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Manual Addendum: Rank


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The Manual says, in describing the unit info panel; 5. Rank - the rank insignia of the highest-ranking leader of the unit. This does not

change within a battle if the leader becomes a casualty and the next highest leader assumes the leadership role.

It does change. The dude's name changes, the modifiers change AND insignia. I set up a test and followed the command structure of a unit under fire...it went right down the line as guys got wailed on, jumping all over the place, and each dude had his own insignia, depending on his rank, along with all the other pertinent info.

I think that is really cool. LOL and if you pay attention, and they get hit in a particular order, you can learn a good deal of the names of the dudes and their rank, in the squad. (though it's NOT recommended!) To put it in perspective, there was only one name and rank given per squad/HQ in CMX1, because leaders always died last.

NICE little detail BFC!

<font color=red>NOTE: this also does not reset in WEGO playback along with all the other stuff.</font>


P.S. Kip? You remember the conversation pertaining to this very thing...about the John Wayne NCOs?

[ September 08, 2007, 04:16 AM: Message edited by: Mord ]

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It is a very cool thing to witness. Brings home that every Joe Grunt has a name and abilities.

One thing is I understand the British Rank insignias cos Meach tells me if I ask but for the American or Syrian I don't have a clue.

What does the Seargeant's stripes with the little rocker bar at the bottom mean? What is the same one with a star? in the middle mean?

Anyone able to explain American Rank insignias?

I guess the lowest rank is Private (First Class) and that is a single rocker?

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US Army Rank goes:


Pirvate First Class

Specialist / Corporal


Staff Sergeant = 3 stripes and a rocker

Sergeant First Class

Master Sergeant

First Sergeant

Sergeant Major = 3 stripes 3 rockers and a star

Command Sergeant Major

Sergeant Major of the Army

Edited because I forgot to type the SMA.

[ September 08, 2007, 09:14 AM: Message edited by: Dogface ]

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Links to wikipedia:

US Army Officer

US Army Enlisted

One thing I would like to see corrected:

In a US Platoon the second in command is the Platoon Sergeant (PSG).

The game has the PSG listed as "XO" (executive officer) in the Squad List.

XO is the correct 2ndIC for Company level and above but not for platoons. (I'm sure BFC knows all this)

(Another tip for scenario makers, the PSG is, usually, in the 4th tank.

A platoon would be something like: 1st Platoon HQ(LT), 2nd Tank(NCO), 3rd Tank(NCO), 4th Tank(PSG)

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Mishga: Anything on the Syrians?
I have no idea, it could be out there on the internet somewhere I guess.

That makes me wonder. We have people on this forum from all over the world. Yet I have never heard anyone say they were from Syria or anywhere in the Middle East. No one in Syria downloaded the demo? BFC needs to expand their advertising. :D

If we could get all those young Extremists to play the game and see how a battle would likely go, maybe they would find more worthwhile pursuits?

I would like to see Matt or whomever is in charge of the database run a query on members' location and gives us a by country count.











Kiwis, etc.

Of course, if members do not fill in location there would be a margin of error.

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I tell ya..if more people played CM:SF and saw the horrific deaths that can be inflicted I bet less people would be so keen to do it for real.

I had one poor guy get shot as he ran behind the stryker and to add insult to injury the squad in the stryker dropped the ramp and it looked like he was squished, just his boots sticking out and the big red circle. One of those funny but you should not laugh moments cos chances are it's happened.

Are Syrians even able to access the internet in unrestricted form? Is Assad another Saddam? Is he worse? I recommend that Syria don't play the game as they would only get the idea to beef up there air defence and buy new tanks lol tongue.gif

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Yes, some unfortunate soldiers have been 'squished' by armored ramps.

They teach you that as part of the basic safety points when working in or near AFVs, etc.

On the 113s or 577s, if the latch doesn't close and the cable breaks, that is one big, heavy door!

Of course being around 30-40 year old National Guard vehicles is bad enough.


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I just found this in the manual under Leaders;

"...should that leader fall in battle the name and rank will change as the replacement assumes command."


No biggie though, it was fun testing and seeing it happen in game. Still it is an awesome addition regardless!

It's gonna add some real depth to AARs in CMSF as well as future games, at least for me...gives a nice sense of intimacy to your squads as well as some story telling aspects, as to what happened in the heat of the engagement; Leader X got hit so Soldier X took over the command and the like. I dig that!


P.S. Maybe somebody from BFC or the Testers could give us the low down on the Syrian Insignias in game? If they should ever do an updated manual somewhere down the road...they could include US and Syrian rank patches in the Icon section.

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Originally posted by GunzAbeam:

Mord ..you da man ...but why on earth would you ever want to kill a weiner dog?



Hey thanks!

As for the vile weiners...info can be found here;

The Beginning Of The Weiner War

here;<a href="http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=9;t=016082;p=2#000037" target="_blank">

My Suspicions Aroused </a>

And finally,

Symphony Of Weinerdom

This should explain it all...in staggering detail.


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Huntarr, Mikko, Thanks for the links! I'd done some searching last night and couldn't find any of that. MUCH APPRECIATED!

John K, your link is is faulty...but I remember the dude you are talking about. Big chip on his shoulder.

Thanks again, fellas.


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I noticed viewing Mikko's link that the game is using everyday dress patches as opposed to field dress...is this because the field dress colors are harder to view in the UI?

And on the site, under everyday dress, there appears to be no difference between an Jundi Awwal and an Arif...I wonder if this is a mistake? They are distinct from each other under field dress.


P.S. Jeeeez, I am starting to sound like Dorosh!

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