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Battle for Taiwan.

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One of my favorite poltical biographies was that of the official joke writer of the Clinton Administration, Mark Katz.

Clinton And Me

It's a very funny book.

Anyways, he relates the story of when the whole "Al Gore invented the internet" thing broke, and everyone was making fun of Al, Katz prepared for him a press release to send out wherein he apologized for the comment and mentioned that he had been tired at the time, having been up all the night before inventing the camcorder. I'm not sure whether or not Al used it, but I hope he did.

Also - people like Tagwyn =/= sane.

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Originally posted by Peter Cairns:

You can't really control these things, but believe me people, when I started a thread about war over Taiwan, I really didn't think we'd end up here.....


Yeah right. :rolleyes: I read the first message and just _knew_ someone would be linking to Victor/Victoria in a few pages.

I'm just pissed it had to be me.

I blame you for that, Peter. Be told.


Also - people like Tagwyn =/= sane.

Now now. If you can't say something sarcastic you shouldn't say anything at all.

Good rule of thumb: Any discussion involving G. Soros should go to the Annex.

I should have simply posted that, but I was having too much fun.

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Al Gore is beneath Hate. More like utter contempt, in there with Hillary, Jesse, Ted, Steve, etc.

Serge: I heard a rumor you don't exist!! Any truth to that one?

Kurtz: I used to have a very good friend named Kurtz, definitly not related to you.If we back down from Jihadists; PRC might make the mistake of thinking we will not fight. We got chased out of N.Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, E. Africa. Perhaps USA is just a big joke, ah so! They will not fight in Iran or continue to fight in Afganistan/Iraq, therefore, not over Taiwan or South Korea, etc. If flip-flopper Kerry or his ilk are elected . . . watch out. I feel sorry for those of you unable to understand real-politik.

I am not a legend; don't confuse me with that hypocrit Rambo. Moronic Max: You live up to your name! Are you related to Michael "Moron" Moore? Serge: Are you for cutting and running from any threat to the soveriegnty of free western nations? Or, are you just a loud-mouth? Someone who will not tolerate any opinion but your own? My opinion is that PRC is dangerous to freedom. They will make the mistake of thinking they can grab Taiwan. They will be really pounded if they try. It won't be like the slaughter of the innocents in Tienemen Square or the persecution of non-Chinese religions. Tag

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When it comes to China and religion let's get it straight... there is none. China is still a communist country and doesn't officailly recognize any religion. The Catholic bishop of China if you didn't already know is appointed by the Communist party there.

The PRC is a political/economic entity with its own agenda often at odds with the US, BUT they are not the ENEMY aiming to undermine and destroy Taiwan or the US. The PRC's position is to use diplomatic/economic and social/cultural ties to eventually get Taiwan to assimilate back to the mainland, but they also use their armed might as the stick over Taiwan's head to keep it in line and not delve into the slightest possibility of ever seeking independence.

Let's not discuss jihadist's in this thread as it doesn't have anything to do with this particular topic. Ranting as such doesn't prove anything except the making of foolish statements.

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Peter - While I of course can't speak for the rest of the forum, I of course do not hold you responsible. As I have been one of the more "political" participants in this thread, I recognize my hand in this.

lucero - you are right. I don't know where Tagwyn's coming from with this jihad stuff.

Tarquelne - how do you expect me to respond to something like Tagwyn without using sarcasm? To tell the truth would take pages, and wouldn't convince him. And my pride's too strong to not respond. I personally felt that snidely sniping was better than the outright libel Tag's doing. Personally, I feel this thread is nearing the end of its natural life, if not past. Perhaps a mod needs to help us out with a euthanasia-style lock?

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Tarquelne - how do you expect me to respond to something like Tagwyn without using sarcasm?

Actually, I highly endorse sarcasm. (In fact that's what I said: Note the replacement of "sarcastic" for "nice" in the old saying.)

I have even been known to occasionally be a bit sarcastic myself.

I personally felt that snidely sniping was better than the outright libel... I feel this thread is nearing the end of its natural life,...
I was shooting for a third Peng-style thread. Ask yourself: How can two possibly be enough?

But I wasn't singled out for an insult in Tag's last message. That makes me sad.

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Duh. Me can no read. Missed that there, Tarq. Don't worry - I didn't get a shout out from Tag in that last one either (Unless I'm Serge, but I think that's Sergei), but I've been feeling the Tag-style love in as many as 5 different threads here!

You could trying saying that you support one of the many things Tagwyn hates, things like freedom, peace, equality, respect, or grammar.

