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Steve @ Battlefront.


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I just wanted to say thank you for allowing open communication here. Not only that, but for actively participating in discussions where other developers would be not so forthcoming. I know it's not an easy job you have, but you do it very well and should be commended for it.

Rudee from Calgary, AB Canada

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Yeah, I do have to give you props for keeping your cool. Some people can't take the heat when their pet projects aren't met with open arms and absolute fanboy love.

From my point of view I am somewhat let down as to how CMx2 has panned out so far. But then again, I never expected perfection with this first product. I always thought of SF as a testing ground (and probably a mental vacation for you guys) before ya'll got back to the real meat and potatoes: WWII.

I have to say though that I don't like some of the direction that the series seems to be taking. I really hope that when WWII comes back to the 'Mission that it'll be a major rework from what we are seeing now. If it's just WWII stuff tossed into the current salad, then I might just have to pass. One of the things that really made CMx1 shine so much was how simplistic the design was, but how difficult it could be to get really good at. That, and it never felt like a simulation--it felt more like a 3D war game. SF feels as though it's trying to shift towards simulation--and sims pretty much bore the living heck out of me.

You can keep your Silent Hunters and your Flight Simulators and your Grand Turismos. If the game is stripped of all the fun and entertainment value just to create as close to a virtual duplicate of the real world as possible, then it becomes yawn inducing. Keep it real--keep it hella real--but please don't turn it in into another sterile simulator.

But anyway, that's my two cents on things. I watch CM's future with baited interest. And again I thank you for being so even tempered with us finger-pointing customers. It's not that we're a bunch of jerks in here--it's just that we're so passionate about what CM was and could be. :D

[ August 27, 2007, 01:07 PM: Message edited by: Malicious Monkey ]

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My personal note,,,I emailed BF on july 2:13 pm with a problem on my order,,by 3:30pm 3 emails later the same day,,problem solved.Thats why we got battlefronts back. We all know that like most games released there r issues but it is good to know those issues will eventually be looked at. It is good to know u can hear from Matt and Steve when we need them.Great job your dedication needs to be commended...TY guys....

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I too would like to give my thanks to BF for really listening to the community. I know I don't participate much on the discussions here but I do tend to read many posts and it really makes you feel appreciated to see Steve and the others taking part of the discussion. It's impossible these days to get a game working 100% on release but you really show the dedication to make things work as they should. You really makes me feel like you care (and maybe its because you do?). Thank you for a good game and I'm really looking forward to what it will be in the future.

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Well since were all slobbering over the great service would one of you please send some my way... I hate to be the jerk to ruin this ego-stroking party but I would really like to know what happened to my order.

I will give props for past performance. My other BF purchases have all arrived without fail but now for some reason I guess I have been marked by the sign of the evil one or some such nonsense because its been nearly four weeks since I ordered and nothing yet. No responses to emails, nada... odd for BF I agree, but nonetheless I am getting the cold shoulder currently. Anyone? Help?

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