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One thing that should work better in WEGO is the new multiplayer mode which should allow more than one players on one side. If slow network connections cause problems already in RT mode, shouldn't that just get worse when you add more players? And giving commands in RT mode using pause, how would that work if there are let's say 4 people playing RT?

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Originally posted by M1A1TankCommander:

If you can pause the game any time, give orders in-pause and out of pause, then who needs WEGO?

If BFC can put in a sixty second rewind and tighten up loose ends like editable waypoints I personally can't see why RT and WEGO can't be rolled into one.
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If you can pause the game any time,...
in single player that might be some kind of workaround instead of wego but CMSF shouldnt get a single player RTwP(called real time with pause) game like the Total War series(only RT online).

and in multiplayer its unlikely they allow you to do this. i allready played a RTwP game in multiplayer, and it was, well, a big pause pretty much. when you can pause and react as soon as you notice the enemy doing something you will do, than the enemy pauses few moments after that becouse he saw you adopting to his plan he issued more moments ago, after that you pause again to adopted to....and so on.

as said a big pause.

wego is simply great, also becouse it has clear rules, you play realtime and turnbased at the same time...its awsome, dont get rid of it tongue.gif

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My biggest irritation with Real Time (and I don't mind pausable real time as such) is that you miss far too much of the action. Blink and your T72 is gone. Where'd that atgm come from....too late. If you aren't focused on it that exact second, you missed it.

That's why the cobbled on WEGO, with all its limitations and quirks, has become the way I play the game. It's the only way to actually see what happened.

If it is dropped from WWII that really will be the death knell for me. Not only will pbem be impossible, but the game itself simply won't as much fun, by reason of the fact that you'll inevitably be missing a large part of what is going on.

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A Real Time with pause would work for me, because I only play single player
iam in the same boat with you, me too. i dont want to play by "carrier pigeon" and i even less, want to play RT.

but i still hope that TCP/ip wego will make it in somehow, and at that point i wont play single player that much anymore.

the AI just cant keep up with a human, and its fun to play someone live on a lan or over the net for example, 4-5 houers, a fast to medium TCP/ip WeGo game smile.gif

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For multiplayer pausing to work, you have to have some limits. The methods of doing this are endless, but here are three examples:

1) After you pause a countdown is started (say 60 seconds), and you can't pause again until the countdown ends.

2) Alternatively you could allow a certain amount of pause time. For every second of gameplay you get one second (or whatever the players agree to) of pause time. [This method is probably my favourite because it is simple and flexible, but places a definite limit on how long a game can take]

3) Action Points. Players accrue APs while the game is running. Every order you issue uses APs (paused or not). This means that each player gets the same opportunity to issue orders regardless of who can click quickest.

I don't play multiplayer much so I don't really care, but it's certainly possible for RT pausing to work in multiplayer. So I would also be in favour of dropping WeGo if it requires any extra development effort at all (so long as you have the option to pause on the hardest game setting). Any effort saved on WeGo, should be spent on the TacAI IMO.

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the game i played had methode 2 installed if you liked it. ovcourse if you run out of puase you have a realtime game essentialy, again. so for me that was and is no option to end up in a realtime game at some point, and i think for many others too. i dont want a game where you battle for who uses his pause up first to anhilate him while he is stuck in RT mode. he still can issue orders in your pause but for the most part thats not enough as these pauses are not timed with his needs. i played that mode and it distracts totaly from the fighting itself i have found.

as you said, you need to have limits for this to work, thats right, but limits wich have nothing to do with the battle we have to fight out on the map(like limits in movement, equipment, firepower, like that) and are tied to something totaly different like "runing out of pause", have nothing to seek in a game like this. my personal opinion.

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Well I have only played SF in RT. Tried WEGO for PBEM play and never got a game going really as it wasnt very good. I dont think theres much point in WEGO for single play as the pause button is there, plus a reduced scale would totally avoid what McIvan is on about as you would see all of your force.

Controlling 30-50 men and a few vehicles would be much more satisfying I think than trying to control 300 men in RT, which, if playing IP, is just not feasible to do properly.

