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Patch status update


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ShiftZ, the editor that comes with the game is a mission editor, not a map editor. A map editor is in the making right now, though, and will be announced shortly. But even the map editor will not allow to create a completely new terrain mesh, I'm afraid. Only to reposition certain objects (trees, buildings, fortifications etc.)

For MP, we are hoping to be able to flesh out the basic MP functions in the future as well.


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Ok sounds good Moon.

Will the map editor allow for MP? Or will we have to mail the files to each other? Better yet, how about alowing for those of us who make a map to be able to upload to a site that others can download from.

This should be nice, make a map, figure out the scripts etc (like I can haha) and see what happens.

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Moon, I understand you are the Tony Snow of Battlefront. I also understand that many people have an issue with LOS. Without cover it almost feels like a Naval engagement. I am satisfied though that it is a priority with the dev team and will sign off on this issue.

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I gotta say, egging on BillyBob and the others to 'draw out trolls' is a pretty ****ty way to go about community management. Their legitimate complaints agree with the (as pointed out before) approximately 40% of users who think the game needs significant improvements to make it fun/playable/etc.

Ignoring your customers' points constantly may not warrant violence, but it certainly does produce animosity. If that was your goal, Mission Accomplished™. Time to go land on a carrier.

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molo, BillyBob and the others were hiding behind a thin veil of more or less legitimate complaints but their goals were entirely different. And they were not banned for their opinions but for their behaviour.

And who is ignoring customers? We're working on patches to address any legitimate issues.


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How many of you have been on these boards longer than a few months?

Check out the other BFC forums, pour through some posts during the last major release of a game. Note the behavior of the BFC community, their posts, their comments, their ideas; compare that with some of these trolls lurking around the boards lately, not to hard to figure out who's who and what they are here for.

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Originally posted by molo:

...approximately 40% of users who think the game needs significant improvements to make it fun/playable/etc.

Ever consider not every customer that purchases ToW posts on these forums? Moreover, those that do may not even bother to post in that thread (I didn't). For all you know, that 40% may equate to less than 1% of total customers.
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Originally posted by flintlock:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by molo:

...approximately 40% of users who think the game needs significant improvements to make it fun/playable/etc.

Ever consider not every customer that purchases ToW posts on these forums? Moreover, those that do may not even bother to post in that thread (I didn't). For all you know, that 40% may equate to less than 1% of total customers. </font>
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Originally posted by seppDieter:

the problem is way deeper, its how the game works (LOS, no hiding, no cover,...) and those things wil not be changed by the dev's.

And how do you know that sir ?



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Originally posted by seppDieter:

...people here do have issues with the game...

There are people here that have issues with the game, that's not being disputed. Battlefront and 1C have acknowledged this and are hard at work on addressing these issues via upcoming patches.

My post was merely about putting that "40%" figure being bandied about into perspective.

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It's just being used as an example. After all, in the past Moon has said "we're not going to fix x because almost everybody thinks the game is fine" - which, incidentally, is what I was referring to when I said 'ignoring complaints'. I don't have the thread in front of me, but I've seen it a couple of times.

I've seen a couple of CS travesties before (this isn't there, not by a long shot) and I think that you guys are at least on the wrong track. I've not seen any actual status updates, at least not that have been highlighted - the first information here says 'we're fixing the fatal issues first'. There's no indication of what else is on the table, though - and that, I would imagine, is why these guys were being so vocal. If a sticky thread tracking the issues being considered - not even worked on yet, just considered for future fixes - then I'm sure a lot less bitching would be going on.

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molo, no, the reason why the guys you are referring to were so vocal is plainly visible on the forum, with Billybob showing his real personality this morning, and Krull admitting in a couple of posts that he likes to stirr up trouble on the forum. The reason why these guys were so "vocal" is because they wanted to stirr up s*** and had fun doing it, and that's all there is to it. Unfortunately a discussion forum is prone to this kind of thing (trolling) and in the interest of the thousands of other people on this forum it is our job to remove such people.


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Maybe it's sometimes smarter to just shut the mouth?

Cleaning the forum of mental bull**** just binds human ressources.

Critism is one thing, behaving like an idiot is something completely different.

But this topic was discussed enough ... welcome to the world wide web.

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Molo, and who ever else this may apply to, why isn't moons point sinking in?

You don't complain over and over again and talk $hit about the game in every post. It simply ruins the forum. They were saying nothing constructive and if they didn't like the game and thought it was a total failure and utterly hopeless as they indicated more than a few times, then they shouldn't be here to ruin it for others. Why would those who are enjoying the game and have constructive suggestions in hope that a few patches may make it better want to come here and read the oppinions of these A$$hole$ :D

If you feel riped off and feel those who like it are fools then express your personal oppinion directly once or twice and leave. This is not your place if-you keep getting your butt handed to you in every battle :D - if you feel that the game is a hopeless fiasco. Move on.

Most of what they had to say was pure negative flaming anyways.

