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CMSF vs MBT, aka "Peng Challenges Again"!

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Back from Texas ... then OFF to Texas again tomorrow ... {sigh}

And I missed a flameout by Peng and an appearance by the holy of holy's in the form of Madmatt and Steve ... damn work.

NG Cavscout, apropos of nothing at all, during the first Gulf War a Warthog wife discovered that a certain brand of mouthwash was EXACTLY the same color as a certain brand of booze. The squadron was, thereafter, the wonder of the Saudi postal inspectors due to their apparent obsession with oral hygiene ... I'm just saying ...

Boo ... SPECTACULARLY average work lad.


I thought I felt a disturbance in the Force.

What, are you and Ethan on a road show or somefink? He's in Arlington this week. We are planning to gather and drink beer, eat pretzels, play old wargames like Victory in the Pacific, and generally talk about what miserable bastards the rest of you are.

You know, the usual.

Steve </font>

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Leutnant Hortlund First off, I do believe you are trying to taunt me with your consumption of alcoholic beverages. Second off, unfortunately not your head, but seriously with that picture dude, forget scaring kids, you can make camel spiders run away with that kisser.

Regarding the decidedly southern intrusion into our little realm, I think one of Madame Seanachai's spurned paramours may of finally tracked her down. Or it is a thread regular posing as a new incarnation of Boo. I do find it highly suspic... supsic... suspec...ummm coincidental that Joe Shaw has returned at the same time that old Red decided to grace us with his presence. Hey, wouldn't milord Rune just love this guy as a member of the house of RUNE

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Regarding the decidedly southern intrusion into our little realm, I think one of Madame Seanachai's spurned paramours may of finally tracked her down. Or it is a thread regular posing as a new incarnation of Boo. I do find it highly suspic... supsic... suspec...ummm coincidental that Joe Shaw has returned at the same time that old Red decided to grace us with his presence. Hey, wouldn't milord Rune just love this guy as a member of the house of RUNE

Well that is nice of you soldier . I have always liked wines with a little fruitiness, been drinking them since I was a yougun. Yep a bottle of Rune’s farm sounds mighty good laying up under a shade tree fishin with my worm dangling in the water.
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Originally posted by Red Necked Dollar:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Regarding the decidedly southern intrusion into our little realm, I think one of Madame Seanachai's spurned paramours may of finally tracked her down. Or it is a thread regular posing as a new incarnation of Boo. I do find it highly suspic... supsic... suspec...ummm coincidental that Joe Shaw has returned at the same time that old Red decided to grace us with his presence. Hey, wouldn't milord Rune just love this guy as a member of the house of RUNE

Well that is nice of you soldier . I have always liked wines with a little fruitiness, been drinking them since I was a yougun. Yep a bottle of Rune’s farm sounds mighty good laying up under a shade tree fishin with my worm dangling in the water. </font>
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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Leutnant Hortlund First off, I do believe you are trying to taunt me with your consumption of alcoholic beverages. Second off, unfortunately not your head, but seriously with that picture dude, forget scaring kids, you can make camel spiders run away with that kisser.

See, there is an upside with being ugly. I dont have to fear camel spiders. *cracks open another beer* mmmMMMmm beer
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NO that's not a pre-halloween sneak up on ya scarem sort of a thingy. That's Pengy ahollerin ('ahollerin'? cripes that no-neck redhead penny feller's infectious) at Boo for being the scanty-brained, ossified, Gort quoting, pile of Ohioan turkey poo that he is. Boo, I'm callin you OUT, bubba. BLOOD HAMSTER style. I think we need to call upon the house of rune for something really really really hideously diabolical and hate filled. Something LARGE that will tax me new vid-card, full of splodey things and flames and death. Something that can scorch a map and your arsenal for weeks at a time. Something so vile and filled with mountains of reinforcements that only rune could conjure it. Yes. That's what we need for a good old fashioned BLOOD HAMSTER. The usual terms. 30 days of sig ownership, yes? Good. Now bugger off back to your trailer park before Rose thinks you are philandering again.

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Originally posted by Red Necked Dollar:

Whooo! You gots one of tem 9mm pisstols? Them is high dollar. I gots an ole’ Sears and Roebuck 12ga break open. One hammer still works so you gots to be a bit better shot hehe hehe. I likes it. It is kind of heavy buts it looks better now that I rubbed some 30 weight Pennzoil on the stock. I don’t use it but for squirrels and such so your welcomes to borrow it if ya wont. But you have to bring your own shell and shot cause until I sell this Ford out thar under the tree I am down to using my kids marbles for shot.


No redneck would shell out the bucks for Pennzoil.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

...{snipped} ... I think we need to call upon the house of rune for something really really really hideously diabolical and hate filled. ...{snipped}

Golly Peng ... something hideous from rune ... that's a poser that is. He'll probably have to think on that for a good ten or fifteen seconds before he grabs one of his "creations" (in the same sense that the term was used by Dr. Frankenstein) pretty much at random as fitting the bill perfectly.


