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Savage Army vs Marines scenario! "Lone Star Shopping Plaza"


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My most EXTREME scenario is now up for downloading:

USMC vs ARMY - Lone Star Shopping Plaza

At our favorite site of course:


A Blue-on-Blue Marine module scenario.

Army assaults a Texas highway shopping mall that's being occupied by the Marine Corps and bloody carnage ensues. Full backstory in the orders section.

When I constructed this giant mall complex map seven months ago I thought it would stay pretty much unplayable. But the v1.10 enhancements combined with Marine corps defenders have allowed me to build a rip-roarin' blood fest of a scenario. Take my word for it, attacking against a dug-in veteran Marine company is as difficult as it sounds. Enjoy!


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'Carnage' doesn't quite do this scenario justice!

The marines are dug in like the proverbial Alabama tick - this is a doozy and no mistake!

Watching the US Army grunts and the US Marine Jarheads fight it out room-to-room (or should that be shop-to-shop?) in the mall was fantastic, plenty of painful moments. Chief of which had to be the enterprising marine who let rip with his M32 and wiped out half-a-dozen grunts in one fell swoop - the point man took a 40 mil at point-blank range to the chest.

The map itself is fantastic, beautifully done.

Great stuff mate!

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A small matter.

I built the map without colored 'setup zones' in an effort to keep carefully placed units from wandering where they hadn't ought at startup. If you prefer to shuffle your units about at startup simply open the game in the editor, paint in some setup zones, then save under a revised name. No setup zone is good for human vs AI but might be considered too restricting for Head-to-Head play.

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Great map! I've barely begin the scenario but it really looks wonderful. I'm amazed at how well it runs despite all the buildings on the map.

One question: Would an "anchor store" in what looks like a mid-scale shopping mall really be seven stories tall? I'm intimately familiar with the malls of Philadelphia, Boston, Birmingham, and Atlanta (which is where malls go to die), and the anchors are usually only three levels, tops.

Maybe that's just how they build them in Texas...

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Hah! Of all the questions I had been expecting! ;)

Outside of Boston, Burlington Mall has got a two story sprawling mall complex with a big Macy(?) anchor store towering over it at one end and a Sears(?) at the other. I work in a downtown Boston mall complex with four high-rises and a convention center attached. By those measures my map's mall is kind'a wimpy!:eek:

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Hah! Of all the questions I had been expecting! ;)

Outside of Boston, Burlington Mall has got a two story sprawling mall complex with a big Macy(?) anchor store towering over it at one end and a Sears(?) at the other. I work in a downtown Boston mall complex with four high-rises and a convention center attached. By those measures my map's mall is kind'a wimpy!:eek:

Call me a mall grog. :)

Most malls I know have a plus-sign pattern, with four two- or three-story anchors and a two-story expanse of "arms" connecting them.

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