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T90s and BMP3s in future module?

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As I have long lobbied for, well as long as the CMSF forum has been up and running ;) , it would be great to have the option of using the latest/current models of T90s and BMP3s.

One of the assumptions I use in all my CMSF games is that there was a build up of tension over the preceding year or so and that Russia decided to support Syria with the latest kit. These days Russia has not just the technology to take on NATO, always did have that, but also the funds should they wish to in Syria or anywhere else.

But there is a need for the contemporary models of T90 to the M1SEP to be used. The models currently in low rate production. Not early ‘90s T80s. Note from late ‘90s onwards the T90 uses a more advanced version of Kontakt-5 armour that is designed to deal with segmented/ more power long rod penetrators. ( Kontakt-5 is the mid-‘80s design heavy internal reactive armour.)

When Republican Guards units are set to Excellent in weapons they should have the latest of all things Russian. Including the latest APFSDS long rod penetrators. The Russians have very good tungsten and DU rounds.

The entire scenario is a fantasy anyway… so why not give the option of some Syrian units having the latest Russian kit.

I am sure many would enjoy the OPFORs style of armour v armour/ cpmbined arms battles that would follow smile.gif .

All very good fun,

End of lobbying… for today any;),

All the best,


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John, Hi,

Great that there will be new AFVs in the coming module…. however, it “has” to be the T90…. the T80 is just another ‘80s and early ‘90s tank.

In CMSF we see the use of the latest/ “current” M1 tanks. If you set them up against anything other than the latest/ “current” T90s you get a very dull and predicable massacre. In terms of a combined arms game.

For BFC to go to the trouble of producing new Syrian AFVs, yet for them to be the T80 from the ‘80s/ early ’90s would almost be eye watering it would be such a shame ;) .

CMSF is a great game, but as a “combined arms” simulator it has extreme limitations due to the setting. The technology exists, is in production now in Russia, which over the forward arc could make a game of it against the M1.

We need the latest model T90s not more out of date ‘80s/’90s Russian armour.

T80s stand no more chance against an M1SEP than T72M1Vs already in CMSF. They do not have any heavier armour.

All good fun,

All the best,


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Can the game support maps that allow engagements out to 4K? I only ask due to some of the posts I have been reading. With modern weapons you almost have to make maps much bigger to support the much long effective ranges of direct fire from modern tanks. If I am using M1A2's I want to be able to use it like a KingTiger and engage the enemy from as far out as possible, particularly T-90s!

Modules I would like to see if modern:

Warsaw Pact vs Germany or UK or US 1980s

NATO vs Russian in some hot spot (read former Soviet Republic)

US vs Iraq (Playing Now)

Russian and US vs China 2015

US vs North Korea 2010

US/NATO vs Iran Coming Soon

Modules I would prefer

Poland 1939, France 1940, Norway 1940

Operation Blue 1942-43

Kursk 1943-44

East Front 1944-45 (Bagration Operation or Battle for Berlin)

D-Day 1944-45

North Africa 1940-43

Italy 1943-45

[ August 15, 2007, 12:23 PM: Message edited by: Zemke ]

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Zemke, I think that you misunderstand Modules. Modules are intended to extend units in the same theatre, so you could get USMC, British, Germans, etc. in Syria, but not elsewhere.

The next game is likely to be a WW2 setting, but restricted to a single campaign (Normandy, for example) with new units added in successive modules.

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To be clear…

The T80 will be the T80U…. which was introduced in 1985 ;) …. Its scrap metal… smile.gif .

The tank that is needed is the T90A or Vladimir T90 introduced in 1999…. That is eight years ago so it is hardly fictional or fantasy. It has updated/second generation Kontakt-5 armour and a welded turret.

Just the standard/only Russian tank of the last eight years. Then we will have current generation v current generation.

All good fun,

All the best,


PS Please do give us a modern Russian tank ;) . The T80 went out of production in the mid ‘90s.

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Yeah, come on. Give us the up-to-date Russian equipment. Some scenario designers are creating fictional/fantasy scenarios in the former SU. Give us the tools and we'll do the job...

I'm hoping the CM:Shock Force will become a modern warfare simulator and not a Syrian warfare game. I have no issue with the Syrian setting, I'm enjoying it immensely but I hope the game's development isn't going to be straight-jacketed by a determination to keep it Real-Syrian only.

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Originally posted by Paper Tiger:

Yeah, come on. Give us the up-to-date Russian equipment. Some scenario designers are creating fictional/fantasy scenarios in the former SU. Give us the tools and we'll do the job...

I'm hoping the CM:Shock Force will become a modern warfare simulator and not a Syrian warfare game. I have no issue with the Syrian setting, I'm enjoying it immensely but I hope the game's development isn't going to be straight-jacketed by a determination to keep it Real-Syrian only.

Battlefront has stated in the past that there will be a couple or so add-ons for CMSF, then WW2. No NATO/Warsaw Pact., or other modern periods.

Search is your friend, there are several long posts about the topic.

They have

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