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Is the game worth buying if you do not want to play as the Americans ?

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Id like to know the answer to this question too.

I didnt realise there was no syrian campaign in the full version of the game.

I havent purchased yet, just downloaded the demo... Is it true then? US campaign only!?

Im from NZ... so playing as an underdog is bred into me

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Tbh I wish they adopted the Operation Flashpoint style.

Take random island....Blue ( nato ) Red (Pact) and duke it out.

Syrians are unless boosted rather crappy RL style.

As is gear availability and general cheesyness of story.

It's better then to avoid realistic stories and just let us duke it out with modern military hardware.

Steel Panthers III did this atleast


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Eh, the AI is so terrible that a single player campaign is just attacking defended positions over and over.

Play the Syrians against human opponents. I do it all the time. It's really fun to pwn an American force with T72s and RPGs.

I wish IEDs were in quick battles. I haven't seen any yet, and scenarios take too long to make.

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Please please make a Syrian campaign in the game. Assaulting endless trenches and pwning Syrian companies with single Bradleys is not as intense as trying to survive as the Syrians and kill off some Abrams in the process. Republican Guard campaign... mmmm...


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Playing as the Syrians, particularly in an unconventional role can be quite entertaining. The only downside right now is that in order to have something that you like you pretty much have to create your own scenario.

I made a rough one just to test out the IED feature more than anything, placed about 2 Platoons worth of irregulars along with a couple IED packages (they come in 4 sizes for each of the three detonator types), 3 VBIEDs, car bombs, a few snipers, and a couple RPG teams and they had to defend against 2 Companies worth of Strykers and Infantry Support. While the AI could be a bit more aggressive, I just used the stock AI on the pre-made map, didn't really tweak it because I don't know how yet, it was a pretty fun time trying to use ambush tactics and maximizing area firepower to blunt the US offensive. Car bombs are disturbingly powerful but very satisfying when you get a kill, have to try and come at the US troops from a blindspot to buy you enough time to get in close. Plan your kill zones, properly maximize the force balance in an area in your favor, and try to hide in built up areas as much as possible so that your guys can't get hammered by a dozen .50 cal's and it can be an interesting ride.

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