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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

My two cents, for anyone that cares

Pas De Charge

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After buying and playing the game (bought on the strength of the demo),I decided to come to the forums and see what other people thought..

well what can i say? Wow. On the one hand we have people who preordered the game on the basis that it's from the same WEBSITE (not, i understand, the same developer) as the combat mission games. These people then after playing the game, come to this forum and make various compaints about it and then call anyone who defends it a fanboy (irony anyone?).

Am I the only one who thinks thats a little odd? Lets ignore for a second the fact that a significant portion of the complaints made are more or less "it isn't enough like CM" and just focus on the fact that "you" bought a game apperently, JUST because it was distributed by the company who made a game you liked (im hesitant to use the word "like" as it doesn't seem strong enough, love? idolise?). If there was ever a bad reason for buying a game, that has to come fairly near the top of the list.

I've even read of one person who said if they'd known more about the editor, they wouldn't have preordered... Personally, if i'm planning on buying a game MAINLY to use it's editor (which is not something I can see a single good reason for doing), I just might wait for the release to see how good it is. After all, what miracles of map-editory are you planning on achieving the second the game is released? Can they really not wait?

Anyway, as I was saying on the one hand we have what im politely calling "Battlefront fans" (I know its not everyone, or even a significant majority, but it's just enough people to annoy me), who bought the game because it was from battlefront, then for reason/s x dont like the game and for some bizzare reason think they have a valid grievance against the game itself.

This is where it really gets weired, the support of battlefront that led you to buy the game in the first place is suddenly dropped and forgotten about as you proceed to constantly insult and criticize both theatre of war, its developers and the people who've soo far played and enjoyed it. I read one person who now said they would not preorder the next combat mission game because of some sort of perceived deception on behalf of battlefront over theatre of war.

Fickle much? I don't really know what to say about this to be frank but hopefully you can see my point. I've never before seen such a bizarre situation over the release of a game (not saying there hasn't been one).

In my opinion, even though you did spend real-life, persumably hard-earned money on it, the fact you had such poor reasons for buying the game in the first place just make me wish battlefront had charged twice as much for it. Then maybe next time you won't be quiet so silly.

I'm sorry my first post is soo negative and agressive but i really did feel the need to express my honest incredulity at some of the posts and threads on this bored.

P.S. I'm now a Theatre of War F4nboi and I'm proud of it.

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I like ToW. If I didn't read these forums I wouldn't be 'aware' of LoS/LoF (alleged) problems, way point missing (although many RTS games I have played have this, I never considered it), etc. etc.. I play this game (because hey - it is a game) like any other, using the tools and conditions set up in the game to out-manouvre, out-think and out-play an AI. My experience of most games is that patches always fix one thing and make ten worse. If a patch is released then I will install after I have completed the whole game and replay it under the 'new' set of conditions.

My only gripe - Multiplayer smile.gif

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I think everyone can understand the dissapoint when a game fails to meet our expectations, but in this case, is it fair to blame the developers or even the game? Did they promise to deliver a new generation CC game?

I think in fact matt might have said this game was distinctly UNLIKE CC or CM. Youre perfectly entitled to your opinions about the game but don't you think blaming the developers or the game for not meeting your expectations, in this case, is a little unfair?

And frankly, this is THE MOST realistic rts I've played, even without things like mortars, smoke and enterable buildings.

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Originally posted by Pas De Charge:

...is it fair to blame the developers or even the game? Did they promise to deliver a new generation CC game?

I think in fact matt might have said this game was distinctly UNLIKE CC or CM.

actually i got interested in this game after a post of moon stating "dont expect anything in the kind of CM, it wil more be in the style of Close Combat.

but that aside, i didn't want an exact copy of CC (maybe i do hehe) but CC was so realistic and had such great features. and it was so well built that its more a combat simulation. and if TOW had the same level of realism and simulation then it would automatically look like CC, not becuse they copied CC, but because they would have copied REALITY

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That is so full of crap is is unbelievable. There are 7 of us here at Battelfront, and we are working on CMSF, we didn't work on the code for ToW. Show me ONE person from Battlefront who is posting under another name not speaking the truth. If you wanted a rise you got it. One more false accusation from you, and you will be history.

What amazes me, is the people who have a negative opinion on the game, feel if anyone has a positive opinion, it is not valid. "Fanbois". Gee, maybe they just really like the game?



