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British Bulldogs problem tread

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I eventually got thru the Maltot defence battle using just what I was given. It took many tries but can be done.

You have to lure the Germans into the open (with your Churchills) to the left side of the map and then let them have it from the flank with you 6pdrs firing from behind the trees.

How is this mod going generally, has it gone gold yet?



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No it's been through a bit of a hiatus, I didn't play with the missions for a few months although I have recently picked up the ball again & added a new mission & am currently looking to improve the Capture Gavrus mission. I'll be releasing this soon to the repository as Beta 3.

You will need the Typhoon mod for this, it's a shame no one succesfully modded SS Camo smocks as this campaign would really benefit from them (All but 1st mission are against 1 & 2 SS Panzer Corps.).

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I bashed my way through Tilly Ridge today.

One of my Firefly commanders is now a Lt Col! What a champ.

I would leave the Typhoon mod out if I were you as it is too difficult for most people to install and will limit the appeal of the game.

I have the mod installed as I have seen typhoons flying sometimes, some goes with the German armoured car that caused so much trouble earlier on. The one with the 37mm canon.

I got there in the end but most people would not have had a clue or would have given up trying to install those special vehicle mods. I only kept going because I am addicted to this game and its level of realism etc.

Let the extra vehicles be caught in the next JSH mod with an executable installer, click and forget on the KISS principle.


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Just wanted to add that I have now finished the campaign as it stands at present, the last battle being the one against Michael Wittmann.

It was great and the only faults I found were with the "special vehicles" the main problem being the German armoured car with the 37mm that caused the game to crash. Other than that it was brilliant and well researched (unit badges, maps and background history and so on) and presented.

Looking forward to playing your soon to be released Beta 3.



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I would leave the Typhoon mod out if I were you as it is too difficult for most people to install and will limit the appeal of the game.

You only say that because you haven't had the pleasure of playing with Knokke's masterpiece on hand to deliver the bacon when it's needed.

Believe me the Tiffie is the best community mod yet bar none! It adds more than je ne sais quai, c'est magnifique!! It not only adds masses of immersion but a serious punch, it's the only a/c I know that can & does knock out armour on a single pass!

Sorry the Typhoon has to stay, period!

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Sorry guys but the Typhoons stays for 2 very good reasons:-

1) Knokke made this especially for this campaign. It would demean his beautiful work to not include it.

2) It historically accurate, there were no Hurricanes in Normandy & the USAAF 8th & 9th Airforces did not play a major role (in terms of close support). By far the lions share was performed by the RAF 2nd TAF. I will not devalue the efforts of the British, Canadian, Australian, Czech, FRench, Norwegian, Belgian, Polish, New Zealand, South African, & any other Commonwealth parties that are supremely pertinent to this campaign.

The main reason for producing this campaign in the first place was that I got so p!ssed off by the common perception that the Brits were a complete failue in Normandy (ala Saving Private Ryan / Band of Brothers). One has to wonder how the yanks would have performed facing the 2 premier SS Panzer Corps. IMHO it would have been a wholesale slaughter. Shermans might have been reffered to as "Yankee Cookers" rather than "Tommy Cookers"! 7 of the 9 panzer divisions were on the British front, Operation COBRA would not have been possible without this reality.

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Let the extra vehicles be caught in the next JSH mod with an executable installer, click and forget on the KISS principle.

Sneaksie had already asked permission for the JSH mod to include the Typhoon in their next release; I hope this would happen, since the installation would be less painful for the users.

I do believe that the Typhoon is a bit too efficient in game against heavier armor, even if most of the time the target is only damaged. It was difficult to aim with the RP-3 rockets, and it seems that the Typhoons destroyed far less tanks in Normandy than was first believed.

So the stats of the plane in game might benefit from some improvements; also I didn't managed to have the a/c fire only two rockets at a time; it can only fire a 8 rockets salvo. I don't know what standard practice was, but from war time footage, I would say that the pilot would release the rockets two at a time. For the soft targets, it is a waste to release the whole load in one shot.

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One quick report:

On playing the Tilly map I noticed that the Panthers had turned flouro yellow, is that a fault in the campaign info or could it that something is wrong with the install of my main game. I played it a second time to make sure. And they were still bright yellow.

Also in the campaign battle menu the Tilly battle does not stack in the correct chronological order, some of the other ones do not either but we have covered that further back in the thread.


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I loaded and played a battle from the Lehr campaign with Panthers in it and they were normal in that battle, no yellowness at all. Which is big relief I can tell you. I thought I might have to do a reinstall.

Perhaps the problem lies only in the scenario itself.

I have not changed or in anyway fiddled with my textures etc so do not think the file could be missing or lost from my game directory.


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Hail to you, Gnasher, for the campaign and the ongoing effort.

And full support as to remembering what the British did and that encompasses the full shebang, from September '39 to September '45. There are some around here - that means France - who do not forget ; maybe too few, sadly.

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Not yet, I'm wrestling a problem with mission 3 which isn't as stable as it should be & also looking to improve the FPS on mission 1. I've learnt alot since I originally did these & want to make B3 as good as I can make it.

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I have noticed that you can improve FPS a lot with a delay about 10 000 ms rather than 1000 ms

For the mission 6 of my campaign, which presented this kind of problem, I searched and changed in all triggers this value by something more than 5000

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Beta 3 is up at the repository now - 7 parts total dl of about 320MB


If you want this campaign to work.

Thanks to Arzok for spottiing an initial error (FRANCE 10 points!) leading to part 7 (Missing Cheux map(problem with having to chop up the original ~250MB zip)).

Please post any problems or coments in this thread.



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