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Update on ATI Issue

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Originally posted by massive1974:

However, I resent the reference to the zealous frea... "grognards".

I know i am a zealous fre... and i am proud of it.

Not sure about that "grognard" thing, i can´t find it in the dictionary.

Don´t worry massive, you will have fun with the CM:SF bugs, i run a couple of rounds at the office in a pc with a nvidia 6600, the game looks great, but has some funny bugs.

My favourite bug so far is selecting syryan side and armor in quick battle and in place of 3 T72 tanks, getting 4 infantry squads with rifles and 4 GAZ-64 jeeps (without crew) and randomly droped across the wole map. Someone considered a willys jeep a main battle tank. :D

Not fun when facing M1a1 Abrahams 70 tons mammoths tough. :rolleyes:tongue.gif

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haha, that sounds like fun. well, I'm having my own fun with the game ( i preordered), it's very cinematic when a firefight breaks out and zooming out over the city i see tracers slowing down, the sound of whizzing bullets deepening in slow-mo. only the backround music is missing. then i zoom back to the sand in front of my nose and everything comes back to life, speeds up. only I can't see them, poor bastards on duty. just like Ryan's Privates.

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If I wasn't zealous myself, I wouldn't be so upset - nobody likes to open up a toy and have it broken.

In any case, I think my idea/suggestion isn't a bad one. Guys like Battlefont.com could use the help of having a wider beta. Fans of niche genres like war/strategy games are zealous enough to buy into such a system - at least it seems that way to me.

Believe me, I'm trying to cool down and get perspective. The lead-up and buildup to these games creates a lot of expectation.

These guys have acknowledged the problem and are fixing it - there's not much more to expect. A wider number of testers would have revealed this problem (and others).

Oh yeah: Grognard

This term doesn't have to be derogatory or pejorative - fans of Battlefront games fit the description to varying degrees.

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I wasn't seriously offended ;) and I'm not a very longtime fan of CM, only maybe 4 years. I actually got bored with the WEGO system and quit playing it (oops, have I just committed HERESY??)

so I was looking forward to the Real Kickass Time.

there might be something to what you're saying about beta testing, yes. I dunno, not a marketing man myself or a developerman.


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The beta team doesn't work so we can get paid off in getting a deal on the game, we do it so we dont have to watch TV. smile.gif

Originally posted by tarball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Charles is positive that it is a driver bug and is pretty sure he can work around it. It's on the top of his ToDo list because there is no acceptable work around for this problem.

The really "funny" thing is that Matt, Charles, Dan, and myself all have ATI cards, as do most of the testers. None of us have these problems. Which is why we were taken by surprise :D



It's Vista + ATI - perhaps the three of you are on XP and tested on XP.

Anyone with a new machine since the start of the year very likely has Vista. Most are using nVidia cards these days, but the ATI folks are out there.

Hey, if you didn't run into it you didn't - a professional hardware QA team wasn't likely in your budget.

Since "stuff happens," I'll just get over it. Perhaps you could appreciate the once-bitten twice-shy as several of Battlefront's titles did not have a smooth release.

I'm going to be constructive rather than rant (which I've done since last Friday - sorry, I'll never pre-order from Battlefront again):

Since you have this eLicense thing going on, I wonder if you can leverage it to your advantage? Why not release a paid public beta, which is content-limited to just a few missions and a partial campaign? Perhaps you could limit some of the QB options too. The purpose of this paid-for beta (perhaps you charge 1/2 the normal asking price), is that you'd discover bugs such as those cropping up with this release and you'd have a wide use-base from which to analyze these bugs.

Once you are ready for the release version, you change the eLicense such that the those with the Beta licence will need to have obtained a full-release license. The beta guys would be able to get the pre-order deal plus a little something extra (like the deluxe version at normal price).

With all the enthusiasts who crowded around in the CMSF forum for years before the release, you would have had quite a number of willing (and paying participants). Since money talks and bs walks - this would probably be win-win for you.

Hey, Microsoft Flight Simulator X had a free public beta and it probably served as a great hardware compatibility test for them. Battlefront could easily get away with asking for money as the frea.. uhm, "grognards" who are your fan-base are all zealous - heck, you've got guys who will defend a semi-broken release and jump down the necks of your detractors. With watchdogs like that, you've clearly got loyalty and willing testers.

Just a thought.

Despite all my rage (I'm still just a... ). oops, I mean, believe-it-or-not, I would have PAID to do the beta thing and would not have been as upset as I am now when the game didn't work with the ATI card.

