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I Never Stopped Hating You: The Peng Challenge Thread Story

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Originally posted by Paul AU:

I have to take exception, to this “Seanachai” in his (its?) opening post. Saying:

The Peng Challenge Thread Named a Teddy Bear After Your Prophet, and Then Pissed on Him

What’s that supposed to mean?

What that means is that you are an idiot and have been to busy fondling yourself to pay attention to the news.

Please, do not take the presence of Abbott as evidence that we generally tolerate idiots. There's the door. Use it. Don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out

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Originally posted by Lady Redneck:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

As for Christmas, hope a SAM catches Santa, and Joseph shoulda drown the brat at birth

Your such an asshat. Did your parents not love you enough?, Or better yet maybe they should have pushed your head underwater while giving you a bath.

Lady Redneck </font>

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In other news, I am about to crush Boo! in a game in which he denied me the ability to choose any armor other than carriers and ACs. CRUSH HIM! The raffish boys of the RAF has already caused him severe consternation and made him rather iron cross methinks. He will not come out come out where ester he is to play though. So I have decided to throw a bit of fodder to the cannons. And the sheep.

That'll set the cat amongst the pigeons as they say.

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Berli!, why do you make the baby Jesus cry? Don't you know it's all about the love, man, and being anti homo-sexer of course, and hatin the lobster, and the rapture! yeeehaw! when the rapture comes can I have your car? Will it be unmanned or womand? whoa man! Did the war on xmas start early this year? Did I miss the outbreak of hostilities. I loves me a good war on xmas. One of these days we gonna win too! I can hardly wait for that non-blessed day when I can say "Happy Holidays!" without some nutjob getting his butt plugged, double wet-suited, hog-tied, hyphenated self all in a dither or lather or some leather or whatever about it and be all unhappy about the baby Jesus bein dissed for not havin the winter solstice celebration being called after him any more.

What's a winter solstice celebration without a good human sacrifice and drinkin the blood of some Abrahamic Monotheist babies? Why, when I was a little one we had to run and hide just about every damn day from the druids long about this time of year avoiding a good vein tapping. Talk about washed out! sheesh. Them Druid boys sure could suck the life outta a little baby.

Well, here's hopin the war on xmas goes well for you Berli! I can't seem to make any headway up these parts. Damn thing happens every year. All them bloody xtians and their death cult worshippin that baby Jesus. Kinda freaks me out when I think about it. Their God get's bornded by a sinless virgin all by his own ghost self, then he gets hisself all tortured and nailed up on a big plus sign and dies! for what? To wash away all the sins with BLOOD! a BLOOD Sacrifice! Kinda like them Druids, only instead of a baby every change of seasons, it was just one guy (although why they make such a big deal out of ONE guy getting nailed to a plus sign don't make so much sense - them ancient types was ALWAYS nailin people to things. Kinda a hobby with them or something...)

Anywhoo, So all the sins of everybody gets washed away by God killin hisself or his son or his own ghost or somethin. Don't really make much sense if you take HALF A SECOND to contemplate, but well, that's people for ya. Not too many of them think about much of anything 'cept maybe they think the homo-sexers is icky and oughta be stopped. Why them Abrahamic Monotheists so unhappy about the homo-sexers anyway? Seems like an awful lot of em actually are homo-sexers, don't it?

So Berli you go ahead and have your self a most excellent Festivus, or winter solstice, or if you are so inclined, a happy xmas too. It does, after all, mark the alleged birth of an extremely well worshipped fictional skydaddy. Plus you can get some really cool stuff from people if you work it right.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

In other news, I am about to crush Boo! in a game in which he denied me the ability to choose any armor other than carriers and ACs. CRUSH HIM! The raffish boys of the RAF has already caused him severe consternation and made him rather iron cross methinks. He will not come out come out where ester he is to play though. So I have decided to throw a bit of fodder to the cannons. And the sheep.

That'll set the cat amongst the pigeons as they say.

Not gonna happen, Goombah, when you send E-mails with no turns attached.

Is you a-scaired of lil ol' me?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

Hows that battle with Noba going there, Boopsie?

You mean the battle where Mr. I'm-going-to-keep-playing-people-with-this-one-scenario-until-I-finally-win Noba is killing off all my outlying troops one by one?

He's killing off all my outlying troops one by one. </font>

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Can you be sure Noba hasn't played your hot tub scenario before and pre determined the location of the bubble jets and gifted you with cross-eyed green babes while his are all elite*?

* not in any way meant to indicate that Noba could actually attract any form of babe.

Which is why, in this scenario, my cross-eyed green ones would be the actual elite, while Noba's elite could only be conscripts, if you follow.
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What's with all the nice-nice being played in this gawd-awful thread? Good morning this and thank you that. It's rather pathetic. Then again, this is the MBT and pathetic is its namo, but this is worse than worse. This is beginning to feel like a thread run by SSNs. Sad, very sad.

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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

Hows that battle with Noba going there, Boopsie?

You mean the battle where Mr. I'm-going-to-keep-playing-people-with-this-one-scenario-until-I-finally-win Noba is killing off all my outlying troops one by one?

He's killing off all my outlying troops one by one. </font>

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