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CMBO scen for CM:SF update

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Chance Encounter is up but will be reviewed and modified when 1.05 is released.

Last Defense is completed but will hold for patch and final testing

Riesberg is in the works. Should be released for Christmas.

Valley of Trouble...If Community interest stays high then I'll take a run at this in the New Year

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Well, maybe I could send it to one of you guys to take a look. I don't have CMBO on this machine and just played it by ear ;)


OPORD: 07-11

Reference Map, Series Map V11

Time Zone used Throughout the Order: Local


A/3 Stryker Rifle Company (Dismounted)

A/3 Recon Platoon (Dismounted)

3rd Btn 120-mm Section

A Company 81-mm Section

B/3 Stryker Rifle Platoon

B/3 Stryker Rifle Platoon

B/3 Stryker Rifle Platoon

B/3 Stryker HQ

B Company 81-mm Section

A/2 1st Platoon Tank 1

A/2 1st Platoon Tank 2


Our supply lines have been raided by highly skilled enemy forces, UAV's have detected their base of operations in the Mountian region of Kashal. They are using the town of Al Samkit as a base of operations. Division HQ has commanded you to clear the area of enemy forces and capture the town, protecting our rear supply lines as the main effort moves forward.

a. Enemy Forces. ANNEX B (Intelligence Overlay [prepared by battalion S2]).

(1) The company is opposed by elements Red Company at unknown strength. Exact force compesition is unknown due to terrain restrictions but estimates are no more than a Platoon size at best. The enemy has small arms weapons, RPG's, ATGM's, Heavy Machine gun emplacements, and may call on company mortars for support. The enemy is also known to have NVG elements.

(2) Current indications are the enemy is dug in with prepared positions around the objectives. They are known to have high motivation and based on past attacks are extremely effective and very deadly. Do not underestimate their capabilities, and although we have the advantage of attacking at night, some of them have NVG.

b. Friendly Forces.

(1) 1st Platoon attacks at 0400 hours to seize Objective Hill 105. The intent is to clear Hill 105, and provide overwatch over the rest of Company A's attack on the town of Al Salkit.

(2) 2nd and 3rd Platoon is the main effort and will seize Objective BRIDGE, before clearly enemy through the valley and size Al Salkit.

(3) 1st Recon Platoon is in the zone of operation and has reported minimal enemy activity. 1st Recon is to move forward and identify enemy positions for the rest of Company A.

(4) Due to heavy enemy ATGM and RPG activity, Company A will carry out the mission dismounted and without Stryker support. If need be however, Company B can be on station to support Company A in around 30 minutes, and two tanks from 3rd Mech can be sent in 60 minutes.


Company A attacks at night to seizes Objective BRIDGE and the town of Al Samkit at 0400 hours in order to prevent the enemy from moving in behind our supply lines. Company A is dismounted to try and use the element of surprise, and also due to heavy enemy ATGM and RPG activity.


a. Concept of Operation. ANNEX C (Operations Overlay).

(1) Maneuver. 1st Recon is to move forward through the cover of the trees and identify as many enemy positions as possible. 1st Platoon then is to advance and secure Hill 105 to clear the hill of enemy forces, and then provide overwatch over the town of Al Salkit for 2nd and 3rd Platoons attack. 2nd and 3rd Platoon are to sieze objective BRIDGE and clear the valley in order to attack Al Salkit. If enemy resistance is stiff, A company is to fortify its positions and wait for B company to move through and seize the town. Two Tanks from 3rd Mech will also arrive but should advance with infantry due to the high ATGM and RPG threat in the area.

(2) Fire support.

(a) Priority of fires.

Initially to 1st Platoon. Upon seizure of Hill 105, priority shifts to 2nd and 3rd Platoons.

(B) Priority targets.

No priority targets at this point, since exact enemy locations are unknown.

b. Tasks to maneuver units.

(1) 1st Platoon. Destroy enemy elements on Hill 105 and take up overwatch positions.

(2) 2nd Platoon. Assault and clear enemy forces around Objective BRIDGE, then support 3rd Platoon.

