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Video game hardworkers

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Originally posted in Strategic Command forum because I support the developer as a lone developer myself.

I want to state there is something wrong with today's release and publishing of video game.

This year we had Silent Hunter 4 by Ubisoft(bad shape when released), Theatre of war by Battlefront released with Anuman in France (there is no way to start it up as per today), Napoleon's campaigns by Ageod released by Nobilis (there is no way to patch it and need to be downloaded as a whole), CMSF by Battlefront released by Paradox where bullets shoot trough houses and Strategic Command 2 by Fury released by Anuman where the patches take months to cross the Atlantic when they do. I have Matrix games too.

For 15 years I have been involved with video games (playing and developing). I know bugs are hard to find out, but I know what time and work hours might do when energy is spent inside a system where all partners are respectfull.

Now, when jungle rules are in use only the worse is to be awaited and I am perhaps better off, playing all the old games they do work and many boardgames. this way not having to update a costly hardware.

This was the message from a customer to the hardworkers of the "quality" video game industry.

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..that the bean-counters rule, and the concept of putting out a top quality product is compromised by the need (or greed) to hit schedules and profit forecasts. Very short-sighted in my view. Once bitten, twice shy, however good the previous stuff was.... It is difficult to build a loyal customer base that will buy from you based on previous happy buying experiences, and so VERY easy to loose it all by taking them for granted.


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Originally posted by justsayhello:

Originally posted in Strategic Command forum because I support the developer as a lone developer myself.

I want to state there is something wrong with today's release and publishing of video game.

This year we had Silent Hunter 4 by Ubisoft(bad shape when released), Theatre of war by Battlefront released with Anuman in France (there is no way to start it up as per today), Napoleon's campaigns by Ageod released by Nobilis (there is no way to patch it and need to be downloaded as a whole), CMSF by Battlefront released by Paradox where bullets shoot trough houses and Strategic Command 2 by Fury released by Anuman where the patches take months to cross the Atlantic when they do. I have Matrix games too.

For 15 years I have been involved with video games (playing and developing). I know bugs are hard to find out, but I know what time and work hours might do when energy is spent inside a system where all partners are respectfull.

Now, when jungle rules are in use only the worse is to be awaited and I am perhaps better off, playing all the old games they do work and many boardgames. this way not having to update a costly hardware.

This was the message from a customer to the hardworkers of the "quality" video game industry.

In response to the above I tend to agree somewhat,

but in regards to "SC2" I have to say that Hubert, who is the father of said game,has been "Great" at

support and listening to feedback from the small,but dedicated community. He jumps on bugs, if any, right away and because the game seems to be growing more and more towards perfection, is open to community input for design features, which

is pretty cool.

My friends that I do pbem with, feel the same sentiment in regards to "SC2".

Sorry I just had to chime in because I wanted as just a gamer/customer back up the integrity that

we feel is apart of our "SC" experience.

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Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by wolf66:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Normal Dude:

Eh? So... what was your message again?

New games suck :D </font>Not all new games suck. I've been playing "Call of Duty 4" since it came out and it's a work of art. </font>Agreed. I have been addicted. A great game in all respects.
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SH4 was Bad

then had SH3 with star force was worse let alone the content that was levet out of 3

you think after all the patches to get 3 running ok they would just add new vessels and maps and update for the latest drivers

guess not

Originally posted by justsayhello:

This year we had Silent Hunter 4 by Ubisoft(bad shape when released), .

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