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New Campaign - Crossroads Trilogy

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Crossroads Trilogy

Latest version 1.1 (10 dec 2007)

Ready to fight 3 missions in one day?

Crossroads v1.3 plus two other brand new missions. A mini-campaign with 3 missions linked by the same storyline. The map is the same and they share the same plot but the missions are radically different in many aspects. Read on!

This is a one day struggle to take control of this important crossroads.


Mission 1: Crossroads

0900hs - 90 minutes where you will have to fight for every inch you advance. Here you will have to prove that you are a real infantryman! No tanks, no IFVs, no artillery, no air support. You have your gun and your fellow soldiers and that’s it. Conserve your ammo, use sound infantry tactics, secure the right spots before the main attack. Can you deliver the goods?


Mission 2: Crossroads II – The Rescue

1200hs - Fast paced 30 minute mission. Race against the clock as you try to rescue the soldiers surrounded by enemy forces. You’ll have to act quickly to get them out before a massive force from the enemy comes to reclaim the crossroads. The last 10 minutes are crucial! Here you do get some Bradleys and artillery to help you accomplish your goal.


Mission 3: Crossroads III – Retribution

1600hs – Time for payback. You lost many soldiers, and could only watch in shock. Now you have the force you need to wipe the enemy from the map. Missing the Abrams and heavy artillery support? They are back. Seal and block the escape routes. Encircle the enemy. Let no one escape. Use your might to destroy the enemy and take control of the crossroads once and for all. Duration: 45 minutes.(The map here gets another 500m to allow you to prepare you encirclement properly!)

I'd appreciate your feedback.

This is my first campaign so it will certainly need some tweaking still.

Hope you enjoy it.

Good luck!

Download at CMMODS.


[ December 10, 2007, 02:03 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]

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Originally posted by Rollstoy:

Three missions on the same map? Too bad that map damage does not carry over ... :(

Hope to play your campaign soon!

Best regards,


Since you don't have access to armor and heavy firepower you can't really damage the map too much! Except on the last battle.

Hope you like it.

Report here when your are done please!


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Originally posted by the Fighting Seabee:


Thank you Webwing. Are you the first one to put out a campaign?

At the end of the first mission I have established a line and am slowly moving forward. Looking forward to being relieved by some apc's...

Hope you really like. Come back to say how it went.

And yes I guess we are making history here!!! ;)

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OK, 1st mission... I established a line and slowly began moving my men forward. I had made some good progress until the mission ended.

Me:8kia 61wia. Syria:61kia, 94wia.

2nd mission. I was a little disappointed to find that all the land I just took was now unoccupied. I'll just say that the dimwits up in HQ made us pull back what we fought so hard for. So... I try to rush one Bradley platoon up the left hill, no problem. Then I rushed half the other platoon forward and the other half to the right. They were met with a hail of RPG's. I lost a lot of men there right off the bat. The squads that are surrounded decide to call in heavy artillery strikes all around them. This slows down the enemy and enables the rest of my guys to move up, but the enemy survives with enough firepower to take out a couple more of my Bradleys. So now I have like 6 squads that are all tore up and also need to be rescued. That's when it hits... a whole damn mechanized company comes out of nowhere and tears my guys to pieces.

Me: 44kia, 38wia, 5 mia, 9 vehicles lost.

Syria: 43kia, 17wia, 2mia, 2 tanks lost.

So basically I got my butt kicked. I couldn't get my forces to the rescue point and leave before the mech arrived.

Now mission 3. I have not yet completed this one but believe me, the opposing forces are gonna pay!

Webwing... good campaign man. The only problem I really have is that what I do in the first mission doesn't seem to have any affect on the others. Otherwise, a great challenge on a very fun map.

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Originally posted by the Fighting Seabee:

The only problem I really have is that what I do in the first mission doesn't seem to have any affect on the others.

**** whining mode on ****

Certainly a point where CMx1 was superior!!! I hope they will bring back persistent map damage and perhaps persistent unit locations.

**** whining mode off ****

Best regards,


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Originally posted by the Fighting Seabee:

OK, 1st mission... I established a line and slowly began moving my men forward. I had made some good progress until the mission ended.

Me:8kia 61wia. Syria:61kia, 94wia.

