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Pacific vs PDE

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The editor is the full one. You can do anything you like.

I plan on converting my new Expanded HONCH Fall Weiss to the PTO engine when I am done. The new carrier model is very cool.

My PDE version of the MOD is still in production.

As a side note, PTO operation Z is a blast. Everyone will enjoy it.

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I would say no for now simply because things are already set... it's not impossible to do but would require a bit of work as it is more than just adding slots, it is also updating code to handle additional countries, the data structures as well as additional bitmap slots for the flags, activation sprites and so on.

If there is time down the road I may reconsider but it really wasn't something we considered as a priority for the current needs of the game... sorry!

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I'm debating on this too at the moment. Having played a bit of SC2 and WaW, have been considering getting PDE mainly for enhancements... still Pacfic Theater seems like a good choice.

With SC2, WaW and PDE you get Europe and to some extent even a Global War map with Pacific theater. Yet with PT it seems all we get is the Pacific theater, unable to bring Euro nations into play due to limited slots, etc. Also, how big with the Pacific Theater map be? Will it take advantage of the enitre 256x128 tile size and make it truly huge or will it be scaled down to around 50x50 (I'm toying around with a Pacific map of this size, that's why I ask).


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For clarification, the used map size is going to be 198x82 but a full map size of 256x128 is still available via the Editor.

Pacific Theater is reduced to 23 minor slots though as that was all we needed for this particular release.

More info is available on the Features page for the Pacific Theater release:


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Get it guys, ...."this particular release"...!

We will be getting the world eventually, but this PTO step is the logical progression.

In keeping with the evolution of this great series, each expansion/features need thorough testing and adjusting.

A Masterpiece requires careful thought and incorporation.

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sounds good for the future. I actually think I can deal with fewer minors. Many are not important anyway and can just be added as part of other counrties anyway, like the various Commonwealth Nations can all be included w/UK and their values can be activated at certain times. I am considering not having Japan join until they actually got involved with more than China. Before that, not a lot changed in China (between 9/39 and 12/41) either way.

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Unfortunately not, the Editor for the Pacific release is also limited to only 23 minors... but if you can hang in there, a Global release is still planned that will include all the present features and will actually up the number of minors to 58 countries.

Hubert, I for one will await the Global edition... no point in buying just the PTO. I'm having great fun with WaW for now, but can't see spending more for expansions if there will eventually be a Global version. Hey, it took me several years to even buy SC2 and WaW, I was probably one of the first to buy SC1 way back when. Definitely support you guys, and love the way you do things. I just can't afford to buy expansion after expansion...

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No problem Geozero, the Global release is likely to be still a while off (as there are other planned additions and time needed for proper testing etc., i.e. it has already been a year since we first mentioned it unofficially after the WaW release) and of course it's focus for the Pacific won't exactly be on par with the Pacific Theater release so each iteration definitely has something unique to offer.

Essentially if you are only after the Global experience then it is more than justified to hang on, otherwise if you've enjoyed the European Theater releases of Strategic Command then chances are you are going to really like what the the PTO release is going to offer :)

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Thanks Hubert for the update. Yeah, most likely I'll cave in and get PTO. You've got some great ideas for the new editions.

Jon I understand your point of view. Yet it was the fact that SC2 had a global campaign that I recently purchased it. Don't underestimate the power of the consumer. :)

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Hang in there GZ, as you have no doubt noticed Battlefront makes SC series available at very good prices vs fun/feature aspect.

Knowing your legacy with wargaming over at Matrix it will be no time at all that you'll see the merit of giving SC a portion of your very knowledgable attention.......and SC will be the better for it.

Welcome to the SC fan club!;)

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