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Originally posted by Ghost1:

The game's a mess. end of. Anybody who says the TRUTH will agree..Of course people defend it, MOST from Battlefront and the dev's in my opinion, but of course we will never know will we? ;)

You are a nutbar if you think that BFC gives enough of a monkey's about your mental state to ask their beta-testers to defend the game from your criticism. They either do it of their own will, or they don't.

But hey, continue living on Planet Lalaland where you are important enough for someone to care.

All the best


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Quote by Rune...

"Show me ONE person from Battlefront who is posting under another name not speaking the truth.

So you would agree that people from battlefront ARE posting under a different name...

Game set and match I believe??????...ban away if you must..TRUTH HURT DOES IT ?????????????

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Originally posted by Ghost1:

Quote by Rune...

"Show me ONE person from Battlefront who is posting under another name not speaking the truth.

So you would agree that people from battlefront ARE posting under a different name...

Game set and match I believe??????...ban away if you must..TRUTH HURT DOES IT ?????????????

You need help mate. Start taking your meds again. :rolleyes:

All the best


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Dear Ghost1,

The difference is Andreas knows he needs help. The first step is understanding you have a problem.

I am probably one of the beta testers you referred. I was never asked to post in defense of the game by anyone (including Andreas). I really enjoy the game. There was a time when I started testing that I questioned whether I liked it or not. Then I started to understand it better and found that using the same tactics I used in other games is what worked for me with this one. The reason I have posted in this forum is that I believe some people are misunderstanding what is being represented visually in the game and I have tried to offer explainations gather from my deeper experience with the game (there is no way you have played it close to as much as me and no human has played teh Avalanche battle more than me). SO that is why I post. I receive no money or even pat on the back for posting positive things about the game. I do enjoy it and understand it is not CM (love) or CC (hated it).


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People really need to calm down a bit - some of the cr*p flying from one side to the other is totally OTT.

Anyone who pays money for a product has a right to express an opinion on that product - whether it's positive or negative. To whose who accuse the neg critics of being 'whiners' I say: give them their chance to get it off their chest. To those who accuse anyone who is actually enjoying the game of being sycophants or BF employees I say: grow up. Ghost1 et al, you've said your piece and simply regurgitating the sentiment 'the game is rubbish' ad infinitum is tedious.

I am enjoying the game so far; I do not work for the company nor for any of its partners. The game is not perfect but, to be honest, I can think of few games that I have bought so early in their product run that have been perfect. Ultimately, it cost me $45 to buy - hardly a lot of money. The game is a great effort at capturing a level of tactical warfare with a concomitant level of graphics and interface that I have been seeking for some time. I will certainly be following TOW's future development with great interest and hope that the kinks - large and small - are ironed out in future patches and releases.

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Ghost1,

The difference is Andreas knows he needs help. The first step is understanding you have a problem.

I am probably one of the beta testers you referred. I was never asked to post in defense of the game by anyone (including Andreas). I really enjoy the game. There was a time when I started testing that I questioned whether I liked it or not. Then I started to understand it better and found that using the same tactics I used in other games is what worked for me with this one. The reason I have posted in this forum is that I believe some people are misunderstanding what is being represented visually in the game and I have tried to offer explainations gather from my deeper experience with the game (there is no way you have played it close to as much as me and no human has played teh Avalanche battle more than me). SO that is why I post. I receive no money or even pat on the back for posting positive things about the game. I do enjoy it and understand it is not CM (love) or CC (hated it).


Elvis...I understand and respect the views and comments you make..My beef is that some people seeemingly post to these forums and are defending obvious bad flaws in this game. The fact that some love the game and others hate it is not really what I'm getting at..

Let's just take a couple of concerns, framerates, why should a game come to an almost crawl when I play it with well over the basic system limits? why, when I want to play mulitiplayer does it crash? YES, everytime.There are of course many more problems that have been aired which I will not go into again. Can ALL the people that are suggesting that this game has major flaws be wrong?....

Many, I know, say they are playing the game with no problems, well, can I have their game please? because I must be playing something totally different.

In my opinion this game was not finshed or optimised for whatever reason, Battlefront, again in my opinion should have realised this and kept well away.

I have well over 100 games on my shelf new and old, all had some problems out of the box I will agree, but I can honestly say that NONE played as badly as this. So to reflect on my earlier post in this thread, yes, it does seem that some of the kudos, and I may add, blind praise given to this game may indeed come from people closely associated with it, (and as I stated, "in my opinion") and what's more I stand by every word.

