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The Peng Challenge Thread Wants YOU... To Go Away.

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I had my car door freeze shut last night. Freezing rain. I couldn't get it open this morning on the driver's side, so I prised the passenger portal open and kicked the driver's side out to submission from the in side.

Mostly sun, otherwise.

In other news, Boo is cowardladiddle-dee-lyingly throwing smoke at my tiger on a hill.

Really, aren't we all just tigers on our separate hills? Don't we all yearn for blastification upon our enemies-of-the-moment?

Ah, 'tis glorius to be a 'merkin.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

I had my car door freeze shut last night. .

Obviously you havn't read the car manual. It clearly states that it has "Idiot Driver/Owner Auto-Protect" installed.

Obviously when your car gets serviced next they will upgrade the software to make it totally Leeo-proof. No getting in the passenger side next time, bucko.


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I've been told, then. I'm a stupid old man who needs to just go off and die, then, eh?

It will come as a great relief to everyone.

I can spend my declining years declining quicker. As in simply ****ing off.

Declining into the void as quickly as possible. Over and out.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I've been told, then. I'm a stupid old man who needs to just go off and die, then, eh?

It will come as a great relief to everyone.

I can spend my declining years declining quicker. As in simply ****ing off.

Declining into the void as quickly as possible. Over and out.

Will someone else step in and say... "Don't go, we need you !", or sumfink.

Nobody? I thought not. I can't be bothered myself, either.


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Originally posted by Paul AU:

Things were much more interesting when I was around.

Aren't you afeared of the "Minions of the Bard", rising up against you?

I don't find you intersting at all....at least Seanachai makes sense half the time.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

In other news, Boo is cowardladiddle-dee-lyingly throwing smoke at my tiger on a hill.

At least I'm not the compLeeeeeote idiot who sends turns that I had sent to him two months ago.


I get turn #21 from Leeeeeo. Problem is, he should have sent me #48!

Why don't you complete the idiocy and just start sending random turns from other games, while your at it.

Nit wit.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I've been told, then. I'm a stupid old man who needs to just go off and die, then, eh?

It will come as a great relief to everyone.

I can spend my declining years declining quicker. As in simply ****ing off.

Declining into the void as quickly as possible. Over and out.

Don't make me get all liquored up and call you at 3 AM, Olde Man.

You don't want to hear my brand of drunken abuse.

I am... olympian in my wrath.

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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

You know what I like best about the Midwest in the wintertime? The fact that I don't live there.


I think I can speak for the entire midwest and probably most of the rest of the world when I say, we're glad you don't live here too. </font>
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There's plenty of time to shuffle off this moral coil soon enough. However, I once again DEMAND my drunken Seanachai, so that shuffling-off thing will just have to be delayed until I get satisfaction.

I ain't no Mick Jagger, you understand.

I also see that for some reason, Boo-hoo-hoo is all stuck-up in the numbers. He needs a few lessons from Elvis.

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Oh-hi-yo will go flying off into space locked in a huge block of ice.


Didn't really happen. The HUGE, SCARY, EEK! EEK! snowstorm we were supposed to get, dropped about three inches on the ground overnight and it was all melted by the time I got back from the club around 1PM today.

Now, I realize that three inches of snow would be enough to completely paralyze some communities. Say communities out on the worst coast where fragile, delicate, orchids like

Emrys might live, but we midwesterners are made of hardier stock.

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leeo:

...this moral coil...

Moral coil? What moral coil? You've never had a moral coil, you immoral bastard!

Michael </font>

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Happy fookin Easter to you fookin xtians, eh? I had a fine time today. I was in me grubbies, while the girls and wife were gettin all dolled up fer Jesus, when there's a knocking at my front door and two gentlemen - also dolled up for Jesus - were standing on my porch. My first instinct was to let my dog Babs at them, but she would have only succeeded in sniffing their fundy/mormon/whatever crotches for breakfast crumbs, So I gave them a good demonic smile and said "Good Morning!" Then without so much as pre-amble #1 says "Good morning, we'd like to talk to you about Jesus!" And I says, "No thanks, the wife and kids are getting ready to head off to church, and I'm an atheist! So, really, No thanks!" The man looked positively crestfallen as he tried to hand over some pamphlets which I politely declined.

