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The Peng Challenge gets a B-Day Gift


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Ah, how truly good to be back, amongst my people! Right now I am covered with dog hair and glitter. The dog hair is simply the result of having to come down to the level of a 4 year old while playing at various make-believes, and the glitter is the result of an unfortunate accident with a small, round, flat container that Small Emma told me to open, and contained a staggeringly large amount of pink glitter speckled powder that went fecking everywhere, and somehow coated every bit of my fine self.

Now, I know what's going through the thoughts of each and every one of you. You're asking yourself: 'Did Seanachai miss me?'

In a plaintive, little boy voice.

Well, not Berli. He's thinking 'Did Seanachai miss me?', but in a voice thundering with sulfur and damnation. Also, he's randomly torturing lost souls. It's just part of his 'thing'.

And, well, the truth is, I missed you all.

I may have to get photos of you all, and put them on my PDA, so that when I'm away from my computer, I can do a little slide show of your pictures, and smile and say 'Get Stuffed!' to each and every one of you before I fall asleep at night.

Well, I'm once again without work, and looking to somehow improve myself. I've probably got enough money to get through the next 6 months, so you'll probably see me posting more.

But I leave you, for the moment, with the words of Small Emma. When I told her I had to go home so that I could post to the guys on the Peng Challenge Thread, she told me 'Oh, no, Grandma Steve! You don't need to go away. They are all very bad boys. You should stay here and play with me. You will be the Prince!'

And I said to her: 'But Emma, how can I be the Prince, when I'm 'your bird'?' (see earlier Tales of Small Emma)

And she thought about it, and then she told me: Sometimes you are the Prince, and sometimes you are My Bird. But tonight, you will be -- Prince Bird!

You know, in a long life, I think that's the best goddamn thing I've ever been.

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Ooh, first one at the party; that's not good.

Don't worry, lad. You'll be the last one here as well. Come early, leave late, go home alone.

I imagine by the time you're 40 you'll have the largest collection of sock puppets in Europe, and be able to do every scene in 'Macbeth' by yourself...

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Sae daid Meek's Mum ever buy tha' deuce-an-a-half?

Tha' bastarrd Meeks....sainds blind artillery barrage on mah feckin' setoop area, thain ain a poncy Sassanach school laddie voice, "Di' Ah hit anythun?"

Tea or Lagavulin, or both.

Ah haid a feckin' cruise line wunce, boot at ran off.

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The General Forum is boring, and I have very little to add to the CMSF discussions. That's not to say 'nothing', exactly, but 'nothing apropos' would certainly be accurate.

I want to cause some trouble, annoy people, maybe get banned or something. But all I have is you lot. And you're all just lying there, dead drunk, somewhere, and not working with me at all.

Bugger. Maybe time to go off and finally write that novel. What a pain.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Do you know, in my own head, when I see 'OGSF', I always think:

'Ogre with Syphilis'

I can't be the only one, surely?

So, are you drinking, or are you not? I'm already eyeing the level of the bottle and starting to get a bit greedy with my supplies...

I have actually met and broken bread with OGSF and while I have no reason to believe that he has (or indeed had) syphilis ... well, at least not PRIMARY stage syphillis which is characterized by:

The primary stage of syphilis is usually marked by the appearance of a single sore (called a chancre), but there may be multiple sores.
Now of course I didn't do a thorough check {shudder}, he being OGSF and all.

As to the Secondary stage, it presents itself with:

In addition to rashes, symptoms of secondary syphilis may include fever, swollen lymph glands, sore throat, patchy hair loss, headaches, weight loss, muscle aches, and fatigue.
Now the only aspect that was noticeable was the hair loss but that could easily be attributable to his age.

The Late stage, however, is more obvious:

Signs and symptoms of the late stage of syphilis include difficulty coordinating muscle movements, paralysis, numbness, gradual blindness, and dementia.
the muscle movement could explain his inability to play CM, but the paralysis and dementia could easily just be the normal course of events for him after imbibing his "usual" wee drop of the creature ... and no I don't know if the Scots call it that but the IRISH do and that's close enough for me.

The ogre part is right enough ..


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

The General Forum is boring, and I have very little to add to the CMSF discussions. That's not to say 'nothing', exactly, but 'nothing apropos' would certainly be accurate.

I want to cause some trouble, annoy people, maybe get banned or something. But all I have is you lot. And you're all just lying there, dead drunk, somewhere, and not working with me at all.

Bugger. Maybe time to go off and finally write that novel. What a pain.

Little Women has already been written ... so they tell me.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Joe! You're alive!

Now, let's get right down to it. In a stand up battle of Evil vs. Evil, who would win? Berli or Peng?

Oh come now, you can't be serious.

Peng is ... well, Peng ... he deals with computers, he coaches GIRLS SOCCER, he ... well, he's Peng.