Having an RT IP pause just wouldnt work in my opinion for the reasons others have stated. I dont see the problem that a reduced scale would take away any of the simulation aspect of the game, if anything I think it may add to it. You can focus on your force to hand and use tried and tested tactics to complate a mission without the bother of Arty or Air, I know some guys like them but the majority I speak to would prefer manageable gameplay instead.

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Originally posted by GSX:

Controlling 30-50 men and a few vehicles would be much more satisfying I think than trying to control 300 men in RT, which, if playing IP, is just not feasible to do properly.


I dont see the problem that a reduced scale would take away any of the simulation aspect of the game, if anything I think it may add to it. You can focus on your force to hand and use tried and tested tactics to complate a mission without the bother of Arty or Air, I know some guys like them but the majority I speak to would prefer manageable gameplay instead.

If Combat Mission series will ever include a WW2 game restricted to controlling 50 men and no arty at all, that will be one interesting WW2 game.
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Originally posted by Steiner14:

But that doesn't solve the problem, that both players need to be at the same time in front of their computers. Therefore true WEGO PBEM is a must have for adult players, and even more adult players in different timezones.

For PBEM lock the players out of issuing orders apart from those defined timed pauses.
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sometimes i remember how upset i was when RT was included and i figured, "for what do i need RT!?".

than, many people are happy about it and by now i think its ok, the "let me live so i let you live" kind of thinking.

i have WeGo, he has RT, both happy...ok for me.

but when people come and suggest a abstraction of RT towards WeGe but dont like WeGe. i mean sometimes one have to decide, WeGo or RT, what is it. thats the options you have. if big battles are a chaos in RT its clear, its RT, than play WeGo. if the smal WeGo battles bore you, take em in RT. you can choose befor every battle, thats CM luxury!

but please dont suggest that all end every player, if he likes WeGo/RT or not, should be forced to agree with RTwP in some fashions, everything else gets dumped.



also its no option to force everyone to some vehicles and 30 man becouse some cant handle more in RT. i have a battalion size scenario redy to test, but i wait until i can run it.

you cant make a sqad based tatical game out of CM.

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Sorry to repeat myself but you seem keen to keep making the same claims and comments.

Originally posted by GSX:


I dont think theres much point in WEGO for single play as the pause button is there

This comment is ignorant and inaccurate.

plus a reduced scale would totally avoid what McIvan is on about as you would see all of your force.

Controlling 30-50 men and a few vehicles would be much more satisfying I think than trying to control 300 men in RT, which, if playing IP, is just not feasible to do properly.

Having an RT IP pause just wouldnt work in my opinion for the reasons others have stated. I dont see the problem that a reduced scale would take away any of the simulation aspect of the game, if anything I think it may add to it. You can focus on your force to hand and use tried and tested tactics to complate a mission without the bother of Arty or Air

Mate. Again. You, your mates, or other 3rd parties can simply build these small scale missions RIGHT NOW, with the tools at hand.

Go for it.

I know some guys like them but the majority I speak to would prefer manageable gameplay instead.

Maybe in your world and from your POV.

You can have your small, RT battles. Others can have large, WEGO battles. Others again can have large, RT battles if they want.


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A battle small enough that I can keep track of the whole thing in one screen...thereby not missing anything....is really not going to hold my attention.

It may hold yours, sure....don't let me give the impression I'm dissing your preference. Doesn't do much for me though. I want a decent combined arms battle.

Pausable realtime with rewind is essentially what we have now (for WEGO) but with rewind allowed anytime. Good idea. That would work for me from a single player viewpoint.

I still want to play against another human however, and I very rarely get the big block of time needed to play IP, and my location in New Zealand makes it dificult to match time blocks with players in most other countries. So pbem is important to me. The subset of people for whom pbem is important may however be small. That's Battlefront's job to assess....whether it's cost effective to include decent pbem play. I hope they do, for personal and inevitably selfish reasons.

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Originally posted by McIvan:

Pausable realtime with rewind is essentially what we have now (for WEGO) but with rewind allowed anytime.

I disagree. Right now in WEGO you can only issue orders in Pause mode, and cant change them until Active mode plays through.

A Real Time with pause, with ability to issue orders in realtime and in pause mode, with ability to rewind last 60 seconds would be Revolutionery, and is not at all what WEGO is

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