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Random Friendly Fire at Dusk/Night

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Yeah, um... it needs to stop.

I am referring to the random friendly firing that occurs, which is usually small arms, and is often enough that any professional force would be ashamed of themselves. Granted, it is mostly just annoying, but I just watched someone use a Javelin on their own stryker (which caused casualties), which was about 100m away with a perfect line of sight at dusk, so there was no mistaking it for something else (not to mention he had just walked out of said Stryker two minutes ago, but I digress...). Not only does it give away positions, but it wastes rocket and Javelin ammo.

Just sayin'.


The guy just blew ALL of his javelin ammo on friendly vehicles, even with a covered arc directing him to face in the opposite direction.

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Normal Dude,

I wasn't even aware that friendly fire in low light conditions was possible. From what you say, it does sound like it needs toning down a bit.

I wonder if a similar system could be used for daylight conditions in which there are friendlies in the line of fire? That might not be such a bad thing if it encouraged you to use proper tactics, like not firing over/through friendly positions.

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So far I have never seen one of my guys use anything other than small arms. The other day though I did have my freaking SNIPER use up all his 7.62 plinking away at a friendly Stryker. I even moved the guy to a building closer to the Stryker to try to let him see that it was his. No luck, he just took shorter range shots at the Stryker. Either those guys ticked him off or the Army has quit teaching vehicle ID.

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I have never seen friendly fire at all, ever ever ever.

'cept when I stumbled over a tent peg in the dark and caused the canvas to fall down on the rest of my section then I got pelted with metal mess tins...boy was that friendly fire....or unfriendly..

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Originally posted by SgtMuhammed:

So far I have never seen one of my guys use anything other than small arms. The other day though I did have my freaking SNIPER use up all his 7.62 plinking away at a friendly Stryker. I even moved the guy to a building closer to the Stryker to try to let him see that it was his. No luck, he just took shorter range shots at the Stryker. Either those guys ticked him off or the Army has quit teaching vehicle ID.

That's really lame, especially since the only thing Strykers look like (that I have ever seen) are those Marine LAVs.

You would think there would be some form of communication...or maybe a system whereupon we can issue Article-15's...

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I've seen FF in dusk scenarios, and though it's a very nice touch, it should definitely be toned down at least a little. Some of my guys were under fire from their platoon mates for several minutes - all had radios etc and in good comm with each other, and platoon/company commanders. They should have been made aware that they were firing on buddies within a minute at most.

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I can attest to the nighttime friendly fire problem. I can't tell you how many times I've seen the covering squad in bounding overwatch open up on the very men they're supposed to be covering. It's as if they assume anyone more than 100m away must be the enemy.

Really, I thought NVG were supposed to be modeled, at least for Blue.

From what I've witnessed, FF occurs in all night scenarios, but I've only seen it with small arms and vehicle-mounted MGs. I haven't yet experienced the joys of Javelin FF.

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Originally posted by Martyr:

I can attest to the nighttime friendly fire problem. I can't tell you how many times I've seen the covering squad in bounding overwatch open up on the very men they're supposed to be covering. It's as if they assume anyone more than 100m away must be the enemy.

I have seen them turn around and shoot squads sitting right next to them.

Originally posted by Martyr:

From what I've witnessed, FF occurs in all night scenarios, but I've only seen it with small arms and vehicle-mounted MGs. I haven't yet experienced the joys of Javelin FF.

I have only seen the Javelin fired once. I do see the AT-4s fired quite a bit
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I'm in the process of redesigning one of the missions in my Red on Red campaign partly because of this friendly fire at night issue. This situation has a company of poorly motivated conscripts with poor/conscripts tanks in support at night. It really can't get any worse than that. They were behaving fine as long as I kept them all together and there was no action. But once the shooting started, it rapidly descended into chaos. They were opening fire on those groups next to them. And it got worse, they started firing their RPGs at their own tank support and the tanks started returning fire with their main guns. I've never seen so many '!'s on the board at one time as in this situation. It was a riot to watch but I can't leave the situation that way.

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Originally posted by Paper Tiger:

I'm in the process of redesigning one of the missions in my Red on Red campaign partly because of this friendly fire at night issue. This situation has a company of poorly motivated conscripts with poor/conscripts tanks in support at night. It really can't get any worse than that. They were behaving fine as long as I kept them all together and there was no action. But once the shooting started, it rapidly descended into chaos. They were opening fire on those groups next to them. And it got worse, they started firing their RPGs at their own tank support and the tanks started returning fire with their main guns. I've never seen so many '!'s on the board at one time as in this situation. It was a riot to watch but I can't leave the situation that way.

Wow! Before I read this post, I was ready to ask certain questions about FF. Paper Tiger, are you sure that what you describe was all a result of FF? (It sounds pretty definite, but I'm just checking.)

Anyway, my questions. These are things I'd like to have definitely confirmed by someone from BTS.

1) Is FF actually harmful to one's own units? In another thread ("Thoughts on 1.08") someone posted that FF in CMSF is only cosmetic and has no real effect, and that it has always been so.

2) Does Player One see the FF that occurs on Player Two's (or the AI's) side? I've seen a lot of FF on my own side, but I can't recall noticing enemy FF. (Perhaps, if FF is merely a cosmetic feature in the game, it doesn't actually give away one's positions to the enemy. Dunno.)

3) Does FF use up ammo?

4) If FF is merely cosmetic, uses no ammo, and is invisible to the other player, should it be dropped from the engine (or does it simply not matter)?

5) If FF is *not* merely cosmetic, etc., is there an unrealistic amount of it in the engine?

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