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By setting 2 waypoints very close to the dismount you provide for additional commands to be given such as POP SMOKE then TARGET/ARC it also allows time for the smoke to accumulate. You may also give the vehicle a PAUSE at the POP SMOKE if you wish to give more time to suppression. Also you should always have an Overwatch for the dismount.

This is all accomplished in WeGo

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Yes indeed, thank you wery much, just tested it and it works splendid.

Only downside is that the infantry wont dismount untill last waypoint, so you cant have the stryker pop smoke, dismount and reverse diretly after the inf have dismounted. Thats a shame but what you showed here really will help my little boys survive longer!


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The problem of infantry only dimounting at the end of vehicle move is a known issue, that if possible BFC will address. Also they would like to be able to MOUNT, AQUIRE and DISMOUNT in the same turn.

Just wait till we get 25 hard chargers piling out of an AAVP7A1 (AMTRAK "My Corps")


[ October 15, 2007, 08:07 AM: Message edited by: Huntarr ]

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25 guys in a IFV? crap, I dont want to see the stupid AI deal with that in CMSF... a team of 6-7 mean already bunch up behind the vehicle for to long before moving on.

Normally before dismounting the squadleader and hes 2ic already knows where they are supposed to go when openening the door and starts getting there the same second their feets have hit the dirt, and the time it takes in CMSF is damn to slow compared to what I was trained on. and 25 men on that? what will that take? 1-2 mins just dismount in CMSF?


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do you personaly use that much "area" fire on houses or is this just to show that it would work!?

i mean i follow the belive that when i give my guys area fire they doesnt react to a "real" theat coming up as they fire in empty houses.

i hardly ever use area fire, i find it pretty cheap acually. sometimes i area fire an spotted RPG out of a house with something like cannon or 40mm but small arms and .50cal hardly ever had an area target so far in my games, wich where plenty.

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If I am going to do this Heavy Assault Charge tactic, yes, I use covering fire. That is why I stated that one should always have an Overwatch. It is your reaction force. The units that are moving will never react or be as accurate to pop up enemy contact as a stationary unit. (Anyone who thinks other wish is watching too many movies) Due to the very small scale focus of the scenarios you have a very high probability of close contact.

So is it realistic? It’s as realistic as this game is. When and if BFC makes the player pay for the consequences of recon by fire then we will not see it used as a viable tactic.

Since 1.04 has done a much better job of simulating infantry than in previous builds. Most of the time I have my infantry dismounted at range. Which is more in line with actual tactics than the, charging in loaded idea some players think we use in real life.

p.s. Thanks for the kudos from TheVulture, Chainsaw, Adam1

[ October 15, 2007, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: Huntarr ]

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Since 1.04 has done a much better job of simulating infantry than in previous builds. Most of the time I have my infantry dismounted at range. Which is more in line with actual tactics than the, charging in loaded idea some players think we use in real life.
yes i do that too, but i find that the real overwatch is mostly painfully slow in spotting things or reluctant to shoot since they are more far away.

the vehicles i send forward with the troops mostly do a good job spotting the guys wich are shooting since they are at the same place as the squad, more or less.

and if they would be more flexible whith buttoning i wouldnt lose some TC´s now and than.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've searched this topic to no avail, so I'll add this in.

I have yet to see any of my units execute a "PAUSE" special order since version 1. I am referring to the order discussed on p.66 of the manual. I generally issue this order if I want a unit to wait for smoke to develop or blast a target for a bit before moving on. Without fail, the unit does not pause at all but simply executes the order.

Am I not issuing the pause order in the correct sequence? IIRC, I have tried setting the PAUSE time before issuing other orders, and also tried doing it after setting the other orders.

Nothing in the manual says this order should not work during turn-based play.

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Impressive demonstration of current WeGo capabilities!

I wonder if that specific example would work against a RPG-armed defender in any of these buildings. I guess the suppression effect would fade too quickly once the area target order is taken off a building.

Best regards,


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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The amount of ammo used is minor. The sequence took 41 secs. barely more than half the turn. At the final waypoint is an ARC which stops the Area fire.

As far as threats poping up, that's why there are two other Strykers and dismounts in an overwatch position covering this assault. It's SOP to have a covering force. The moving element is usually not going to spot something before a stationary one.

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  • 3 months later...

I read this thread a while ago but never noticed this:

Most of the time I have my infantry dismounted at range. Which is more in line with actual tactics than the, charging in loaded idea some players think we use in real life.

I've been driving my Strykers up to the doors - how far back from a building would a "realistic" dismount be? Do you simply use the vehicles as overwatch and let the squads advance under their cover?

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I'm no professional but when I do dismount at range that is usually at about the effective range of an RPG. So maybe 200 meters out? You will want to be able to spot most firers yet not lose Strykers to RPGs or infantry to close range small arms ambushes. The idea I would think is to get rid of the part of the approach part where you get harassed by long range MG and sniper fire.

If there are significant AT threats you will have to dismount a tactical bound back, out of LOS completely.

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The other 2 squads (off screen) are about 200-300m in cover dismounted with their Strykers all in OVERWATCH behind the ones you see in the photos. This was an open field with no cover so that's why I used the Recon in Force. The MG team is dismounted and DEPLOYED. The HQ team is in a Stryker in the OPEN UP dispostion so that he can pass any contact info to the dismounts as well as to the other Strykers which in turn can pass that info quicker with voice rather than radio.

OUTSTANDING question there Devilpupb3ts1j.gif


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