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Will my machine run this game OK?

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Your machine should be sufficient to run CMBO. However it will run in a 'lower detailed' mode to my knowledge due to the amount of memory your video card has. If you can afford it, you may want to consider upgrading your video card to one that has 16Mb or more.

Playing the 'Gold Demo' should give you a pretty good indication as to how CMBO will work with your system. While much larger scenarios can be created in the full version, it should still give you some valid feedback about the quality and speed of the game on your computer.

CMBB will require an 8Mb+ video card (as the current specs are to date). So if this game enchants you like it has others an upgrade to your video card is warranted to play the next release.

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It should run okay. I used to run it on a P233, 64mb RAM, and 4mb S3 Verge video card. But as Schrullenhaft said, you will lose some of the video effects. Possibly no fog effect. And the command/target/move lines will probably be one color instead of several (at least, that's what I suffered). But gameplay should be fine except in the larger scenarios, which will run Very slowly.

[ 10-07-2001: Message edited by: Ellros ]

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Thanks for your input...one more question.

I plan on purchasing a new machine in a couple of months, so I don't want to upgrade my current machine more than I need to.

What are a few of the video cards available which would work well?

I have thought of a Geforce2 MX, for about $90 or so....is there a better card, or a card which seems to be trouble-free?

Thanks again for your help and expertise.

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I have thought of a Geforce2 MX, for about $90 or so....is there a better card, or a card which seems to be trouble-free?"

In a couple of months you shouldbe able to grab a Geforce 2 ti card(like the current geforce 2 Pro card) or a Geforce 3 ti 200(in between geforce 2 pro and geforce 3)

for under 200. I already see the geforce 2 ti cards going for about 105 bucks on www.pricewatch.com I am lookin at the geforce 3 ti 200 smile.gif when it gets to about 130 bucks.


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I just bought the Gforce 3 Titanium T-200 ($199) this past Sunday. It works just fine and with only a 6% performance difference from the T-500 as shown on the test on the NVidia web site. I run it on a P III 866 Win 98SE w/ 512Meg of SDRAM machine. Use the latest Detonator 21.85 drivers. Have had zero problems w/ the card or drivers so far....and it is FAST!! Not tried TCP/IP with it yet though....

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wwb_99, I'm not so sure about the overkill thing. I put a GeForce 2 MX 32MB in my wife's computer (a P2-400 with 196MB ram), and it sure made a heck of a difference with the Quake 3 engine, which now runs quite smoothly, for the most part. The card it replaced was a TNT, 16MB.

I have a friend who has a GeForce 2 Ultra on a P2-400, and he claims to run Tribes 2 "ultra-smooth".

Disclaimer: Results may vary ;)


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