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Originally posted by Sergei:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by juan_gigante:

Duh. Me can no read. Missed that there, Tarq. Don't worry - I didn't get a shout out from Tag in that last one either (Unless I'm Serge, but I think that's Sergei)

You two Kool-aid drinkers are not of calibre high enough, LOL!

Serg </font>

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And by the way, Tagwyn, I thought I should let you know that I made a $15.00 USD donation to the American Civil Liberties Union because of you. I figured you'd like that, since you are clearly enjoying our American freedom of speech here in the thread, and would therefore support the defenders of freedom and liberty. Just figured I should let you know.

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Not being an american, I get a bit of a laugh from this "cool-aid" drinkers bit, as it seems to suggest that liberal americans can't drink like real men...

As a Scot I find this funny because from meeting Americans who come over here you all drink like school girls. I am not a particularly hard drinker, but by US standards i'd be seen as close to Alcoholic, and as to the Fins, and Ukrainians, hell I think the further East you go from California, the worse it gets.


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Meanwhile Back in Taiwan, as staarting this thread sort of makes me responsible for bringing in back on track.

From the point of view of building a background story. from 1 to 5 give me your votes omn a or b , so if it's all "a's", just post A,A,A,A,A.

Here goes.

1) Either China manufactures the "civil crisis" (a), or it reacts to a genuine political turmoil (B).

2) The Army is split over unification (a), or It tries to put down a Civilian unification movement (B).

3) China crosses in force largely unopposed along the West Coast (a), or it has to Fight ashore against the Taiwanese army in and around Taipei.

4) Indonesia, Korea and Japan, come to Taiwans aid as allies (a), or stay on the sidelines and call it an internal Chinese matter (B).

5) The US responds quickly before the Chinese are intrenched with access to all it's bases (a), or the US response is slow and it is restricted to mostly carrier airpower to dislodge a prepared Chinese force (B).

You can I suppose answer this two ways ( oh and of course you can put in reasons for your decisions not just 5 letters), one is which you think is the most likely or realistic, and the other is (what I would say is the most important one) which would make the best game.


[ February 07, 2006, 01:37 PM: Message edited by: Peter Cairns ]

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I had to check what the phrase actual meant.

Kool-Aid Drinker is a pejorative term originating in 1978. It is most often used as a political or personal put-down to describe someone who blindly adheres to a set of beliefs or political system, or who follows an authoritative figure without question.

I think that description fits a lot of people, including Tagwyn who started using the phrase in this thread.

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Well That sort of makes sense, and not being american, I just picked it up wrong, but I'd agree that if anyone was showing "blind obedience" to dogma, it isn't the liberals on this forum, who seem to be more pragmatic and able to see things from the other perspective.

Given that I am a great believer, in "understanding your enemy", and the dangerous of misinterpretaing your enemies motives, I don't see that as a liberal weakness, more a strength.

Thanks for the link.


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Originally posted by Peter Cairns:

Not being an american, I get a bit of a laugh from this "cool-aid" drinkers bit, as it seems to suggest that liberal americans can't drink like real men...


As most non-American are at least mildly amused that there are people over there having unhealthy appetite for foreign military intervention outside their border.
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Personally, I don't think that #5 would happen at all. I think that when reunification really happens it will be with the consent of Taiwan itself. Eventually, the standard of living of China will increase enough that the Taiwanese people wil want to reunify. Either they will vote in a government who will reunify, or their would be some sort of internationally mandated referendum on reunification that goes in favor of reunification. In the second case, the Taiwanese government might make a fuss, but they'd have to back down. The US might also make some noise, but I don't think we'd try anything.

I think that this might well also be the policy of China. I think that China is learning (and showing to the world) that economic power can be a sort of hard power all to itself, totally apart from military power, that can match or even overcome military power. While China is of course not yet capable of using its economy the way the US uses its Army, it's getting there fast.

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Juanito_Pocorito: Great, I hope you waste all your money on the putrid ACLU. They will defend NAMBLA and abortion everytime. You make me ill you silly kid! What are you studying at U of W? Internet idiocy? You get a "A." Why do think PRC is building all that hardware across the straits from Nationalist China? You think they have a lot of money to waste? Maybe they will contribute to the Democratic Party again. Or the Dems will sell them some more secret stuff? Their goals are clear; they are patient. Or, they can sell some more missiles to the Jihadists!! They are downrange from the Peacekeeper!!

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Explain for me, Tagwyn (or anyone), how defending Taiwan is crucial to the US's international security. Please show how China reunifing with a tiny island that traditionally is a part of mainland China and is far from US shores or US interests will lead to harm to the US, or anyone anywhere. Tell me why a single American soldier should die to maintain an independant Taiwan.

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