Can you imagine Berli coaching GIRLS SOCCER? Can you imagine Berli being allowed anywhere NEAR Girls Soccer?

It's not even a contest.


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Sadly Seanachai I must be off to bed as I have people to see and things to do in the morning ... as far as my employers know.

But I leave you to ponder the state in which you've left this, our home. We are beset with foul polluters of the purity of our precious bodily fluids ... I speak, of course, of the "Others Recognized".

I've done my part to rid us of these mettlesome lesser breeds but it's YOUR fault ... what do you propose to do about it?

The whole world wonders ...


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Joe! You're alive!

Now, let's get right down to it. In a stand up battle of Evil vs. Evil, who would win? Berli or Peng?

Oh come now, you can't be serious.

Peng is ... well, Peng ... he deals with computers, he coaches GIRLS SOCCER, he ... well, he's Peng.

Can you imagine Berli coaching GIRLS SOCCER? Can you imagine Berli being allowed anywhere NEAR Girls Soccer?

It's not even a contest.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Sadly Seanachai I must be off to bed as I have people to see and things to do in the morning ... as far as my employers know.

Ah, Joe, how much better it would be if you could say that you have things to see, people to do in the morning...

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But I leave you to ponder the state in which you've left this, our home. We are beset with foul polluters of the purity of our precious bodily fluids ... I speak, of course, of the "Others Recognized".

I've done my part to rid us of these mettlesome lesser breeds but it's YOUR fault ... what do you propose to do about it?

The whole world wonders ...


Joe Shaw, Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, I know that you are filled with dudgeon, and other things too bacteria laden to be properly composted. But I repeat to you: A Shrine must be visited by everyone, otherwise it simply becomes the Papac--er, that is, a Ruin.

What will I do about them? I'll buy the bastards a beer. It's all about giving the people a show, Justicar Joe!

What do you think? Now that the New Game is out, should I post a thread inviting them to step up, step up, see the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, and post in the Peng Challenge Thread?! Should I zip about on the Outer Boards and mock and jeer, and invite in the next generation of idjits?

Should I dare to eat a peach? May there not be minds out there that we have not reached? May there not be out there, unknown to us, and we unknown to them, a mind that will scintillate like a diamond, spread itself over the horizon like a rainbow?

Seriously, Joe, if there's even the off chance that there's someone out there who isn't as thick as two short planks laid atop each other, shouldn't we be trying to entice them into the maw of the Peng Challenge Thread?!

Mind, I know what you mean about the current lot, but look how far some of even the most idiotic have come! Some are even writing complete sentences!

Well, not with punctuation, or anything. And they're about as creative as mud, but they're in there trying!

I like to think that I am the Old One always willing to offer a hand-up to even the dullest penny in the fountain.

Boo! As you love Peng, the Queen and Me, fetch my charger! And some gloves! I go, to raise up the masses!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

The General Forum is boring, and I have very little to add to the CMSF discussions. That's not to say 'nothing', exactly, but 'nothing apropos' would certainly be accurate.

I want to cause some trouble, annoy people, maybe get banned or something. But all I have is you lot. And you're all just lying there, dead drunk, somewhere, and not working with me at all.

Bugger. Maybe time to go off and finally write that novel. What a pain.

You find time weighing heavily on your hands as the seconds slip by, relentlessly dragging you to your inevitable doom, do you? Looking for something to take your mind off the emptiness of your useless life, are you?


Try that, it might help.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:


Try that, it might help.


Shush! You're harshing my buzz!

When discoursing with Famine, one needs a clear head and the focus of a diamond cutter.

I will speak with you anon.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

I don't know, the good lady Stuka quite enjoys 'Dumbo the happy elephant'.....

Of course she does. Any woman who didn't have a soft spot for Dumbo wouldn't have married you, now would she?

Originally posted by Stuka:

As for children, I wasn't the one skulking around Disneyland was I?

It was Disney World, you halfwit. I was there by demand of my family. I spent my time drunk at Epcot, where all the adults go to hang out drunk. And you should be so lucky as to be as beloved as I am by the gang of nieces and nephews I have.

I sang them songs every night. And I imbued in them a deep-seated hatred for Australia. Every night they would say to me: 'Uncle Steve, why do we hate Australia?'

And I would tell them. This often took so much time that they would often come and sit at my feet outside our rental units, and get the full story. They would leave me at night so filled with the hatred of Australia that, had there been an Australian there as they were going to bed, they would have swarmed over him like a pack of weasels and ripped him into fragments.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

I don't know, the good lady Stuka quite enjoys 'Dumbo the happy elephant'.....

As for children, I wasn't the one skulking around Disneyland was I?

Ah yes I can hear her now ... "But Stuka my love ... aren't elephants supposed to have LONG noses?"


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