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Peng Challenges all Other Threads to Fisticuffs on Boxing Day

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by flammenwerfer:

Man, I just pinched off a loaf, that must of been, sheeshhh, I mean nearly 3 ft long..WWTF

Is that normal!? I'm serious,m should I be concerned...

Definitely Shavian House material.

No doubt about it. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Serf flammenwerfer (spelt but not bolded) has been added to the Official Justicariate Webpage ... WITH A PHOTO!

Yeah, him and the twosies he is so proud of that he put it in a box to show the guys he brings home to meet his mother. I mean, low standards be darned, you must have been desperate for male companionship to suck the dweeb up so fast Joe
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by flammenwerfer:

Man, I just pinched off a loaf, that must of been, sheeshhh, I mean nearly 3 ft long..WWTF

Is that normal!? I'm serious,m should I be concerned...

Definitely Shavian House material.

No doubt about it. </font>

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Originally posted by stoat:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Serf flammenwerfer (spelt but not bolded) has been added to the Official Justicariate Webpage ... WITH A PHOTO!

Yeah, him and the twosies he is so proud of that he put it in a box to show the guys he brings home to meet his mother. I mean, low standards be darned, you must have been desperate for male companionship to suck the dweeb up so fast Joe </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Serf flammenwerfer (spelt but not bolded) has been added to the Official Justicariate Webpage ...


And how dare you, Sirrah, put MY NAME in the same sentence as that lower form of life, Phlegmy-Weeble!

I demand, DEMAND, DO YOU HEAR, that my name be separated from his by no less than several paragraphs, complete with brackets, ellipses and exclamation points (which are known in the advertising industry as "screamers", which is what you will be doing if you do not heed my words post haste!)!!!

You have been given notice, Joe Shaw!

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Originally posted by Slapdragon's Ghost:

I had a vision yesterday of Abbottsitting around the house in his underwear thinking he was celebrating a British holiday. Took 16 ounces of Scotch to drive the vision from my mind.

l drank 16oz. of single malt once in the late 90s, and I remembered where I left my car in 1983. When I got back to it, there was ticket on it.
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Serf flammenwerfer (spelt but not bolded) has been added to the Official Justicariate Webpage ...


And how dare you, Sirrah, put MY NAME in the same sentence as that lower form of life, Phlegmy-Weeble!

I demand, DEMAND, DO YOU HEAR, that my name be separated from his by no less than several paragraphs, complete with brackets, ellipses and exclamation points (which are known in the advertising industry as "screamers", which is what you will be doing if you do not heed my words post haste!)!!!

You have been given notice, Joe Shaw! </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Slapdragon's Ghost:

I had a vision yesterday of Abbottsitting around the house in his underwear thinking he was celebrating a British holiday. Took 16 ounces of Scotch to drive the vision from my mind.

l drank 16oz. of single malt once in the late 90s, and I remembered where I left my car in 1983. When I got back to it, there was ticket on it. </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Serf flammenwerfer (spelt but not bolded) has been added to the Official Justicariate Webpage ...


And how dare you, Sirrah, put MY NAME in the same sentence as that lower form of life, Phlegmy-Weeble!

I demand, DEMAND, DO YOU HEAR, that my name be separated from his by no less than several paragraphs, complete with brackets, ellipses and exclamation points (which are known in the advertising industry as "screamers", which is what you will be doing if you do not heed my words post haste!)!!!

You have been given notice, Joe Shaw! </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Good idea Sir Sir 37mm ... flammenwerfer, as your first task as a Serf of the CessPool we command you to challenge ... uh ... stanq_tonic, yes that should do nicely.

Now remember, make the challenge memorable in order that we might ... uh ... remember it I suppose. And witty with just a touch of oregano perhaps.

Good Idea!

Good Idea?!

Do you hear that lads?

What complete & utter nonsense!!

I'm not one of those 'good idea' sorts Joe & you can take that to the bank!

I wasn't trying to give you some mint ideas on how to train up the serfs, heck considering my disastrous history in that regard i'd be the least likely person to take advice from... even if you first ignored my chronic drunkenness, ever present malicious spite & total inability to figure out that whole 'action & consequence' lark... err now what was I saying?

