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Hallowed is thy name Peng, as is thy challenge

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

How do you know I didn't send file 65 disguised as file 63? Hmmmmmm?

Because that would require some modicum of intelligent thought?

Just guessing.

Steve </font>

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I had a sea cucumber once named Stuka. It would slowly crawl around the tank, dreaming of jumping 2-wheeled vehicles over sandy ground. It used to talk to me when I drew a line and snorted it. And then it would tell me to draw another, which of course I obligingly did, though it did seem to fancy fantasizing about slapping me around. Why, after several lines, me and cucumber Stuka where the best of friends. Until the day that feckin' cucumber drank all my beer and I was forced to run it over with a motorbike.

And thus ends the parable of the old cocaine cucumber and the sea of wheels.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

I had a sea cucumber once named Stuka. It would slowly crawl around the tank, dreaming of jumping 2-wheeled vehicles over sandy ground. It used to talk to me when I drew a line and snorted it. And then it would tell me to draw another, which of course I obligingly did, though it did seem to fancy fantasizing about slapping me around. Why, after several lines, me and cucumber Stuka where the best of friends. Until the day that feckin' cucumber drank all my beer and I was forced to run it over with a motorbike.

And thus ends the parable of the old cocaine cucumber and the sea of wheels.



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It's always good to rethink joining an organization under false pretenses. Of course, this assumes that collection of snot packets and lymph that slosh within your precambrian cranium can muster together anything remotely resembling a thought in the first place.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by bauhaus:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

How do you know it wasn't suggested to me by a MENSA member? Hmmmmmm?

Because a MENSA member would be too smart to associate with the likes of you. </font>
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P.P.S. - Joe

I mean, you don't need them consecutive to each other; you don't need them in immediate proximation to each other; a comma and period shouldn't touch each other; they shouldn't rub shoulders.

Much as pertains to you and the rest of the world, actually.

You're welcome.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

P.S. - Joe

You don't need both a comma and a period in your signature. I couldn't be bothered to care, but some ([cough]teacher bauhaus[/cough]) might.

I might......but then I'd realize Joe wrote it and I'd feel sorry for him. Occasionally, we need to grade to the student and not the test.
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Originally posted by Leeo:

I mean, you don't need them consecutive to each other; you don't need them in immediate proximation to each other; a comma and period shouldn't touch each other; they shouldn't rub shoulders.

Then why are you putting them on top of each other now?


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Piss off, Lars. And of course I mean that in the most disrespectful way.

However, though you are a right-wing mouth-breather, you have a point;

The semicolon has to be the nastiest piece of punctuation on the planet. "Oooh, let me rest my period upon your comma." And semicolon? What the hell is that? Something from which ****e spews occaisionally? Sounds like Seanachai to me.

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Leeo, you tosser, you have too much time on your hands. Not surprising, actually; now that Rosie O'Donnell is off daytime television (and Paris Hilton is out of the camera's eye for a couple of weeks), there's precious little for one of your . . . intellect . . . to do during the day (other than pull out an old copy of Funk & Wagnall's, lean back, and critique one's betters in the Mutha Beautiful, that is).

As a community service (as well as a personal favor to your probation officer), I've decided to assist with your "dearie me I have too much time on my hands" problem. Send me a setup, BB or AK, it makes no difference; I am an equal opportunity destroyer.


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OOoooo, look at who's risen up on their hind legs and mewed at their betters! "Oh, I've been gone for such an awfully long time, and aren't you all lucky I'm back?"

In case you didn't realize, your welcome back from Peng was couched within the dreary comparison of nihilism vs. Abbot. Not exactly a warm paean of acceptance, what?

You're going to have to craft a better challenge than that, <small>counselor</small>.

Besides, Rosie is so passé, and Paris is obviously a ho. Not the repeated Christmas time exclamation: Just the singular noun.

Seeing's as how you used to be a reliable opponent, I might give you the benefit of the doubt. Care to try again?

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Oh Leeo, has it come to this? Calling your goddess Rosie passé?


Stop now. You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?

No, no, no. Shut up, you lot. It was a rhetorical question.


At least, we'll always have Paris; yes, we'll always have Paris.


And her little dog, too. Now send me the setup, sparkie.


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Originally posted by Leeo:

P.P.S. - Joe

I mean, you don't need them consecutive to each other; you don't need them in immediate proximation to each other; a comma and period shouldn't touch each other; they shouldn't rub shoulders.

Much as pertains to you and the rest of the world, actually.

You're welcome.

You idiot Leeo ... of COURSE you need them both since the period is relative to the abbreviation and the comma denotes a separation between items.

What we DON'T need is two "E's" touching each other, oh ye of many vowels.

As if I'd trust the judgement of either you OR bauhaus ... ESPECIALLY bauhaus.


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Guest konrad

I had a dream.

Knights will come bearing links of iron who will be very cruel ,but they wil have no leaders and their power and their works will not extend beyond the Pool.

But when they come ,we shall all be destroyed.

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Originally posted by konrad:

I had a dream.

Knights will come bearing links of iron who will be very cruel ,but they wil have no leaders and their power and their works will not extend beyond the Pool.

But when they come ,we shall all be destroyed.

I had a dream ... that konrad posted something ... ANYTHING ... that made some sense.

I gotta lay off pepperoni pizza late at night.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:


Even the dog looks away in disgust.

Do you have any idea how long it took to find a picture that didn't violate BFC's Terms of Use?

Members agree, through use of this service, that this BBS will not be used to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
Then I gave up looking for a piccy of Leeo (who needs to send me a setup -- can someone help him power up his computer?) and settled for one of Ms. Hilton.


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