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Honch Fall Weiss for PDE

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Version 5 will be up later.

Adjusted the build limits to make use of Axis minor and Italian manpower critical for Germany.

Added Polish partisans and Warsaw uprising

Added Vlassov defection script.

Corrected atomic bomb scripts.

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Cool beanz....Honch i am goin to try to make a mod of the Korean war since your maps are geographicly awesome would you recomend a source...also just wanted to say your mod inspired me to attempt this korean war madness

so once more i say awesome work on a outstanding mod!!!

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Funny you should say that, I actually played last night and Germany had jets by late 1941. Due to all of the extra MPPs floating around I am going to adjust the research costs.

There also seems to be a problem with the De Gaulle and Free French units. I am working on that.

There is also an issue with Russian and Yugoslav partisans not appearing, working on that.

Let me know any other issues.

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Question for all players of my MOD:

I recently read a book about Operation Sealion. Churchill had apparently approved a plan to use poison gas on German troops when they landed in England. The UK (as most other major nations) had large stockpiles of gas that were never used.

In the case of a Sealion I was going to set up a decision event. "Our generals recommend use of poison gas on the invading German troops. We expect most nations to condemn the attacks but are quite confidant that the invasion forces will suffer such dramatic casualties that they will be soundly defeated. Do you wish to use poison gas?"

In the case of a NO, status quo, in the case of a YES, the German units in the UK take a heavy strength hit, the USA and USSR condemn the attacks and their readiness drops 20-25%, Spain and Sweden join the Axis.

What do you think?

I think that it would give a neat ahistorical option.

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The De Gaulle and Free French scripts are fixed. I beleive that that the Soviet and Yugoslav partisan scripts are working now and I have adjusted research and unit costs upwards by 10-20% to account for the higher MPP levels.

I will post tonight.

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Honch i like this idea...but think the USA should take a larger hit than the USSR also if UK uses gas the germans should have a decision event for something...maybe increased rocket range? in answer to the gas attack...also i changed the AAA range to 2 that way Axis cant just sweep the air in USSR with relative ease

also just a thought but since the Allies are so aggressive in ASW in 39 i gave the germans 1 more sub so they can actually get to some convoys like they did historicly...great job once more...would like to see a decision event centered around the full alliance that Stalin offered Adolph in 40 just a thought might not be a good one tho!

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I added the Poison Gas Decision script and tried it out. It ROCKS!

I added a German sub to the production queue.

I also significantly increased the Urals industry for the USSR but reduced their initial industrial output.

Posting version 6 now.

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Hello Honch,

liked your scenario very much, great work!

but a few thoughs on how to make it even better(played on axis at intermed and 1 XP for allies):

- possible to use a bigger map (may be thrawns map)

- Submarines are only paperboats without use, because they can't watch very far to avoid incomming destroyers and the hunters are like they always know where you are

- what about starting at 1938 or early 1939 with spanish civil war to gain more experienced units (tanks and aircraft) or the anex of Czech Republic to gain more modern units like PzKw38(t) for Italy maybe the possiblity to chose in invasion of Albania and send troops to Spain or Ethiopia

- possiblity to put "special" units into like SS troops instead of Brandenburger or PzGren Div ? maybe tougher but only regiment or brigade level

- Reducement of menpower in artyunits to 5 to reflect they were no "army" but just brigades?

- make airdefense unit also be able to attack landbased units(think of the 88mm flak) ?

- make building up bunker a little bit faster

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Originally posted by user73:

Hello Honch,

liked your scenario very much, great work!

but a few thoughs on how to make it even better(played on axis at intermed and 1 XP for allies):

- possible to use a bigger map (may be thrawns map)

- Submarines are only paperboats without use, because they can't watch very far to avoid incomming destroyers and the hunters are like they always know where you are

- what about starting at 1938 or early 1939 with spanish civil war to gain more experienced units (tanks and aircraft) or the anex of Czech Republic to gain more modern units like PzKw38(t) for Italy maybe the possiblity to chose in invasion of Albania and send troops to Spain or Ethiopia

- possiblity to put "special" units into like SS troops instead of Brandenburger or PzGren Div ? maybe tougher but only regiment or brigade level

- Reducement of menpower in artyunits to 5 to reflect they were no "army" but just brigades?

- make airdefense unit also be able to attack landbased units(think of the 88mm flak) ?

- make building up bunker a little bit faster

greetings, i, well, Really, will love a mod with thrawn outstanding map and the experience in script by Honch, will be a great scenario, it will be as work by two excellent moddders combined, only can be a great outstanding scenario,

best regards,


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Hey Honch,

I'm late with this but I like the idea of poison gas - and the idea of strength hits and the US and USSR reacting is good also.