... yes... err... you see I wasn't trying to say that young flamingworthless was one of these young scamps ready for a little bit of the old 'rough & tumble' with one of its elders... getting it into a little playfight to help toughen up the young skylark & set it well on course for a date with destiny... Maybe a Knighthood, perhaps an evening meal with Seanachai & most certainly a bath full of vomit... no, no, no I wasn't saying ANY of that!

Instead I WAS trying to say that flamingworthless is nowt but a snivelling, good for nothing Pengdamn SSN!

You, Joe , have granted the totally worthless distinction of serfdom upon the shoulders of someone undeserving of that unworth!

It's clear to me that this flamingworthless couldn't piss his way out of a sugar cube even if he had you to direct his dangle... way I see it, a serf without a challenge is just an SSN with a foot fetish... though I admit I have strange vision... poor show Joe , poor show.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Abbott, men have been known to melt down here too. Seanachai melts down on a regular basis, but of course, that's in his contract.

That's true. And, when necessary, I ban myself. That shows that I have character, even if I'm a vulgar swine.

Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I think it is unfortunate you have such a poor opinion on the ability of women to add constructively to the forum.

Tough to call. Sometimes he's stupid, sometimes he's just clueless, and sometimes he's rabble-rousing for the sheer hell of it.

Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

but I can say with all honesty that I know Bugged is bright enough to match intellects with anyone on this board

That's true. As far as I can tell, Bugged is probably smarter than I am. And I make most of you lot look like Bobo the Simple-minded...

Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I've posted in support of male posters as well which I hope you realize.

About that, Michael...some of the lads would appreciate it if you were, uh, a little less 'supportive'? Or at least, loosen your grip a little.

Oh, and by the by, I'm sitting in a bar in Northern Minnesota right now drinking a Labatt's with my nephews. They both have very nice laptop's with a wireless connection.

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It's clear to me that this flamingworthless couldn't piss his way out of a sugar cube even if he had you to direct his dangle... way I see it, a serf without a challenge is just an SSN with a foot fetish... though I admit I have strange vision... poor show Joe , poor show.

3.7cm member[actual size]

Save your histrionics for those who care...In the mean time I'm having grandpa Joe FedEx over to you The Grog Dorosh Blow-Up Doll

That's about the only challenge you can handle...So please stop contacting me off board..sheessh

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Originally posted by flammenwerfer:

Save your histrionics for those who care...In the mean time I'm having grandpa Joe FedEx over to you The Grog Dorosh Blow-Up Doll

That's about the only challenge you can handle...So please stop contacting me off board..sheessh

If I had a squire worth a damn I'd have it deal with your galling behaviour... as it is I'm forced to deal with you directly... sigh

Anyhow look here wannabe-a-worm I wasn't talking TO you I was talking ABOUT you... whilst WE, your betters, debate the worth or unworth of your pitiful so-called 'existence' you shall remain quiet & out of my Pengdamn way you little uppity sod... so instead of dribbling on my boots why don't you go make yourself useful & re-arrange the Cesspools CD collection into alphabteical order or sumfink... as there are only two CD's and they're both by Celine Dion it shouldn't take you much more than a couple of days...

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

.....as there are only two CD's and they're both by Celine Dion it shouldn't take you much more than a couple of days...

What's wrong with Celine Dion???? I have all of her CDs!!!! Have you ever been in love.....?
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

.....as there are only two CD's and they're both by Celine Dion it shouldn't take you much more than a couple of days...

What's wrong with Celine Dion???? I have all of her CDs!!!! Have you ever been in love.....? </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Abbott, men have been known to melt down here too. Seanachai melts down on a regular basis, but of course, that's in his contract.

That's true. And, when necessary, I ban myself. That shows that I have character, even if I'm a vulgar swine.

Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I think it is unfortunate you have such a poor opinion on the ability of women to add constructively to the forum.

Tough to call. Sometimes he's stupid, sometimes he's just clueless, and sometimes he's rabble-rousing for the sheer hell of it. </font>
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