through this scenario and so far so good, lots of action, surprises and desperate scrambles :) However there's around 50 mins left and everything has gone quiet. Do I declare a ceasefire or do I need to hang on for another wave?


Man, I cannot keep the Panzers alive. But I refuse to play any other scenario until I succeed in this one!

There are a few AI Plans in this all rather differant - depending on what you've got the action can play out fast and furious, die down then boil up again or fade out. How long have you been playing for?

George, the scenario is a beauty. Thanks. As much as I have read about how the Marines fight with so little, this scenario threw the concept in my face.

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Hi Chelco

Glad you like it :)

It is possible to keep the tanks alive. I've only managed to keep one intact but some of the other testers when we were playing around with this managed to keep al their stuff intact. The varying AI plans means you can never gurantee when you reboot the scenario that the attack will take the same form and direction.

Cheers fur noo


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Hi Chelco

If I mind the brief says no firing on buildings unless you receive hostile fire and positively ID the shooters. I think if you use 60mm mortars you can use em to get anti-personel airbursts which helps keep the baddies heads down.

Cheers fur noo


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Spoiler Alert*



























I played it about 8 times and I finally concluded the way to keep your tanks alive was to use massive suppressive fire from the AAVs. In particular the AAVs of the reinforcing platoon can be placed out of range of most of the enemies assets and just drench large portions of the buildings facing the square with fire. I leave the original platoons AAVs in around the square with the tanks with target arcs to allow them to hit pop up targets.

You kinda have to pick, keep the tanks alive or follow the brief on targeting ROE. I guess I would rather level the village and discuss it with the higher ups later than wright those letters. It is rather handy that the 40mm grenades don't really knock buildings down too readily. I didn't blow off the ROE completely but once a single bad guy popped up somewhere I figured that house had volunteered for continued attention.

If you get the second platoon of infantry into fighting positions more or less intact your fire power advantage become pretty overwhelming and the bad guys start to look holey almost the instant they appear. :)

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Hi Dan

He! Nice one! :D

Spoilers ahead...













I put the ROE in there so to at least give players a similar dilemma that a commander in RL would have. Guess it comes down to a judgement call at the end of the day, and yes one you would all in all probability I suspect have to account for. I think using the small arms fire and the 40mm grenades does the job it's just achieving that fire supremacy as quick as you can. Another top tip is to establish that cordon around the tanks as soon as possible - although that tactic can lead to heavy infantry casualties if you are not careful. It does look like you managed the balance. I reckon you'd get of with targetting the buildings. From the sound of things you were taking fire from them all. Good job :)

Cheers fur noo


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Played this scenario last night and I loved it. I was able to keep both tanks alive no problem.








I did exactly what you said in you last reply. As soon as the game started I moved my squads to good positions around the tanks. I left my AAV's in corners of buildings where they had the most protection. Once the enemy attacked, my infantry held them off, concentrating on AT units. Once I thought the rocket guys weren't a threat, I was able to move my AAV's into positions where they could pound guys in buildings and cover the narrow streets. I did have one squad lose more than half KIA/WIA, but reinforced them. I did also use my mortars to area fire the whole area where enemy were located. I'm not sure the area fire was all that effective. Most of the enemy dead were guys trying to fight face to face with the USMC (and ofcourse losing). The Marine squads just have too much firepower for them to handle at close range.

Anyways, great mission. I'll be playing that one again soon. It reminds me of an old cmx1 mission based around a Nazi tank stuck in the mud. Thanks for yet another great scenario!

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Hi FS! :)

Glad you enjoyed it. I must admit it's one of these wee fights that I found addicitve myself. First few times I played it I lost both tanks. After I played it a few times I came up with other ways in whcih I could have lost the tanks, hence the variety of AI plans. Good effort on winning it and glad you enjoyed it so much :)

Cheers fur noo


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Bump George....I am playing this PBEM now and the first wave of reinforcements have come and been dispatched. Are there more coming or is it basically over? Every now and then a lone gunman comes running down the street and gets mowed down, but since the first big pushes it seems like the game is over. Neither me nor my opponent know what to expect. This is a brilliant PBEM map by the way. We are having hella fun with it.

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Hi Guys

There is more fun to be had after an hour - but it does depend on when exactly the fun arrives. I'm thinking in retrospect the timing of that next bit of fun could have been tweaked. I'm not sure as how much detail you both want about when this fun arrives - suffice to say it does give the fighting a new lease of life.

Cheers fur noo


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