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Peng is Challenged Searching for Seanachai.

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Once more Joe states the obvious. But what can you expect from someone who live in a goober state like Utah and travels to other goober states like Oklahoma? Next, I suppose he will tell us he's on his way to Nebraska or Iowa. No doubt his "grand tour" will climax in Arkansas where he will dine in luxury at the Swine Palace.


With his fellow swine.

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Once more Joe states the obvious. But what can you expect from someone who live in a goober state like Utah and travels to other goober states like Oklahoma? Next, I suppose he will tell us he's on his way to Nebraska or Iowa. No doubt his "grand tour" will climax in Arkansas where he will dine in luxury at the Swine Palace.


Well at least I don't live in a place whose freaking NAME says it's so far in the boonies that you can't even see civilization.

Port TOWNS END ... no doubt the civic authorities banished you to the edge of town to protect the innocents.


p.s. And I've already BEEN to Iowa this month Mister Smart Guy!

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Yowza! Joe, where are all the defiled chidren at?! Surely they can't all be in unmarked graves in the Balkans, Darfur, Korea and China. There must be some batch of hairy, sub-prime pseudo-innocents somewhere that I can abuse, thus earning me the hatred of clueless scum!

As an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread and a hated 'Societal Other', you must tell me where I can go to satisfy my lust for the blood of hapless bystanders in my ongoing war to devour the souls of bearded, putative 'children'.

I mean, I haven't even garnered a single ugly Personal Message.

What do I have to do to be regarded as one of History's Greatest Monsters, send my name to Amnesty International under 'Position's Wanted'?!

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What do I have to do to be regarded as one of History's Greatest Monsters, send my name to Amnesty International under 'Position's Wanted'?!

Lose the pen!s and grow a pair of breasts and you'll no doubt be worthy of the kind of hate you are longing for from at least one idjit 'round these parts.

Edit: Can you believe the word 'pen!s' is subject to censorship here? What's next, the word 'cock' (as in rooster, of course)?

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Well at least I don't live in a place whose freaking NAME says it's so far in the boonies that you can't even see civilization.

Joe, look around you. See all that "civilization"? Granted that most of it where you no doubt are present also bears the name 'smog' and makes it difficult to actually see all the miles and miles of "urban sprawl" consisting of mostly ugly buildings inhabited by mostly ugly people, millions and millions of them. Then consider this: Why on God's green earth would I have even the slightest shadow of a desire to be smacked in the eyeball by that ghastly mess every time I dare to look up from my monitor screen? Where I live I can look up and see clear blue skies with fluffy white clouds. Deer browse in my yard, squirrels bury their nuts there. When I go out there are beautiful and friendly women of all ages to gaze upon and to chat with. I will be content to spend the rest of my days without having to see your "civilization", thank you just the same.

p.s. And I've already BEEN to Iowa this month Mister Smart Guy!

Ha! I knew it! A hayseed loser born is a hayseed loser forever.


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Yowza! Joe, where are all the defiled chidren at?! Surely they can't all be in unmarked graves in the Balkans, Darfur, Korea and China. There must be some batch of hairy, sub-prime pseudo-innocents somewhere that I can abuse, thus earning me the hatred of clueless scum!

As an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread and a hated 'Societal Other', you must tell me where I can go to satisfy my lust for the blood of hapless bystanders in my ongoing war to devour the souls of bearded, putative 'children'.

I mean, I haven't even garnered a single ugly Personal Message.

What do I have to do to be regarded as one of History's Greatest Monsters, send my name to Amnesty International under 'Position's Wanted'?!

For true defilation, I think you have to learn to use Photoshop. Nothing else will do. A picture is worth a least a couple dozen words. More 'shopped piccies and less yabbering from you, Bard-oh!

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Oh Boo..., Oh Boo?

On this fecking urban map, where are you?

Where for art thou, oh Boo?

I thought you told me that you were behind me, sneaking up on my positions.

Wouldn't that put me in front of you?

Are you really that dense? What's the dealio? One too many dead brain cells? The electrical impulses have to pole vault from synapse to synapse?


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What do I have to do to be regarded as one of History's Greatest Monsters

I'd suggest you start by leaving the toilet seat up regularly and then work your way up from there.

Oh sure, here I thought he was joking when he asked the question but you go and give him a serious answer. What will you tell him to do next, actually contemplate his answer when asked "Do I look fat in this"...?

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And of course the correct answer to that is, "Certainly. Everything you wear makes you look fat. That's because you're fat. Why do you ask?"


The question my wife always asks is "Do I look too fat in this?" (emphasis mine) to which I gleefully, nay gaily reply, "No, dear, you look just fat enough." The fun never ends at our house. Just like every time we make the bed I whip the sheets out of her hands as we shake them out. Always good for a laugh. Works best when she's already mad about something, and she's always already mad about something, so I have that going for me... hey! it's raining!

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I think the more important question is, why are both his hands on your shoulders?

Funny you should mention that. When he said he was behind me I told him that he was one of the last people I'd want behind me and then he said something about Charles Manson or maybe it was Jeffrey Dahmer being worse than him and I thought, Oh, OK Leo, so now we're judging this by degrees?

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The question my wife always asks is "Do I look too fat in this?" (emphasis mine) to which I gleefully, nay gaily reply, "No, dear, you look just fat enough." The fun never ends at our house. Just like every time we make the bed I whip the sheets out of her hands as we shake them out. Always good for a laugh. Works best when she's already mad about something, and she's always already mad about something, so I have that going for me... hey! it's raining!

i almost laughed.

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