Later, as I was driving the twins over to St Bubba's of the Deer Hunt or whatever the martyr's church is called (The wife was taking the young one to Our Lady of the It Fookin Snows A lot Here to play her violin for Jesus), when I mocked my children's religion a bit. They sing in the chior, and I'm not sure how much they go for all the gobby gobby, but I make sure I let them know I don't believe a word of it. All in good fun, of course. They are old enough not to believe in the Easter Bunny and Satan Klause anymore, so I said, "OK you guys are ya ready to sing real purty fer Jayzus!?" And I got a loud "da-ad!" in reply. And then we talked a bit about The Bunny and Eggs and Pagan mythology of rebirth and how the xtians had pretty much cribbed the whole gig from earlier religions. Stunned amazement from the sprogs in the backseat. Then Nat asked, Why the bunny then? And I said I honestly don't know why a bunny and not a duck or a wombat, but probably that bunnies are cute and cuddly and appealing, and that the modern mythology of an easter bunny and presents and candy is a GREAT way to get kids to buy into the sect. I mean, "Jesus loves me AND gives me CANDY! Hot damn, where do I sign up?" To which they laughed and - being brought up bloody catholics by their mother - immediately felt guilty about it.

Then to send them off right, when we got to Saint Bubblies of the BearBottom and there was a traffic jam from the first mass and the second mass colliding to form a massive mess, I gave em the old Python: "Look at 'em! Bloody catholics fillin the bloody world with all their bloody children they can't afford to bloody feed!" "Well, what are we then?" "We're Protestant! And Fiercely Proud Of It!"

I was treated to another chorus of "daaa-aaad!" as they got out of the car I shouted after them - "Remember to sing pretty for Jesus!" There were only a few people within earshot, so I don't think they were toooo embarrassed. Good kids. They'll understand in a couple more years what a load of crap it all is. They are already getting it. Now that Satan Klause is out of the picture, it'll be easy peasy lemon squeezy to get them to think clearly. If they still decide to be bloody Catholics, ah well, could be worse. They could be fookin Moonies!

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

KneeDanONE! wot fookin part of fookin Coventry is too fookin complex for your fookin, noggin, eh?

Well he IS Nidan1 after all, we should consider ourselves fortunate that he remembers to wipe his nose ... or whatever ... at least I'm ASSUMING that he does ... wouldn't you think he does after all?

Hmmmm ....


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I like it when Peng gets all soccery and indignant. Lets me hate him all the more.

And just remember Peng, Catholic school girls are hot. And guilty. It's pretty awesome when it all comes down to brass tacks. So let the Pope enPopeify the masses all he wants.

Besides - this one's German, and is the right age to know all about running with Laffette tripods and such.

Might I add that 35 year old Jack Daniels has a certain smoothness to it that is quite captivating.

But I fear that 39 year old Drambuie might just kill me.

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Peng! You atheistic gargler of gelatinous gew-gaws!

I'll have you crawling to confession ("Mea culpa, mea culpa mea maxima culpa!") by the time I get finished with you in our latest and greatest game.

I have decided that it is not enough to STILL win the game even though you have completely unmanned me on the battlefield.

Winning a MINOR VICTORY even with 90% of my troops bent knee running away with poopety pants is par for the course.

By the time I'm done with you in this new battle, you'll be CRYING to be allowed to be an altar boy at Our Lady of the Presumptuous Assumption!

You have been warned.

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I'd pay good money to see Peng sitting up in the cheap seats at both his daughter's attendance in a Moonie mass wedding.

Wait a tick, the resultant mass shooting would make the evening news…I'd get to see it for free!

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