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My review: CM:SF is the best wargame out there

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Understood. However, keep in mind that things like TacAI not doing what you expect is not a WeGo issue, but a game issue. It affects RT people as well, though they do have more flexibility to overcome it. However, the issue is still there and we've been working to make the TacAI much, much better. Not because we're focusing on RT or WeGo, but because it's something that needs to be improved. More improvements are coming with v1.06.

The problem, I think, is that there were SO MANY features in CMx1 it's hard to say what combo people consider to be important. Some people have stormed out of here angry because of the QB design alone, for example. Some have felt that the lack of TCP/IP WeGo is the worst thing, even though PBEM is almost effectively the same (though a bit more cumbersome, I agree). Others felt that without the popup Commands menu the game was unplayable. Some of these issues are WeGo specific, some are just the game itself. So I think a lot of the "CM:SF has hobbled WeGo" claims are a bit off track since the list that accompanies the charge hasn't much, if anything, to do with WeGo.

As for your question about variable turns... we have a list of possible game features that, if printed out, would have a noticeable negative impact on global climate change :D So again, it wasn't that we left that feature out because it was WeGo, we left it out because we feel it has little potential value compared to the effort to make it work right. Remember, if we put it in we have to support it, even if only 1 in 50 people use it. So we're very careful about adding things that could potentially cause a lot of problems unless we are sure it's really necessary. We've said, all along, that variable turn length was not going to happen at least near term, so there should be no surprise there.


The problem is with data storage in the file that is swapped back and forth. Every bit of data included increases the file size. Charles could easily dump everything into the file and have 100% perfect playback 100% of the time. The problem is the file size would be significantly larger. So it's been a process of "trial and error" to find out which things really need to go into the file and which things can be left out. We'll fix things as we find them, though I expect most will be fixed in v1.07 simply because we don't want to drag out v1.06 any longer than necessary.


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

More WeGo features people are missing will find their way back into CMx2 as time goes on. It is still our goal to find some way to get TCP/IP WeGo up and running....


As a devoted wargamer, as a player of the CM*1 games (purchased all of them multiple times), and as someone who deleted CM*2 from his hard drive after being sorely disappointed after its initial release, I am still hoping that WEGO TCP/IP and the various tactical options will make it back into this game.

I really do want to play again ... but as it stands I continue to wait.

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