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More screenshots, but not of CMSF


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Multiplayer demo FPS game "Armed Assault" just came out (which I can't play because I still haven't got around to upgrading my system yet!).

Here's the website with screenshots. I figure BFC might want to take some notes on their palm trees ...and have a chuckle over their game engine. Betcha can't enter buildings! Seeing this just makes me want CMSF ...or ToW ...all the more! ;)

Armed Assault game

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My apologies to BFC if I committed a faux pas with the link (it was actually posted first on ToW).

There's a school of thought that says 'a rising tide raises all boats'. BFC might want to see this game succeed just to help stock a growing pool of modern war players. if Armed Assault tanks it could take more than a couple disappointed modern war players with it.

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No problem posting the link here. We don't like it when people do it to pimp a product, true enough, but have no problem when links are posted for informational purposes only. Moon got his hands on it a while ago and was not impressed. Certainly the pre-release images they posted made us expect something much higher. I think our soldiers have more polies than their tanks...


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Well, just to let you guys know, I have Operation Flashpoint: resistance, and got some mods for it (FFUR 2007, CoC Unified Artillery, some mod that adds Marines, some generic middle eastern rebels, and thats about it) and all combined, it seems like its pretty much a fps version of CMSF, seriously... extremely cheap and extremely fun substitute for CMSF in the meantime. It even has some Strategy and commanding in it. I recommend it ;)

unfortunately, i have yet to find a decent stryker mod for it (found one but its really crappy).

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I have played the demo a few times over the last couple of weeks. Overall the game doesnt feel like much of an improvement over Operation Flashpoint with its rather odd control scheme and design. Of course, thats not neccesarily a bad thing.

I hosted the game and a few people connected but lag was so bad that it was very hard to do much.

I can see a lot of potential in this game, which tries once more to bridge the gap between First Person Shooter, Squad Based Tactical Shooter and Simulation but it still has a lot of room for improvement and a long way to go before I would consider it ready for prime time.

Just like Operation Flashpoint before, this game is an aquired taste to be sure.


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My experience with the MP demo was that it's a resource hog. My 2 GHz mill just won't grind it smooth even with low graphic settings.

But I can wait for it to be patched and for great mods released (currently BI Studios is just developing tools for modders) and then upgrade my machine before buying it. Original OFP had the same share of problems years ago. In the end I know that it's going to be a game that just keeps on giving, but until then I'll be playing OFP Resistance with FDF mod.

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