Now if some mod or whoever wants to ban me or say I need medical help so be it, but it will never alter the FACT that this game is not finished, not optimised, and should never have been released in the obvious mess it is.


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Originally posted by Elvis:

I am probably one of the beta testers you referred. ...I do enjoy it and understand it is not CM (love) or CC (hated it).


man, so was the game tested by people who hate CC, wich is the game on wich TOW is mainly inspired from??

isn't that like asking a vegetarian to test out your new burger recepy?

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Originally posted by Ghost1:

Elvis...I understand and respect the views and comments you make..My beef is that some people seeemingly post to these forums and are defending obvious bad flaws in this game. The fact that some love the game and others hate it is not really what I'm getting at..

Let's just take a couple of concerns, framerates, why should a game come to an almost crawl when I play it with well over the basic system limits? why, when I want to play mulitiplayer does it crash? YES, everytime.There are of course many more problems that have been aired which I will not go into again. Can ALL the people that are suggesting that this game has major flaws be wrong?....

Many, I know, say they are playing the game with no problems, well, can I have their game please? because I must be playing something totally different.

In my opinion this game was not finshed or optimised for whatever reason, Battlefront, again in my opinion should have realised this and kept well away.

I have well over 100 games on my shelf new and old, all had some problems out of the box I will agree, but I can honestly say that NONE played as badly as this. So to reflect on my earlier post in this thread, yes, it does seem that some of the kudos, and I may add, blind praise given to this game may indeed come from people closely associated with it, (and as I stated, "in my opinion") and what's more I stand by every word.

Now if some mod or whoever wants to ban me or say I need medical help so be it, but it will never alter the FACT that this game is not finished, not optimised, and should never have been released in the obvious mess it is.


Very well said.
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"man, so was the game tested by people who hate CC, wich is the game on wich TOW is mainly inspired from??"

Exactly my point, where in the design brief for this game was close combat listed as a major influence? Once again, imposing your expectations on this game.

to the people who've had technical problems with the game, my thread really wasn't aimed at you, I took issue with the people who seem to have made it their own personal crusade to insult this game and its developers, when actually, their grievances are their own fault. For example, people who preordered EXPECTING it to be like game x, either for no good reason or simply because it was distributed by battlefront.

I don't mind at all if people have technical difficulties with the game or to an extent gameplay issues (as long as its not "why isn't this like combat mission?)

And to the person who accused me of working at battlefront... well, I dont know what to say real

EDIT: and to Ghost1, have you SEEN the technical forum? Noone is denying you have problems running the game but what game doesnt? and it's SO easy to pretend everyone is having the same difficulty running the game as you are. If you actually WANT to resolve those technical problems, help the devs by posting in the support forums and do us all a favor. If you dont want to resolve the issues, how about going somewhere else?

[ April 29, 2007, 12:06 PM: Message edited by: Pas De Charge ]

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So give it a focking break man ...give em some time to work out what everybody is disappointed about and get a plan of attack together and make it better ..ok ? What in the fock is you people's focking problem ..did your focking world collapse over a focking game ????

Jesus focking christ ..get a life already.

My Bestest Regards,

Gunz :D

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I think a lot of people expect a new game of a certain genre to at least match the level of gameplay they already know/expect. The level being set in this case by CM and CC.

Yes we know its not supposed to be a replacement for either. It is its own game but people will always make comparisons.

Personally after playing the demo I will take Close Combat over this game any day of the week.

What I won't do though is act like a rabid lunatic on a forum bashing developers and people who like the game just because it does not live up to my expectations.

Might I suggest a heavier moderation style?

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Originally posted by Kagetora:

Might I suggest a heavier moderation style?

Sure, let's ban anyone who posts criticisms of the game (using as an excuse their style rather than the fact they've critized).

Then there'll be nothing left but praise, ensuring that potential purchasers looking for information on the official forums by which to make an informed choice will be completely gulled.

Some of you people are enough to make Benjamin Franklin spew in his grave.

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There's criticism, and there's deranged paranoid ranting about the BFC conspiracy of asking beta-testers to open multiple accounts to defend the game from people who have trouble producing coherent statements.

I am sorry you seem to be unable to see the difference.

All the best


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Originally posted by Andreas:

There's criticism, and there's deranged paranoid ranting about the BFC conspiracy of asking beta-testers to open multiple accounts to defend the game from people who have trouble producing coherent statements.

I am sorry you seem to be unable to see the difference.

All the best


There's criticism, and then there's your rabid fan-boy definition of it.
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