I realize that the only downside of my idea is the bandwidth - you would probably make less money as you'd have to mass-distribute the latest build to everyone - however, aren't there diff-patches that could be used?

Here's to a speedy solution to the ATI problem - it has been a real bummer for anyone anticipating this release. </font>

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We tested on Vista and about half of us have ATI cards, but apparently our Vista testers all had nVida. With so many possible hardware combinations, it's simply not possible to test on all systems. Well, if we paid some testing facility to do it we could. But you guys don't pay us enough to afford such a service :D

I don't think we'll ever go to some sort of public beta. We sorta did that with CMBO and it wasn't something we care to repeat. It's hard to explain why.

We'll have a fix up shortly.


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I'm under same opinion as mr. Bean i've had the game for 4 days now with nothing more to show for it except a whirlly blue circle and the prompt telling me shock force is no longer working. I guess at this point I can still try to be patient in the hopes of a working patch for ATI/Vista.

If battlefront isn't successful in coming up with a solution will there be refunds for those people who own the game and can't run it?


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I up the same s**tty creek as you are, having an ATI card on a vista laptop. May I suggest to you to run the Ambush Tutorial scenario in real time mode, and not touch any unit? You will be able to see the battle unfold, as the US player doesn't really need to apply any input to "win", and you will be able to look around, zoom in and out, and generally have a small blast, while you wait. It will almost certainly whet your appetite, I know it helps me bide the time until the problem is fixed smile.gif


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A la Willard in Apocalypse Now:

"Never order without playing the demo, never order without playing the demo, you're g'dammned right..."

Teething, growing pains, etc. are going to be par-for-the-course. The CM1x series was/is so awesome that I was frothing for CM2x - I let enthusiasm get the best of me.

This game will be fixed and it'll be great (carrying on the CM tradition) - but unplayability in the near-term is a kick in the pants.

Lesson: Don't order w/o playing the demo.

By Fall this game should be right.

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"Never order without playing the demo, never order without playing the demo, you're g'dammned right..."

Good advice except there was no demo until the release day. I ordered it early so I could take advantage of the pre-order promo.

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What exactly are the symptoms of the ATI issue thats being worked on?

Originally posted by rune:


Been working on this, and have talked with Steve and Charles. It appears to be something with the drivers. Charles is looking into it, and look for an update from Steve later today. Hang in there, there are three of us trying to do what we can.


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If you are running Vista and using an ATI card (using the latest catalyst drivers), you have a problem such that the game crashes when you left click on the map (to select a unit or to do anything else).

It makes the game unplayable for those of us with the Vista/ATI combination.

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i am using vista but i dont know what card im using(what card do macbooks use?). but for me the game doesnt crash when i left click in fact i could actually play an entire scenario if i was able to see anything as the screen sorta freezes. but since the unit icons still appear through the layers of breifing screens stuck o the screen i can click on them without crashing and give them orders but i cannot see anything.

I dont know if this is something that the patch can fix but it doesnt seem to be the thing other people are experiencing.

if noone knows what im talking about, ill post a picture of it to better show what im talking about.

also, how do you take screenshots in cmsf?

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thanks Guys, thats not my problem... For me the game runs for a bit and then the my monitor shuts off, as in loosing video card output. I can hear the game continuing on speakers and I can alt tab to the desktop (sound stops) and back but never regain video signal.

So I have a different ATI problem :( . It seems like a driver issue to me. Unfortunately I have a similar problem with Theater Of War and have updated drivers since TOW arrived, to no avail.

Originally posted by tarball:


If you are running Vista and using an ATI card (using the latest catalyst drivers), you have a problem such that the game crashes when you left click on the map (to select a unit or to do anything else).

It makes the game unplayable for those of us with the Vista/ATI combination.

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There is no question that we can fix this. Charles is pretty sure where the bug is in ATI's drivers and can produce a work around. In fact, he has one just about ready to send out to some folks to see if it fixes their problems. It might take a couple of back and forths to optimize the fix, but it will get solved and quickly.


It could be a problem with your Power Supply. Some computers have mediocre or insufficient supplies (read CHEAP) and a 3D intensive game will put too much strain on the subsystems for the power supply to handle. Not knowing what sort of systtem you have, what you should try to do is minimize the amount of power drain and see if that improves things. Disconnect every external device except your keyboard and mouse, if you have two video cards disable one, disconnect from a LAN or the Internet, etc. If this helps, then you should look into getting a new power supply. If it doesn't it could still be the problem.


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