2nd mission. I was a little disappointed to find that all the land I just took was now unoccupied. I'll just say that the dimwits up in HQ made us pull back what we fought so hard for. So... I try to rush one Bradley platoon up the left hill, no problem. Then I rushed half the other platoon forward and the other half to the right. They were met with a hail of RPG's. I lost a lot of men there right off the bat. The squads that are surrounded decide to call in heavy artillery strikes all around them. This slows down the enemy and enables the rest of my guys to move up, but the enemy survives with enough firepower to take out a couple more of my Bradleys. So now I have like 6 squads that are all tore up and also need to be rescued. That's when it hits... a whole damn mechanized company comes out of nowhere and tears my guys to pieces.

Me: 44kia, 38wia, 5 mia, 9 vehicles lost.

Syria: 43kia, 17wia, 2mia, 2 tanks lost.

So basically I got my butt kicked. I couldn't get my forces to the rescue point and leave before the mech arrived.

Now mission 3. I have not yet completed this one but believe me, the opposing forces are gonna pay!

Webwing... good campaign man. The only problem I really have is that what I do in the first mission doesn't seem to have any affect on the others. Otherwise, a great challenge on a very fun map.

Thanks a lot for the feedback.

About things not having effect on the next mission, which is one of the neat features of a campaign, the problem was: Since you lose a lot of men, it was very difficult for me to figure out how many men you would have left to fight the next one and to have it balanced.

As you can see the way it is now it is already hard to balance and not make it too easy and not too hard for most players.

I have another campaign in the works that will definitely have this feature implemented. I'm structuring it in a different manner.

Good luck with the last mission.


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Originally posted by Rollstoy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by the Fighting Seabee:

The only problem I really have is that what I do in the first mission doesn't seem to have any affect on the others.

**** whining mode on ****

Certainly a point where CMx1 was superior!!! I hope they will bring back persistent map damage and perhaps persistent unit locations.

**** whining mode off ****

Best regards,

Thomm </font>

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Yeah Webwing, we have to have somewhat of an imagination to play games like this in the first place. All you have to do is fill in the blanks, like when I said I blamed HQ for making us pull back from what we took, just to have to retake it. That stuff happens all the time for many reasons, so it's not like it's fully out of the range of believability.

I'm looking forward to your future stuff. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Rollstoy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Webwing:

But lets get down to business: Have you finished it Rollstoy?

Not yet! GeorgeMCs Rescue kept me busy on the weekend, not to mention constant heavy doses of Real Life!

But it sure sounds tasty! Maybe sometime this week ...

Best regards,

Thomm </font>

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Well the battle is over, resulting in Total Victory for the U.S.

Initial reports indicate U.S. casualties amount to 40 KIA, 62 Wounded, and 5 Armored Vehicles lost. It is reported the Syrians suffered 408 KIA, 266 Wounded, 8 Tanks Lost, and 11 Armored Vehicles lost.

Pictures and an indepth report from the battlefield to come (When my internet speeds up tongue.gif )

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Mission 1

The first was Crossroads. U.S. HUMINT got word of the Syrian plans. They would engage our forces once reinforced, and launch a counter-attack from the western flank.

U.S. plan was then to move two platoons west and capture the hill - while using a blocking force from buildings in th middle with 3rd platoon. B company would then move through A companies positions and take the town.

Turns out our intelligence was wrong (I got plan 2). The Syrians engaged our men as soon as they left their cover!


My platoon took heavy casualties and were pinned down. Not a good start. They managed to surpress the Syrian forces however and I snuck squads, on at a time, up the ridgeline to outflank the Syrians.

I managed to route the Syrians from their foothold in the hills, and also captured the buildings north of my position to act as a blocking force.

The Syrians seemed to be massing for a counter-attack on the eastern flank, opposite to what INTEL said, but they would get cut down if they tried. Annoyingly, before taking up blocking positions, 2nd Platoon took casualties from the opposing force on the hill before they even got to move. Also, 1st Platoon gained the hill too late to inflict heavy casualties on the enemy moving around in the town, although the irregular reinforcements were cut down as they tried to run across the open ground.

Meanwhile, I send one of the recon squads around to collect casualties and help the wounded.


B company arrived on the scene, and pushed up the eastern flank. It looks like most of the enemy have been killed now or are out of ammo as my men search for targets to engage. Everything is quiet and it seems the crossroads will soon be mine.

Two squads from 1st Platoon, B company, cross the ridgeline between the eastern most houses and an entire Syrian platoon is on the reverse slope waiting for them. Chaos ensures and the Squads takes heavy damage. I rush 2nd Platoon forward along the Orchard to help, but they get cut down by Syrians on the rooftops. This is where I took significant casualties. B companies advance halts as they fight tooth and nail with the Syrians and try to deal with their wounded. (I try not to leave wounded soldiers lying on the battlefiend).