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Originally posted by MrPeng:


NO that's not a pre-halloween sneak up on ya scarem sort of a thingy. That's Pengy ahollerin ('ahollerin'? cripes that no-neck redhead penny feller's infectious) at Boo for being the scanty-brained, ossified, Gort quoting, pile of Ohioan turkey poo that he is. Boo, I'm callin you OUT, bubba. BLOOD HAMSTER style. I think we need to call upon the house of rune for something really really really hideously diabolical and hate filled. Something LARGE that will tax me new vid-card, full of splodey things and flames and death. Something that can scorch a map and your arsenal for weeks at a time. Something so vile and filled with mountains of reinforcements that only rune could conjure it. Yes. That's what we need for a good old fashioned BLOOD HAMSTER. The usual terms. 30 days of sig ownership, yes? Good. Now bugger off back to your trailer park before Rose thinks you are philandering again.

You rang, Peng?

Like I fear some common, screetching, noisy, common, obstreperous, pantaloon waving, common (Do you see a pattern here?), common coelecanth... (No... that's not right) colocynth? (Yeah, we'll go with that)

And just like a common colocynth, I would dry you out (A mammoth undertaking just in itself), slice you up and use the seeds to create a purgative, which I would then administer to you (After putting you back together and rehydrating you... with Stroh's (HA! That's how evil I am!)) to watch you vomit out your very own doppleganger which would then be locked in an endless void where the two of you could spit and snarl and fight throughout all eternity, just like in that old Star Trek episode that had that guy from the TV show "Here Come The Brides" that had the theme song sung by Bobby Sherman...

*Moment of confusion... yells back over his shoulder, "Honeyyyy? Which mushrooms did you say you used in the spaghetti sauce again? The sliced ones in a can or the little brown ones that came in the box marked, 'Tiajuana C.O.D.?"*

Where was I... Oh, in front of the computer... right...

So, Peng, if that's what you want to call yourself. I ACCEPT your challenge of a BLOOD HAMSTER duel.

The only condition I make is that it can't be TOO large, because my computer is shakey at best and what with my steam-driven, squirrel powered 52k modem, I fear the game would just crash me out. And you will not win by a technicality, Oh no!

No more than 2,000 per side, por favor.

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OK that one was a sneak up behind you scarey thingy. Did I scare ya?



Oh rooo-une! runie-boy! c'mere ol' rune. Atta boy. Ok rune go an fetch me an Boo a nice 2 tousant pointer. Go on, fellah, FETCH!!!

Good ol' rune Look at im go!

PShaw! Of COURSE its bleedin obvious to you, me, Elvis, and anyone else with a minimum of two neurons still firing in tandem. Did you not notice whom it was I CHALLENGED? That's right, I challenged Boo whom, although due to sheer longevity and pigheadedness has earned bolding from me, is NOT the sharpest fry in the happy-shed, so I had to make it CRYSTAL clear that our good rune makes scenarios fit for a Blood Hamster match.

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Originally posted by Red Necked Dollar:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

No redneck would shell out the bucks for Pennzoil.

Huh? Uh erm. I gots it outa my neighbor’s Chevy. It tasted like 30 weight and there was an m/t Pennzoil jug in his carport. </font>
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House Persiflage, Holder of the Sacred Orb of Atomic Persiflage, Keeper of the Dreaded Box of Dutiful Instruction, Composer of Superior MBT Titles, Vessel of Vim, Bower of Vigor, and OdeSpinner Laureate of the Most Dishonorable Cesspool, hereby claims Seanachai the Drunken Gnome as Our lowly primate servant.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Let's examine that photo for clues, shall we?


What DO we see, hmmm?

Paul Revere and the Raiders: HE HAS A TWO CAR GARAGE ... jeeze, does he think we're blind?

Chicken: There is not one, NOT ONE vehicle up on blocks.



But Sir Joe is it not what one does inside that garage that truly makes one a Redneck?

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Originally posted by Red Necked Dollar:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Let's examine that photo for clues, shall we?


What DO we see, hmmm?

Paul Revere and the Raiders: HE HAS A TWO CAR GARAGE ... jeeze, does he think we're blind?

Chicken: There is not one, NOT ONE vehicle up on blocks.



But Sir Joe is it not what one does inside that garage that truly makes one a Redneck? </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

House Persiflage, Holder of the Sacred Orb of Atomic Persiflage, Keeper of the Dreaded Box of Dutiful Instruction, Composer of Superior MBT Titles, Vessel of Vim, Bower of Vigor, and OdeSpinner Laureate of the Most Dishonorable Cesspool, hereby claims Seanachai the Drunken Gnome as Our lowly primate servant.

Why? Get tired of the Capuchin monkey always outsmarting you?
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I don't live online, I was refereeing 5 soccer games today. Needless to say, once done, I came home and passed out [without the benefit of alcohol].

A Blood hamster scenario has been sent to you, ket me know how the balance is for 2 player. Granted, you are only playing Boo, but let me know anyway.


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Originally posted by rune:


A Blood hamster scenario has been sent to you, ket me know how the balance is for 2 player. Granted, you are only playing Boo, but let me know anyway.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're a funny, funny guy, Rune!

Why don't you give Peng some tactical pointers while you're at it.

That's about as amusing as hiring Sylvia Plath as a motivational speaker.

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