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It's a Man's Life in the Peng Challenge Thread!

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Has anyone in this thread had their home phone illegally tapped...or is Peng just spouting a bunch of crap? Gee, my life has not changed much since 9/11...no one if following me, no one is tapping my phone.

I work in Telecom, and I have not been party to placing an illegal wiretap on anyone...and believe me I have done plenty of legal ones.

Peng go over to Gyrenes website and spout your foul-mouthed nonsense...they are more tolerent of potty mouths over there...I would hate to see you get banned.

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Peng what is it really.....come here and tell me about it. This weekend is the the USMC Birthday and Veterans Day and the 25th anniversary of the Vietnam Wall, what better reason to love America....this is just a phase we are going through...like the Red scare in the 50's, we will be all right.

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Hey! I cleaned up my last three posts! Just for you. Sheesh.

My irony meter also went a little crazy there. You pretty much just said "Go away. I don't want you to get banned, but don't post here."

yah. funny.

And just what makes you think that because you, personally haven't done any illegal wiretapping that it doesn't happen? I'm in computers, but I've never hacked someone's network so there can't be any hacking going on.

And you accuse me of spouting nonsense. Go back to sleep nidan. I promise to wake you up before the storm troopers kick your door in when the anonymous tip from one of your neighbors comes in. Nah, you've got nothing to hide, let them interrogate you. What's the harm?

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Peng my friend, you know my politics are much in line with your own, but it simply would not DO, it wouldn't do at all, if the man for whom this whole thread was named were to be banned for unseemly language.

Besides, it might encourage Abbott to say DARN and THEN where would we be.

I'm sure Seanachai would agree with you but he's still protesting the unwarranted and illegal invasion of Tripoli by the United States Marines against the Barbary Pirates. We have to give him some time to catch up.


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PShaw!, there are plenty of people who agree with me, but they are wringing their hands and quietly taking it. Don't take it anymore. Take action. Make phone calls, write letters to the editor of your local dog trainer. Go to council meetings. Call your state and national reps once a week. Be heard. That's how the neocons took over. They took action. It's time to turn things around and take the country back. Fight the lies and fear-mongering without fear.

And it would be totally sweet if this thread were to die. today. now. forever.

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Mr Peng I think, and this is my opinion after all, that you are overstating things a bit.

Our freedom to protest and dissent is a strong as ever, and it maifests itself in many places. In our Congress, listen to what comes out of the mouths of people like John Murtha, Dennis Kucinich, and Harry Reid, all opposition party stalwarts, who dont let the White House sneeze without giving their "God Bless You" Watch "Boston Legal" a few times and see the issues that are portrayed in the dramas on that show for example.

Every General who has recently retired is knocking the current military power structure. The checks and balances are STILL IN PLACE, we have a lot of issues to deal with, but the debate goes on, as it has since this country's birth.

We as a country bend, but never break. I think that fact will continue.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

that has made me to feel so absolutely ashamed and disgusted to be an American.

I don't want everyone to see that I like Harry's Dick Flavored toothpaste "with extra jizz for whiteness.

I am ashamed of a few Americans myself but hey if Airport Security can make them cry like a San Francisco Queen because they had to fly out of O’ Hare then some of the dumb assed security measures you had to put up with are worth it, to me anyway. At least when I stand on line to fly I now have something to chuckle over.

Originally posted by MrPeng:

Go **** Yourself Abbott.

Good morning Sunshine. I believe that at least one truly disgusting American should immigrate to Canada every year and you could be that one.
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Originally posted by MrPeng:

PShaw!, there are plenty of people who agree with me, but they are wringing their hands and quietly taking it. Don't take it anymore. Take action. Make phone calls, write letters to the editor of your local dog trainer. Go to council meetings. Call your state and national reps once a week. Be heard. That's how the neocons took over. They took action. It's time to turn things around and take the country back. Fight the lies and fear-mongering without fear.

And it would be totally sweet if this thread were to die. today. now. forever.

You're not yourself Peng and for that I forgive your last blasphemy. I've known yourself, I've been friends with yourself, and you sir, are no yourself ... uh ... hang on.

As to the rest, I just contributed $100 to Hillary's campaign ... not so much because I want her to win but because I'd never seen a US President and had the opportunity to see Bill.

And you forget where I live ... Utah is not exactly BLUE country.

But enough of politics HERE, tell me again what an idiot Grog Dorosh is simply BECAUSE he's Grog Dorosh ... I can never get enough of that.


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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Since this is no longer a free country, I am going to work my ass off with what few freedoms I have left to put people in office who don't pander to the fearful.

Hey Peng,

where do you get your news from? The New York Times?

I guess your one of the idiots who don't believe 9/11 occurred and that they don't want to do it again.


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Originally posted by rammer4250:

stammer1984 ... this is the CessPool sir, and while we grant a degree of relative freedom to the man for whom the thread is named such freedom is NOT made available to a Scum Sucking Newbie (SSN) such as yourself who hasn't even done us the courtesy of providing a general location in his profile.

The CessPool is NOT the place for politics or agendas save for those agendas based upon the politics of personal destruction in which we REVEL!

SO ... kindly provide a general location in your email and forbear from further political discussions or you'll get naught from us but the back of our hand.

Where is it written that it is so? It SHOULD have been written in the first post of the thread but since Seanachai wrote it we can hardly expect him to follow the rules about posting the rules. It IS however, a rule ... you can trust me as I AM the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.