3rd Platoon, A company advances across the western flank to try and gain a foothold on the town, and take the heat off B company. The houses are jammed packed with enemy units however and 3rd Platoon, A company gets pinned down and takes heavy casualties.

B company eventually overwhelms the enemy after some hard fighting and the Syrians finally surrender with 32 minutes left to go.


Total Victory: 9 KIA 44 Wounded

So I got the other AI plan. I think the original one however is more polished and a bit harder. I also think all the uncon guys that run across the ridge should turn up on technicals and reinforce the armys positions, would make for a hell of a fight. Still, I love this mision.

Mission 2

Plan was to gain the western hill and move all Bradley units around and attack the town from the west. I rushed this one a bit and foolishly didn't dismount all my men. 3 Bradleys were destroyed in the chaos that prevailed after the Syrian counter-attack, frying the squads in them. All the ambushed men survived.

Major Victory: 19 KIA 9 Wounded 3 AV lost

This mission wasnt too bad. If I wasnt so careless I probably could have won it with no loses.

Mission 3

Well I noticed I was given a vast array of forces and massive artillery support. I wonder then what I must be up against.

I decide to peek my tanks over the ridges first to draw some fire and take a look, while also moving the FO into position to blow the town to smitherines before moving any men in there.

My tanks make short work of all enemy armour in the town, they don't even get to fire a shot.


I then move my FO into position and call down quick, genereal artillery bursts on all the houses he can see. I just know they're going to be loaded full of Syrians. I also move the platoon near the west hill into position to take the hill to spot enemy units. Unfortunately though I stray too close one Stryker is destroyed by RPG fire along with the squad in it.

I decide to hang back and I bring hell down upon most areas of the town where I know infantry are.


My artillery decimates most of the enemy infantry in town, and I gingerly move my tanks in to explore around before sending any infantry in.

My tanks make short work of any infantry remaining in town, my scout Platoon takes some casualties while they advance across the south-east fields, it appears the last few buildings still have quite a few Syrians occupying them, and they don't realise the fight is lost. My tanks quickly destroy the buildings and the Syrians in them.


Total Victory: 12 KIA 9 Wounded 2 AV lost

All in all pretty easy. I got the feeling this mission was designed to be easy so the player got to feel some payback.

I think the first mission is still the best by far. The campaign could have been more fun if the maps were more designed around each mission, and that would probably require new maps. The rescue one, for example, could be fun if your supply line further back supplying the now captured crossroads needed clearing, and then the final mission could be YOU have to defend the crossroads with your resupplied two companies against some sort of overwhelming assault.

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You have been awarded the title of official tester/reviewer for these missions! ;)

You got everything figured. The intentions and the shortcomings.

Originally posted by DaveDash:

Turns out our intelligence was wrong (I got plan 2)...........

..... So I got the other AI plan. I think the original one however is more polished and a bit harder. I also think all the uncon guys that run across the ridge should turn up on technicals and reinforce the armys positions, would make for a hell of a fight. Still, I love this mision.

Apparently you did. And this one is slighty easier. Some flaws were fixed though. See the update 1.1

I have a plan 3 in place now. 8 groups, many orders for each.

Problem is that with the same force it has now became too difficult! I know what and were they are and can't seem to manage to win this one!!! :D

I also changed the point system. You get less points for conserving your troops and more for taking the crossroads.

It's on hold for now until I can manage to make it playable.

This mission wasnt too bad. If I wasnt so careless I probably could have won it with no loses.

I'm still not sure where to go with this one so I'll live it alone for now. But it certainly needs some tweaking.

I didn't want to make it too difficult after the last one.

All in all pretty easy. I got the feeling this mission was designed to be easy so the player got to feel some payback.

Bingo! That's exactly what I wanted.

Still, I think also that it might be TOO easy. This one has gone through a major overhaul and is more difficult now in version 1.1

I think the first mission is still the best by far. The campaign could have been more fun if the maps were more designed around each mission, and that would probably require new maps. The rescue one, for example, could be fun if your supply line further back supplying the now captured crossroads needed clearing, and then the final mission could be YOU have to defend the crossroads with your resupplied two companies against some sort of overwhelming assault.

I disagree with the map thing. I think you can have 6 missions in one map and have them all be fun.