(3) 3rd Platoon. Move through 2nd Platoons position and assault the town of Al Salkit.

c. Tasks to combat support units.

(1) 1st Recon Team. Advance through cover and determine enemy positions for Supporting Fires and attacking units.

c. Service and Support units

(1) Medical: Company casualty collection point is grid 5443.

(2) EPW: EPW collection point is grid 5632.


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Valley of trouble had two steep hills with a small town. It featured the M4 105 and Panthers...first look at both back then. It may have been the last pre-CMBO gold scen. It was re-done for CMAK as were the others I'm working on.

I start by using the CMAK maps (CMBO doesn't run on my machine)and try to match the layout and forces as closely as possible. I have as a goal to retain a good likeness and similar playability of the originals. I hope that players who played the originals to death during the long wait for CMBO will be able to recall those Halcyon days of old.

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It's important that you flip the unit quality around. Reds must be set at crack or elite and Blues to regular. Care and attention to vehicle Quality setting and limiting Blue AT weapons by using "scarce" all help to give it that WW2 flavor, Check out the Unit setups in Chance encounter and you'll get a pretty good picture. The CMBO Riesberg scen used a higher Fantaticism setting... so you can count on the CM:SF rendering to do the same. My general view of force dominance in CM:SF is that it's not so much different the CMx1...The Syrians are the new Americans is all

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Originally posted by DaveDash:

Yes. In my map above I have simulated a bridge and water using marsh.

However I think in CMBO bridges could be destroyed? Which is about the only thing lacking from CM:SF at the moment regarding bridges apart from asthetics.

I'll love it when the bridges show up...sure to be spectacular. In play testing I found that shelling a bridge can crater it and block vehicles. and the swamp for water stops them too. by using Mud for shallow crossing points troops and vehicles can still get through. All just work arounds, mind you...
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As Posted in main Forum:


Three old CMBO Friends spruced up and ready to fight!

"Last Defense": Can a lone Infantry Company hold out against a powerful Red armor force?

"Riesberg": The wars winding down but these reds just won't give up!

"Chance Encounter": Towards the end of the war, as the red front lines crumbled...! Special note Many small revisions made to improve this from our original effort.

We've boxed them up all pretty and bright just for YOU this Christmas...Oh, Oh, Oh!

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Does anyone else find Riesberg too hard considering the very short time limit, and the good defensive positions of the Syrians?

I suffered a total defeat which I think is a first for my CMSF experience. I probably could have got a draw or tactical victory with a bit more time.

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Riesberg feels impossible to win in Real Time to me. In the 30 minute timeframe I barely managed to advance to the edge of the woods. Never tried again.

The AI plans in 'Last Defense' rock, though.

Unfortunately, the reinforcements are beamed into plain sight of the enemy and at least one of them died instantly in my attempts. Did not make a lot of sense to me.

Best regards,


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Originally posted by Rollstoy:

Riesberg feels impossible to win in Real Time to me. In the 30 minute timeframe I barely managed to advance to the edge of the woods. Never tried again.

The AI plans in 'Last Defense' rock, though.

Unfortunately, the reinforcements are beamed into plain sight of the enemy and at least one of them died instantly in my attempts. Did not make a lot of sense to me.

Best regards,


Hi Rolls: Please keep in mind LD placement is true to the original setup. To do it differently would have run counter to the design premise.
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Originally posted by Webwing:

I won in Riesberg on my first try!!!! Maybe I'm really getting better at this game!!!! :D

RT Veteran

It was very well balanced I thought. Tough and challenging but not impossible.

BUT Mark has said there are 5 plans!!!

So maybe I got the easiest one of all. I wouldn't be surprised. smile.gif


Congrats!...Riesberg Blue forces are very powerful and should do the job. It's true that the AI can fight you pretty tough and depending on the plan coupled with a bit of luck, hand the Blues a stunning upset. But generally the player will come out on top. I tend to play the Red side and know just how much that luck plays for the besieged Red troops...
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