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Scenario: The Curve

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The Curve v2 is now up!

More time, improved point system, fixed typo, and a few gameplay changes.

Secure a dangerous section of road so an

important convoy makes it through safely.

Map is based on a real-world location in Iraq. Just east of Al Khalis to be exact. Have fun!

Please let me know what you think so I can improve on the next one.

[ December 25, 2007, 01:26 AM: Message edited by: the Fighting Seabee ]

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Originally posted by SlapHappy:

This is tough.

The one hour time limit seems a little short....but then again two hours would probably seem short the way I play.....

I'm still blowing the bugle call for an unlimited time option, heh heh.

I´m slow too. I´d like the unlimited time option myself.

The pressure of time can be interesting in some missions, like this one it makes a lot of sense.

But It´s very nice to take it slowly too.

I´ve just finished this one. Will post a AAR soon.


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Originally posted by the Fighting Seabee:

Quick mission self patch...

Add time. It's at 1 hour right now, add more if you like.

Adjust points. Right now it's leaning heavily toward the Red team. Just add some points to the blue side to even it up a bit.

Yes. That's the issues I found while playing.

I think you should adjust that and upload a 1.1 version or something.

Apart from that it is a very nice scenario. I really enjoyed it.

For me it was a good break from testing missions with only infantry.

Here you have more toys to play with. Loads of DShKs! Swoooooooooosh, boom!!! :D

First time I tried it I placed the four Strykers hidden on the woods to the right of the main road. I thought they were too vulnerable on the road and the terrain seem pretty flat. The HQ inside the house I placed on the roof.

One thing to notice is the terrain looks flat but has some interesting elevations that block LOS in a very clever way.

I moved 1st Platoon through the woods using the dirt road, and started killing the enemy on the way.

The HQ fired and destroyed the IED car that appears as the mission starts.

Soon I moved one of my Strykers to the right of the map (West?), and venture closer to the house, firing a few shots at them to check for enemies inside. Moved another Stryker in that direction as well but further to the west to next group of 3 houses with a tall wall behind them. Same procedure. Then popped smoke and moved the men to the roof.

Now I left only one Stryker in the woods and moved the third one back to the main road. I had spoted 4 machineguns on some buildings and RPGs as well.

Time to call air support. Too many Helos and not enough artillery for my taste. The Kiowas and all helos for that matter are not very accurate and take take as long as artillery to arrive but for minimal help. Anyhow I used all I had available. I had no idea if I had to used them more carefully or if there would be plenty of them.

At this point the Scouts arrived. Another 4 Strykers! Great. I used them to reinforce my previous positions.

Soon though I had lost 2 Strykers to RPGs. On in the woods and another one guarding the west flank.

By then the tecnicals started to arrive but were destroyed quickly.

The air strike apparent blew a car IED on the road corner.

The convoy arrives. Around 45 minutes to go.

I figure that is enough but the truth is you have to take it reall slow since the enemy pops up everywhere all the time.

I finished the mission having secured both objectives, the zone to be secured, the curve and took the convoy to the exit area.

Still I lost!!!! Tactical Defeat.

That was disapointing, after all the struggle!

In the end screen I saw the Reds have some different objectives, some areas they must hold. But since the player doesnt know that he cant try to control then, therefore loses.

Apart from that though I thought it was a lot of fun, very interesting mission.

Well done the Fighting Seabee !!!


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I played Veteran RT.

I got to the EXIT on time. Just about. But yes I was running against the clock.

But this is actually good. I mean when you manage to find out exactly what needs to be tweaked to make your mission perfect.

You don't need to change the force mix.

Add more time.

Adjust the points and objectives and that's it.

But of course it's your mission. If you think the time pressure adds to the challenge, don't change that.


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I guess I just piddle around too much in RT play. I'm not aggressive enough because I'm afraid of taking losses.

Interestingly, when I made my best progress in WEGO, I had 0 Killed, 8 wounded. Pulled out a tactical victory.

Actually I have three turns left, but I doubt my scores will change much in that short time-frame. There isn't enough time do much as far away as I am from the EXIT area.

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I had to edit this one to 2 hours. The idea of getting more of my troops killed to satisfy an arbitrary time limit just sort of bugs me. Don't the operations of this size take much much longer to complete in real life? What is the reason for the hour long time limit? Is this a QRF or something that needs to rescue a unit somewhere else and has no time to clear the area?

Anyway, at 2 hours it was a ton of fun and still very challenging. Good mix of units and I found the support options to be really useful. The gunship rockets are fairly useless (and they caused 3-4 FF losses because of their bugged accuracy), but I found the cannons to be really useful for targeting buildings.

Anyway, thanks for the scenario.

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I totally agree with you guys.

