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Heeeeeelp CMBB doesn`t install correctly !!!!!!!!


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...as it comes to the Win RAR BMP self extracting

menu, after BMP 8600 ihave got failure message in

red; CRC failed from.. !...same failure appears with wav- files...after the self extracting menu

i have got the failure message "some installation

files are corrupt please download a fresh copy and

retry installation"...1200 HZ Athlon, Geforce II


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Apparently you need to re-download the CMBB Demo. Other than that the only thing I'd suggest is to turn off any anti-virus utilities or anything else running in the background.

If you're absolutely certain that the file downloaded fine then you have much bigger problems with your PC (OS install, memory, hard drive).

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I pretty much got the same error on a wav and then the whole thing failed. I will look at this more later and play around a bit. OS was reinstalled not too long ago but I will look at my RANM issue as when I have both 256 sticks in I sometimes get loading problems. WIll retry later.

Also why re DL the Demo?

[ September 21, 2002, 01:31 PM: Message edited by: CJMello ]

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I removed one stick of RAM. Usually have trouble loading when I have both in when loading programs and running Win98SE, 60GB HD, loaded this time with 256RAM, Dx 8.1.

No CRC error on WAV file just the same error as noted in the gif below. Never saw a setup.exe on the CD. Just the CMBB Installer program. It stated in the maual to click on the setup.exe but stated nothing about the installer.exe. I realize things from the final version and the manual sometimes.


Thought for a second I might have gotten a Mac version. Will have to poke around with my system I guess to see what is up as I am not sure what is missing and causing the read error. I can play a quick battle and that is it, no stock battles or campaigns where installed. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Not sure why it failed and failed to load Scenarios, etc. and only letting me play a quick mission.

Nothing was written to the registery so nothing will show up in Start|Programs or in the Add\Remove programs areas. Whatever I have (BMPs, WAVs, and a few folder with the cmbb exe was just extracted. As you can see it almost finished installing.

Thanks in advance.


[ September 21, 2002, 05:29 PM: Message edited by: CJMello ]

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I can now see that CJMello is speaking of the Full version of CMBB; I'm not sure which version the rest are speaking of ? If it is the Demo, where did you download the file from, was it BFC's FTP server or somewhere else ?

I highly suggest closing down as many programs/apps/utilities that you may have running in the background. If necessary do a scandisk/chkdsk on your hard drive to make sure that there is nothing wrong with the file system. Empty any TEMP directories you may have.

I also suggest, if you have the disk space, to copy the WinRAR file to your hard drive and extract it there. This should eliminate the CD/DVD drive from being a possible culprit in the extraction process.

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I always close everything except explorer and systray when I load programs. HD was defragged last night and also a scan disk the day before. Windows/Temp folder is empty as usual.

Will keep digging and see what is up. Also open to more advice and I appreciate the advice already given.

Roby, demo or full version?

[ September 21, 2002, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: CJMello ]

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I will try that next. Just might be the thing and will post the good or bad news here after the try.


Just tried to copy and with 15 seconds left to go I get an error:

Cannot copy CMBB Instaler: Cannot read from the source file or disk.
Maybe a bad disk??

[ September 21, 2002, 08:25 PM: Message edited by: CJMello ]

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First time it failed on (CRC ERROR) 00005003.wav and also got the error at the end. See gif above. Second try I just got the end error and no CRC on the wav. Confusing to say the least. Any real problems happen at the end, last few seconds of loading/copying.Disk does look a little weird. Not smudges but a screwy oval pattern around the center. An emulsion SNAFU?Like ripples but not an even pattern.

I'll look for a big disk to copy later but I have never had this problem before, esecially with CMBO.

[ September 21, 2002, 08:43 PM: Message edited by: CJMello ]

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Originally posted by CJMello:

Thats how I wound up. Even with the error and not completely loading I can still do a quick battle. No SCNs or battles were loaded. Really strange.

Not strange at all. You miss those files stored on the CD after the error.

We might be able to get quick help if BFC would chose to offer those files to us via download.

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Guys, can you use WinRAR to extract individual (or even multiple) files without doing the whole archive? That may get around the problem. I think the 5000 series of sounds are the real biggies (background sounds), and so may quit if your system runs out of memory or system resources or disk space or nachos or whatever.

- Chris

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I emailed you both with a zip of the scenarios and ops on the CD. WinRAR may be something worth trying, but I'm guessing that there may be something wrong with reading the CD and it may fail to extract those files on an indvidual basis too.

If WinRAR fails, then you guys may want to email Madmatt and tell him of your problems. We may see several more users with this problem if it is a manufacturing defect. I don't know if it will help Madmatt, but you may want to give him your Order Number too and maybe they can identify the bad CDs (if that is truly the problem here).

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(as mailed) The WiRAR aborted with a read error, too.

A close look at the CD shows that the outer edge has in fact a surface dent to the outside (don't ask me for correct terms). It looks somewhat like if you cast something and have the surplus material at the cast canals.

The spot is so far outside that I would normally assume it is outside the data area, but since we run into read errors at the end of the CD it is a reasonable assumption there this is related.

[ September 21, 2002, 10:20 PM: Message edited by: redwolf ]

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I gave it a last try on an ancient 2x SCSI CDROM to maybe overcome the read error by sneaking, but no go, same error.

Since my Laptop and my gaming machine share nothing common (except TacOps installed) I have to blame it on a defective CD now.

[ September 21, 2002, 10:23 PM: Message edited by: redwolf ]

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Originally posted by redwolf:

A close look at the CD shows that the outer edge has in fact a surface dent to the outside (don't ask me for correct terms). It looks somewhat like if you cast something and have the surplus material at the cast canals.

The spot is so far outside that I would normally assume it is outside the data area, but since we run into read errors at the end of the CD it is a reasonable assumption there this is related.[/QB]

Compact Discs are injected molded usually in a mold that will hold 50-100 at a time. Their tolerances vary but usually their QC is pretty good. Your CD player/reader is a different story. CD players have a huge tolerance in the design of the tray itself, just for situations like you've mentioned above. The extra "cast" material you speak of is called "flash", which is usually removed and reground for later use. The material on the outside shouldn't be a problem because it wouldn't have been able to spin to the appropriate speed for you to grab "some" of the info. Although big greasy peanut butter and jelly marks can stop your laser from reading your CD.

Sometimes just burning your own copy of the CD and using the burned version will work if they're is a defect in the craftmanship of the CD. I've had Apple OS cdeez not work in my slot loading drive but work enough that I could burn them (luckily). The burned version worked flawlessly. But now that I remember it, CDV doesn't allow you to burn a copy (for personal use)

Hope this helps.... a little.

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Three people have now reported this issue to me either here or in email, but I need to get some data clarified.

Which version are these CMBB CD's?

Mac or PC and BFC or CDV? I think since its a WinRar installer your all on the PC version.

I also need detailed specs on the systems you are installing from including CD type and manufactorer.

Also, have any of you tried to install on a different computer and is it still failing there as well?

If CDV versions, which language are they in?

Also, if these are CDV versions then you will also need to contact their Tech/Customer Support for help although I will continue to work with you to get the issue resolved.


[ September 22, 2002, 11:13 AM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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