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Yeah, HeyAbbott another clueless hillbilly who thinks freedom means "my way or the highway." The irony is positively breathtaking. I can't get enough of the "If you don't like it, leave." people. Sorry, but I am of the "If you don't like it, change it," school of thought. And it can't be changed by not mentioning it. Once again the ignorance and hypocrisy of the amerikkkan prole rears it's baffled head. Thank you for being such an apt illustration of the problem.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

stammer1984 ... this is the CessPool sir, and while we grant a degree of relative freedom to the man for whom the thread is named such freedom is NOT made available to a Scum Sucking Newbie (SSN) such as yourself who hasn't even done us the courtesy of providing a general location in his profile.

Please forgive me Mr Shaw. That info is now available.

But as for the whiney little girl I believe he is radioactive waste in the cesspool. What happeened, did he get get his tiny weiner caught in his zipper? Sounds like he is capable of that.

Again my apologies!

Rammer out

[ November 07, 2007, 08:33 AM: Message edited by: rammer4250 ]

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Originally posted by rammer4250:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

stammer1984 ... this is the CessPool sir, and while we grant a degree of relative freedom to the man for whom the thread is named such freedom is NOT made available to a Scum Sucking Newbie (SSN) such as yourself who hasn't even done us the courtesy of providing a general location in his profile.

Please forgive me Mr Shaw. That info is now available.

But as for the whiney little girl I belive he is radioactive waste in the cesspool. What happeened, did he get get his tiny weiner caught in his zipper? Sounds like he is capable of that.

Again my apologies!

Rammer out </font>

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Yeah, HeyAbbott another clueless hillbilly who thinks freedom means "my way or the highway." The irony is positively breathtaking. I can't get enough of the "If you don't like it, leave." people.

That's not it at all Peng , I didn't after all post "Love it or leave it" I meant it. I believe you would make a fine Canadian citizen based on what I have learned with a few trips to Canada, what I have gathered from some of the Canadians that post to this Forum and how much you hate and deride American’s who disagree with your fecked up point of view. Hell, I even like you and overlook the fact that you have turned into a total jerk off the past couple of weeks. Anyway, enjoy your toothpaste you seem to like working up a sweat to produce it.
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Gentlemen, gentlemen ... and Abbott ... we are getting FAR too serious on this the Peng Challenge Thread. Let's move on to other, more important subjects, for example:

Anyway, enjoy your toothpaste you seem to like working up a sweat to produce it.
Abbott my dear departed mother used to say things like "Happy as a dead pig in the sunshine" ... but that was the epitome of logic compared to the above ... what in the HELL is that supposed to mean?


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I was a bit busy this morning, did I miss anyth... OH, DEAR GAWD!!!WHAT THE HELL???

I can't let you guys alone for five minutes before the fecal flinging begins.

At times like this I cry for someone with the sanity of a Leeeeeo to appear.

(Which just goes to show how far off the deep end I think this has gotten.)

Everybody calm down. Take a deep breath.

And make fun of a Belgian.

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Admit it HeyAbbott!. You thought the penis flavored toothpaste was funny. It's OK. It doesn't mean you are any less manly if you did.

I like you too, even though you are wrong about almost everything. But anyone who converts a school bus into a motorhome has the right screws loose in some of the right places. It is truly one of the coolest projects I've ever seen, so you can't be all bad.

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You're not gonna hug him now, are ya?

MrPeng, I agree with your assessment of the "security" measures, and I've been accused of being a neo-con whore more than once.

Just being a conservative does not mean tacit approval of this or any other administration. In fact, I think it's safe to say that nuking DC would be the best thing to happen for this country in about 200 years.

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Originally posted by rleete:

You're not gonna hug him now, are ya?

MrPeng, I agree with your assessment of the "security" measures, and I've been accused of being a neo-con whore more than once.

Just being a conservative does not mean tacit approval of this or any other administration. In fact, I think it's safe to say that nuking DC would be the best thing to happen for this country in about 200 years.

You know what they say rleete, if you're twenty and you're not a liberal you have no heart, if you're thirty and you're not a conservative you have no brain and if you're rleete you're just an idiot and shouldn't be allowed to vote at all.

I think that's an accurate quote and if it isn't it should be.


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Originally posted by rleete:

You're not gonna hug him now, are ya?

MrPeng, I agree with your assessment of the "security" measures, and I've been accused of being a neo-con whore more than once.

Just being a conservative does not mean tacit approval of this or any other administration. In fact, I think it's safe to say that nuking DC would be the best thing to happen for this country in about 200 years.

No,think any attempt at physical contact - a handshake say - at this juncture would result in some pain on my part and indifference or perhaps a bit of malicious glee as my carpals are crushed - on Abbott's.

I think "Nuking DC" is a great idea - metaphorically speaking - by removing every entrenched greed-head and replacing him or her with people who think constituent service is more than tax breaks for the highest bidder.

The disgraced current administration has tarnished "conservative" as effectively as the neocon whore noise machine has besmirched "liberal." They used to mean something. Now they are crappy punchlines to pathetic jokes.

So thanks, rleete. I think you get it. jagoffs like rimmer or whatever do not understand that I would be howling just as loudly at ANY administration that had brought us to such a sorry condition. It is what it is, no matter who got us here.

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Originally posted by rleete:

Just being a conservative does not mean tacit approval of this or any other administration. In fact, I think it's safe to say that nuking DC would be the best thing to happen for this country in about 200 years. [/QB]

What the hell are you? A democrat? Of all the assinine things I have ever heard this beats all.

I heard Al Queda is looking for a few good a-holes!!!!!

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Originally posted by rammer4250:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rleete:

Just being a conservative does not mean tacit approval of this or any other administration. In fact, I think it's safe to say that nuking DC would be the best thing to happen for this country in about 200 years.

What the hell are you? A democrat? Of all the assinine things I have ever heard this beats all.

I heard Al Queda is looking for a few good a-holes!!!!! [/QB]</font>

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