The time... really the only consideration with time is that during convoy ops, you generally don't want to hang around for 2 hours in a kill zone. But, the mission really is a "secure" type mission so we really do need the full time.

The points... I will adjust them. Don't feel bad about how the program says you did, sounds to me like you guys did better than me, so you get a Total Victory from me.

The setup... I wanted the battle to seem like an ambush, meaning you get a little more than what you expected. In these densely populated areas, the militias have lived their entire lives there and they know every nook and cranny in the area. I definitely was going for the feeling of having these guys coming out of the woodwork to attack from all directions. I wanted it to be exciting, and somewhat realistic at the same time.

Otherwise, I'm glad you guys liked it! For my second mission (not including Zarqawis Last Day) it's not too bad. I'm learning the editor now and have some more ideas.

What did you guys think of the realworld location??? I tried to do the map pretty close. Ended up having to cut it down a bit, it originally looked more like the google earth view.

Thanks for playing!

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Thanks for the detailed AAR. Your strategy was a good one. Had you gone the left route you may have encountered some "additional difficulties". And you got lucky with the carbombs. The last time I played, the bomber made it all the way to the buildings at the beginning and took out half my platoon! Luckily I took out the second one with small arms fire. It's cool that the choppers were able to take out the second one for you. I agree with your comment about the choppers too, but I think it is realistic and common for the patrols and convoys in Iraq to have choppers overhead or nearby.

The whole point thing, I'll have to play with that to get it right. Anyways, great AAR. I appreciate it. It really helps me to improve the scenario. :D

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This is a tough one Fighting Seabee, I'd say the time limit is definitely the limiting factor. I managed a draw (550 each side) but didn't make it to the exit zone (forgot to look at my KIA/WIA).

Both sides managed some of their objectives and met their Friendly casualty reqs.

I am as non-authoritative a source as can be for accuracy in the modern era so I have a question; if the lead elements ran into stiff resistance like this, would the convoy keep coming on or would the situation be re-evaluated (more time, delay the convoy or re-route, call up some troops, etc.)?

I suppose that's part of why added time and a downward adjustment of Red's forces are being advocated heh. Maybe 1 1/2 hours, slightly reduced Red forces and have the convoy show up a little later (dunno if an ambush ahead means the convoy behind would be told to slow down or not)?

Anyway, I think the map's pretty great. The location is pretty interesting and doesn't feel artificially constructed to present a specific type of fight. I don't know if that make sense, but sometimes when I fire up a map and look at the terrain I have a moment of "Oh, so it's going to be that kind of fight". I didn't know what to expect here and that was good.

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Hi Cameroon (Andreas),

You're exactly correct. I am changing several things about the scenario. I'm making the time 2 hours, so you can end when you want (after all, you are the commander here). Also, I have added points to the blue map objectives so you get more points for actually securing the zones.

Great idea with the convoy... I thought of that when I was playing but I was able to let them chill at the entrance zone where they came in until it was time for a mad dash. The only problem with the convoy just sitting around somewhere else is that it might get ambushed while all the combat troops are busy up the road. So basically I wanted to keep them together. However, you still have a point. I will change when they arrive for a later time, but you're still going to have to make sure they have a safe zone to arrive in, and a safe place to park if they can't move out yet.

Thanks for the AAR! I will address these concerns and put out v2 very soon.

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Seabee, maybe have occasional rebel forces appear from offmap near the Blue entrance zone to keep the player on his toes, so that he provides constant security for the convoy? The car bomber at the beginning of the scenario was a great example of how you might do such a thing. I was caught totally off guard smile.gif

My solution to the map was pretty gamey - I kept the convoy near the entrance until the map was clear.

It's too bad you can't have allied forces under AI control with the plan to move down the road at a slow speed. The player would be encouraged to move at the specific rate that you want them to.

I have a feeling that moving it to 2 hours AND giving more points for objectives may tip it a bit too far to the blue side, but who knows. It was challenging for me @ 2 hours, but only in the sense that I had to be very patient and methodical, making sure an area was clear before I moved up infantry. I think I finished with roughly 20 minutes left on the clock.

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Thanks guys.

Sorry Camaroon, I won't call you Andreas any more smile.gif .

Molotov Billy, glad you played it again with more time. I pretty much used the same strategy of leaving the convoy at the start. But I am in the process of changing the scenario a bit. The convoy now will arrive 45 minutes in so you will have more time to secure (I'm retesting and will put it up on CMMODS in a day or two). You also mentioned that red guys should come up to the starting point... there is a squad with orders to move in toward that area, but if you have secured the entrance area well, your guys take them out pretty quick. Anyways, I'm really glad you guys like the mission. When I'm done fixing it, it should be just about perfect. I really appreciate your input.

Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!!

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