As for billyboob if you think you're such a bad ass, fat boy, with your highschool threats come visit me in Connectcut. After reading what kind of punk you are I'd love to realign your jaw or remove a few of your teeth someone with as big a mouth as yours needs it. And trust me I am more than up to it.

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Originally posted by stic.man:

How many of you have been on these boards longer than a few months?

Check out the other BFC forums, pour through some posts during the last major release of a game. Note the behavior of the BFC community, their posts, their comments, their ideas; compare that with some of these trolls lurking around the boards lately, not to hard to figure out who's who and what they are here for.

Hear! Hear!
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Originally posted by FaxisAxis:

Molo, and who ever else this may apply to, why isn't moons point sinking in?

You don't complain over and over again and talk $hit about the game in every post. It simply ruins the forum. They were saying nothing constructive and if they didn't like the game and thought it was a total failure and utterly hopeless as they indicated more than a few times, then they shouldn't be here to ruin it for others. Why would those who are enjoying the game and have constructive suggestions in hope that a few patches may make it better want to come here and read the oppinions of these A$$hole$ :D

If you feel riped off and feel those who like it are fools then express your personal oppinion directly once or twice and leave. This is not your place if-you keep getting your butt handed to you in every battle :D - if you feel that the game is a hopeless fiasco. Move on.

Most of what they had to say was pure negative flaming anyways.

As for billyboob if you think you're such a bad ass, fat boy, with your highschool threats come visit me in Connectcut. After reading what kind of punk you are I'd love to realign your jaw or remove a few of your teeth someone with as big a mouth as yours needs it. And trust me I am more than up to it.


I personally like the game, and agree 100% with what you said. Very tired of reading this crap.


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ok, back oin track, There was a commetn re the map editor, and only allowing repositionaing or adding of items. The ability to add maps would GREATLY enhance the ability to create new campaigns, which if you want this to be more than a really good game, like a really GREAT game, is my goal.

I would envision several smaller time frame mini campaigns.. France 40, Bulge both sides, Korson pocket... pick any favorite time frame!

This is just my opinion and I do appreciate , although o not always agree , that this game exists and the design choices that have been made.

One of the absolute great things was the second and third generaation skins and scenarios made for cmbb, and one reason I did not like a very improved cmak was its lack of ability to use all the cmbb database... my point is not to bring in cm in anything other than a case in point.. namely that if you give me more, I will be a happier camper, I do not mind paying for updates or upgrades, like a map edoitor/ scenario editor game pack expansion in the future.

Thanks again.. keep up the good work.. and did I ask for the ability to mod data? hehe

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Originally posted by Moon:

ShiftZ, the editor that comes with the game is a mission editor, not a map editor. A map editor is in the making right now, though, and will be announced shortly. But even the map editor will not allow to create a completely new terrain mesh, I'm afraid. Only to reposition certain objects (trees, buildings, fortifications etc.)

For MP, we are hoping to be able to flesh out the basic MP functions in the future as well.


Martin, Dmg, etc.

Looking forward to this all and the upcoming patches..... but one question from me is:

If the map editor is not able to create new maps, just add some new things we gone playing the existing updated maps over and over again? Or will we get some new maps from time to time? Or is it possible to import new maps via an other way?


War Raven.

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War Raven, you won't be able to change the terrain mesh, but you will be able to edit other significant aspects, like placing buildings for example, trees, trenches etc. At least that's what I'm hearing from 1C, I have not yet actually been able to try it myself.

But yes, there will also be (some) new maps supplied by us.

BTW, keep in mind that a "map" in TOW is MUCH bigger than the playable area. You can find completely different terrain on the very same map by changing the definition and location of the playable terrain. Effectively, you get a completely new terrain layout in that way.


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I think that the limit for the playable area is 2km bx 2km. So this should leave plenty of room for setting up outside of enemy LOS. Some, but not all, of the campaign missions are that big.

In comparison, an entire map is usually 4 by 4 km. That's 4 times as big.


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Great news about the map editor Moon.

Just a tip\request\wishlist for future maps:

I was hoping for less rolling hills and more varied terrain like whats on the demo map (a large hill). Most maps I have played are pretty much flat with maybe a very gradual incline.

IS it possible to add "infantry only" forest and waypoints.

Anyways happy with what you have already mentioned for the large patch and map editor.... will make this more than most games

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Originally posted by Moon:

War Raven, you won't be able to change the terrain mesh, but you will be able to edit other significant aspects, like placing buildings for example, trees, trenches etc. At least that's what I'm hearing from 1C, I have not yet actually been able to try it myself.

But yes, there will also be (some) new maps supplied by us.

BTW, keep in mind that a "map" in TOW is MUCH bigger than the playable area. You can find completely different terrain on the very same map by changing the definition and location of the playable terrain. Effectively, you get a completely new terrain layout in that way.


Sorry, but who cares about the non playable size?

2x2km is the biggest playable size we have and that must be just a joke :rolleyes:

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