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Honch Fall Weiss for PDE

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The only remaining areas of the map to update are Scandinavia, Russia and North America. I will then complete the addition of East and West Africa.

I have decided to change Corps to Garrison/Militia and change Special Forces to Corps. In this was I can have low level infantry like I have always wanted. In addition, Corps will be permitted to transport from coastal tiles, this will simulate evacuations that occured quite frequently in the early years of the war.

Once everything is done including the event scripts for PvP is there anyone who would be interested (and able) to update the AI scripts? Its a big job that I don't necessarily have alot of time to do. I would provide all of the AI scripts that are to be included and they would need to be updated to the new map positions etc.

I was also considering changing artillery to fixed gun positions. Unable to move but able to fire at naval vessels. Thoughts?

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Scandinavia finished.

Will keep arty as they are but will chnage the action points for all countries except the majors to zero so that minor country arty will represent fixed gun positions such as Norweigian coastal guns etc.

Will keep corps as is and will make special forces "divisions" to represent smaller infantry formations.

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The map is done and quite good. If I post it to cmmods will some of you guys download it and give your comments?

I have tried "Road to Victory WW2" and I like the look although its too sparse. Therefore, I have decided that I am also going to make some changes to the graphics in my MOD to give it more of a classic boardgame look. I was wondering if anyone has graphics that they could post for:

Cities: White dot inside a white circle

Capitals: White star inside a white circle

Towns: Smaller, solid white dot.

Port: Blue anchor on a white background inside a blue circle.

I won't change the terrain graphics at this point.

Mines will become industrial/resource area. Does anyone have a good graphic of a factory?

Special Forces will become divisions. I will change the unit graphic accordingly.

I have started work on the unit layer (starting OOB). Following that will be the adjustments to the production, reasearch and combat values. THen I tackle the event scripts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Honch

just wanted to congratulate you for your smaller resource sprites. I think they add a lot to the graphic look of the game. I intend to use them myself!


PS: Apart from that, I cannot see what you are trying to do with your test map. It basically seems to be your original map which is extended in the southern part. What are you up to?

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The map is twice as large East-West and about 1.5 times North-South. I am currently almost done adding in Venezuela, the French and British Guyanas and some of Colombia and Brazil etc. Africa is extended south to Libreville (capital of Free France) on the West and Kenya on the East.

The historical OOB is 99% done.

I have made a couple of other changes:

1. "Infantry Weapons" changed to "Infantry Weapons and Tactics". Germany, USA and UK start with level one although USA and UK units need upgrading. France starts with one chit and Russia and Italy with no chits.

2. "Special Forces" are now "Division". This allows for smaller units in various areas as the map is alot larger. Also allows for Waffen SS militias. It also allows for "evacuations" of divisions from coastal tiles if necessary. Evacuations occured quite frequently in the early part of the war.

3. Norway now has a secondary capital of Bergen. This means that Germany needs to capture this city as well to make Norway surrender.

4. Free France and Venezuela are new countries. Venezuela has a convoy route to USA.

5. Have added a decision script for the UK reinforcement of Greece if Axis invade. YES means a UK unit will be organzied in Greece but Egyptian supply will take a one time hit. NO means status quo.

6. Poland will now have partisans.

7. Only Germany can build rockets.

8. Changed "Mines" to "Industrial/Resource". One of the mine bitmaps has been changed to factories. Factories have been added to tiles for heavily industrialized areas that don't warrant cities such as Coventry, Skoda works next to Prague, Dortmund next to Essen, Detroit automobile industries next to Detroit and Russian industrial areas in the Urals.

9. Malta and Rhodes are now fortified two tile islands allowing infantry AND air units.

10. Some German and Polish pre-war fortified lines have been added.

11. Belgian fort of Ebyn Emal has been added.

I will upload my current map to cmmods. No events or AI scripts are included yet so its just for comments!

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Hello again, i have done some more checking, there are towns/ports in Norway missing names, and maybe Trondheim should be moved upwards some tiles, since it actually is north of Sundsvall in Sweden, and there is a quite big road/railway connecting Trondheim/Sundsvall, in the middle of that road there is a Swedish town called Ostersund that had where fortified guarding against the germans 1940-45.

Keep up the good work!

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Something strange is happening. I ran the editor in non-admin mode on my VISTA laptop and added the rest of the map etc. Its all there as long as I run the editor like this.

If I transfer the CGN file to my XP machine or if I try to run the editor in admin mode in VISTA it shows, just as you have said, half the map etc.

Hubert is checking into this.

In VISTA admin mode and in XP it shows only the file up until the point that I started making changes in non-admin mode in VISTA.

Anyone have any ideas?

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OK, I exported all of the data from the VISTA campaign file and exported it into a new file on my XP machine. It all seems to work now. Whew!!!!!

I WILL NOT attempt to use the editor on my VISTA laptop ANYMORE!

Its on cmmods now. It should have 100% of the map completed except for the weather layer.

It also includes 100% of the OOB and country/campaign data.

Only the scripting needs to be updated to the new map.

In addition, I moved Trondheim and added the rail line as suggested.

Oslo and Stockholm harbours also have shore gun emplacements. Does anyone know of any other ports that had particularly heavy shore defenses?

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I have some more comments:

Shore gus could be placed at Scapa flow(seems to have had some guns), Karlskrona (163,29 Swedens biggest naval base) and Boden (165,13 very big fortress)

I also have some other suggestions:

Make Scharnhorst and Gneisenau heavy battle groups (since they where battleships on 35000tons and not cruisers, maybe Bismarck and Trirpts should be boosted up with some experience to 12 in strength since they where the biggest battleships except the japanese.

I also believe Hungary and Sweden should have the possibility to build one tank group, historically they had 500-800 tanks in ww2.

ANd Bulgary had at it´s peak more soldiers than Hungary(450000 against 350000), that should be shown in the force pool.

Will it be possible to later in the game build shore guns and place that at the atlantic wall for instance?

Will you name all ports/towns that do not have any names yet?

Hope you find these comments helpful

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Good comments.

I will place those shore guns.

The majors will not be able to build shore guns as I used the rockets slot for minor nation shore guns. However, the majors can build fortifications that have good naval defense.

I will adjust the force pools as suggested.

Not sure about changing the German naval units yet.

All ports and towns will be named to match the on screen text. I just haven't done it yet.

I have started on the event scripts. It should only take a few days to get those done and then the game will be ready for PvP. The AI will take some time.

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The PvP version is on cmmods now. I still need to finish the sea weather layer and add the port and city names. (The on map text is complete)

Comments please.

greetings, well, first of all i want to give a great thanks you for select the european theater map and do all (without doubt) hard work to place the events, hope the nuclear bomb is only optional, much games implement it anyway, i am going to give a try to your campaign and will come with the feedback as i have an empty slot for a play still in august, usually i change much things under my own concept of perfection before playing a scenario but these can take on some bugs, so, i will play unmodded and give feedback if it can be of help,

thanks again for the good-outstanding scenario,

and with best regards,


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