But the last 2 are green, and need some more work. And hopefully the will mature and be closer in quality to the first one.

The thing is I wanted some rhythm. Not all hard.

Tough, slow and long. Then louder, faster and shorter. Finish with Easy, loud as hell and medium in duration. :cool:


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OMG, the moment I look over my shoulder I see that TWO PLATOONS are waiting for orders at the back of the map! Could they not figure out a system that let you know when reinforcements arrive without the danger of missing it!

Best regards,


PS: So far no idea how I will advance over the open ground ...

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Originally posted by the Fighting Seabee:

OK, 1st mission... I established a line and slowly began moving my men forward. I had made some good progress until the mission ended.

Me:8kia 61wia. Syria:61kia, 94wia.

2nd mission. I was a little disappointed to find that all the land I just took was now unoccupied. I'll just say that the dimwits up in HQ made us pull back what we fought so hard for. So... I try to rush one Bradley platoon up the left hill, no problem. Then I rushed half the other platoon forward and the other half to the right. They were met with a hail of RPG's. I lost a lot of men there right off the bat. The squads that are surrounded decide to call in heavy artillery strikes all around them. This slows down the enemy and enables the rest of my guys to move up, but the enemy survives with enough firepower to take out a couple more of my Bradleys. So now I have like 6 squads that are all tore up and also need to be rescued. That's when it hits... a whole damn mechanized company comes out of nowhere and tears my guys to pieces.

Me: 44kia, 38wia, 5 mia, 9 vehicles lost.

Syria: 43kia, 17wia, 2mia, 2 tanks lost.

So basically I got my butt kicked. I couldn't get my forces to the rescue point and leave before the mech arrived.

Now mission 3. I have not yet completed this one but believe me, the opposing forces are gonna pay!

Webwing... good campaign man. The only problem I really have is that what I do in the first mission doesn't seem to have any affect on the others. Otherwise, a great challenge on a very fun map.

Finished mission 3. Ahhhh, that was nice. Just sit back and let the heavies do all the work.

Good campaign. It's nice to have a group of missions with some type of storyline.

The first mission was a stalemate. The second was an incredibly difficult gauntlet to run. The third is merely retribution.

Outstanding!! 5/5 stars (CMMODS won't let me rate the file for some reason) :cool:

[ December 10, 2007, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: the Fighting Seabee ]

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"I also changed the point system. You get less points for conserving your troops and more for taking the crossroads."

Don't know if like the sounds of that, taking the crossroads is pretty difficult. I wouldn't like to see the scenario go down an unrealistic path where you are forced to charge the objective with no regards to losses.

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Originally posted by bodkin:

"I also changed the point system. You get less points for conserving your troops and more for taking the crossroads."

Don't know if like the sounds of that, taking the crossroads is pretty difficult. I wouldn't like to see the scenario go down an unrealistic path where you are forced to charge the objective with no regards to losses.


I made all the changes that I mentioned in the previous post but not alteration to the point system! ;)

I felt I was going too far.

I had it uploaded already when I read your post!

Weird! :eek:


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Originally posted by Rollstoy:

OMG, the moment I look over my shoulder I see that TWO PLATOONS are waiting for orders at the back of the map! Could they not figure out a system that let you know when reinforcements arrive without the danger of missing it!

Best regards,


I agree with you. There should be some sound or something.

PS: So far no idea how I will advance over the open ground ...

That means you haven't read the spoilers on the other thread! ;)

Good on you. Don't do it. Its much more fun this way.


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Originally posted by the Fighting Seabee:

Finished mission 3. Ahhhh, that was nice. Just sit back and let the heavies do all the work.

Good campaign. It's nice to have a group of missions with some type of storyline.

The first mission was a stalemate. The second was an incredibly difficult gauntlet to run. The third is merely retribution.

Outstanding!! 5/5 stars (CMMODS won't let me rate the file for some reason) :cool:

They won't let you rate it? Weird. Doesn't matter, I'll keep your 5 stars here with me!!! ;)

Well, thanks a lot.

In 1.1 the third is still Retribution but not "merely". Slightly more difficult.

And here's a small teaser for what is to come next.


  • 4 brand new maps!</font>
  • 7 missions!</font>
  • 95% Infantry!</font>
  • Branching Campaign. Depending on your score you get to play a different mission!</font>
  • Same task force from start to end and no replacements along the way!</font>



[ December 10, 2007, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]

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