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Reports: US Considers Military Strikes, Regime Change in Syria


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The Bush administration has reportedly considered launching military strikes on Iraq's neighbor Syria and finding someone to replace Syria's President, Bashar al-Assad. Newsweek reports that at a high-level meeting held on October 1st, U.S. officials debated striking training camps inside the Syrian border used by insurgents in Iraq. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice declined yesterday to verify the magazine's account that she had successfully opposed the strikes. Meanwhile, the Financial Times is reporting that Bush's security adviser Stephen Hadley is coordinating an inter-agency search for someone to replace al-Hassad as president of Syria. The U.S. has accused Syria of harboring Iraqi insurgents and aiding Palestinian and Lebanese militias. One administration official told Newsweek last month that military planning around the country and Iran is "busier than ever." Last week, Fox News television host Bill O'Reilly called for al-Assad's assassination, saying QUOTE "we should take his life if he doesn't help us out."


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Originally posted by Scott B:

Yeah, that was me. I put in word with my evil right wing buddies at the White House to get the war with Syria moved up to early 2006. I figure that's the best way to get the venue changed for CM:SF to someplace less controversial, like the Gaza strip.


LOL, nice one!
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Originally posted by BDW:

Last week, Fox News television host Bill O'Reilly called for al-Assad's assassination, saying QUOTE "we should take his life if he doesn't help us out."

Is it bad to have vivid dreams of beating O'Reilly to death with a tire iron?

Two weeks in a row?

That does bring about an interesting question: If we were to start a war with Syria in 2006, would BFC change the subject?

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Has anyone else noticed that Juan Gonzales has gone stark raving mad? I hate to go off on a tangent here,(wink), but he used to be a fairly reliable voice for a certain point of view and since late fall of last year it truly seems he's slipped his sprocket.

But back to the subject, I'd be shocked if we did not have plans to bomb terrorist training camps, (especially of the radical Islamic / militant Jihad / Islamo-fascists whatever you want to call 'em), wherever they might.

A more reasonable question might actually be along the lines of why have we not already lit them up? ...or somefink.

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U.S. into Syria:

A Wolfowitz speech a couple years ago suggested that, if all had gone according to the administration's 'optimistic' expectations in 2003, the full might of the U.S. Army would've been poised on the border Syria within months of the fall of Baghdad. Bellicose statements towards Syria were already being issued before Baghdad was even taken. The dust hadn't settled from their rush north before all U.S. bases in Saudi Arabia were emptied-out. Permanent U.S. bases in a pacified Iraq were supposed to have been the fulcrum point for a new 'Pax Americana" in the region enforced by unchallenged U.S. military might.

And after that?

Well, according to 'some' administration supporters the stage would then be set for the return of Jesus Christ, the battle of Armageddon would be fought, the Rapture would occur, and the end of the world would be brought about.

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