I don't really think that the UK using gas would have caused Spain to join the Axis, and doubt Yugo would have either. Those options seem like a real stretch to me.

But letting them use gas is GREAT - I have no doubt Churchill would have done WHATEVER IT TOOK to defend the UK.

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Thanks for all of the feedback guys. I will be away in the UK on holiday until mid-July now and will put some thought into the recommendations.

I may take a stab at MODDING my campaign using the expanded Thrawn map as I have a grip now on the AI scripting.

I just finished a full game as Axis at beginner level. It was fantastic!

Usual fall of Poland, Netherlands, Denmark and Belgium. France fell in May 1940.

I sealioned UK in summer 1940 and it was a dogfight until early 1941. Churchill put poison gas on the beachheads and called out the home guard. It devestated the initial attack and killed Von Runstedt! I managed to barely reinforce the invasion armies after letting North Africa completely fall to the British.

Spain and Sweden were horrified at the gas attack. Spain joined me and I used them to garrison the UK as I transferred to the East.

Italy DOWd Greece and as usual it took German intervention to take it. Didn't have a chance to take Crete though when the USSR started to make rumblings. They DOWd me in May 1941.

By end of 1941 I had taken Leningrad and Moscow and was advancing on Rostov and Gorky but winter hammered me and it took the entire Finnish army to keep the partisans down south of Leningrad.

The Russians actually drove the Rumanians back to Odessa and I had to send Rommel and units to take Voronezh and stop their advance.

That caused the fall of Gorky to stall and I never was able to take Rostov and the Caucasus until the USSR surrendered.

In summer 1942 I was at the Urals but stalled before Stalingrad as reinforcements were tough to transfer in as the Poles continually sabatoged the rail lines through Poland.

The US DOWd me in late 1942 and started bombing poor Italy from Libya. They made a naval foray into the North Sea but my few German and Spanish units pushed them back with loss.

In November 1943 I swept through the Urals and that pretty much did it for the Russians. In February 1943 I took Stalingrad and USSR surrendered. There were still significant pockets of resistance at that point including Rostov and the Caucasus and the far north.

My subs saw a HUGE US transport fleet in the Atlantic in spring 1943 but they were very slow and I put a Spanish unit in Ireland and Iceland.

I swept through Iran, Iraq and took Alexandria in June 1943. The US fleet was in range of Ireland but that was it, VICTORY!

Changes I did notice that I needed to make...More USSR partisans and over a wider area, more aggressive AI if UK falls. If they had put troops ashore in Sicily, Portugal or Greece in 1942 I would have had a very tough time.

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Hitler despised chemical warfare and refused to allow its use despite Germany having developed a new form of agent Nerve gas would have had a much greater effect then the mustered/phosgene gases as the effects were immediate and protective equipment against it were limited

I'm sure if Churchill had used chemical agents then Hitler would have bombed London and with Nerve agents depopulating it possibly forcing early capitulation of England.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, I am now back and will be undertaking adaption of my HONCH MOD to the "true" corps level map created by ALARIC, THRAWN and such. I will include all of the extra cities and towns, historical OOB and event scripts and intersting place names etc. I will release the PvP MOD when the event scripts are done and then will get working on the AI scripts.

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I am going to give regular updates as to my progress in transferring my MOD to the corps level map as well as any new additions. Its alot of work as the map, while excellent work in its own right, is not 100% to my liking.

1. Made all desired map adjustments to UK, Ireland, France, Belgium and Netherlands including all of their territories. Many of my map changes are directly from WIF final edition maps.

2. Made Malta an "oversized" island that will allow a land unit AND an air unit.

3. Expanded the map to allow for East and West Africa (Central Africa will be non-passable for the most part) and the remainder of the Arabian peninsula.

4. I plan on adding Vichy West Africa (Dakar) and Free France as separate nations now.

5. I will be removing all unit "names" from land and air units in place of generic units. It is too difficult to ensure that all these unit names are correct. HQ and naval units will retain their names.

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Update number 2 on the new expanded HONCH MOD:

1. All map changes have been applied to Greece (I just have to reposition Crete), Germany, Poland, Denmark and the Baltic States.

2. I have recombined the Baltic States into one nation. There is no reason to keep them separate. Having them separate makes it necessary to have Kaunus and Tallin as full capital cities which they really shouldn't be in the context of this MOD.

3. There were quite a few roads and railways that were not properly connected to ports and resources etc. These problems are adding to the time needed to adjust the map.

4. Germany seems to be slightly stretched on the East-West axis. I have moved a couple of cities and rivers but it will have to be lived with.

5. Expect to have the map completely done by the weekend and will then start on the historical starting OOB.

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