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Kudos for the immersive factor and detailed simulations in all your previous CM games. Based on your past record, I assume CM:SF will have the non-U.S. forces (be they Syrian soldiers or non-Syrian fighters flocking to the cause) speaking their respective languages.


Or have subtitles. Or little floating bubbles over their heads with the English translations inside.

Not only will that increase the level of enjoyment, I may actually learn something new, like useful phrases in foreign languages.

Thank you,


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After reading the AAR on urban combat, I wouldn't expect to hear much conversation from the defending Syrians. I get the impression some members are expecting the Americans to refight all of the pitched battles Hollywood has dished out in epics like "Lawrence of Arabia" and "The Four Feathers". I'm guessing there will be very few stereotypical sword-wielding Arabs and even fewer massed camel charges. The last thing the Syrians in the game need to be doing is giving away their ambush positions by yelling at the Americans. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Amusing, but you presuppose that I'll be playing as the Americans. How about when I play as the Syrians? Wouldn't it be nice for me to know when my squad is getting scared? When they've been infuriated and are about to charge? How about their ammo status? You know, the things any commander could tell by HEARING his men?



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Originally posted by c3k:

Wouldn't it be nice for me to know when my squad is getting scared? When they've been infuriated and are about to charge? How about their ammo status? You know, the things any commander could tell by HEARING his men?

I agree in theory. There is no reason to slight the Syrian side in this new game compared to all of the nationalities present in the previous games. But I think the realities of the turn-based CM dynamic mean that this is largely useless information. Your men will do what they do and you can't influence it until the end of the turn. At the end of that turn you will have all the information you need about the condition of your troops in order to make decision and issue new orders.
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Originally posted by c3k:


Amusing, but you presuppose that I'll be playing as the Americans. How about when I play as the Syrians?

you're american.

you're not supposed to play the syrian side.

playing the syrian side would classify as an act of active disloyalty and betrayal and would be punishable under the Home Patriot Act with internment in a jurisdiction-free camp for an undisclosed-unknown-unlimited amount of time.

BTS will spare you and themselves this unpleasantness and have you play only the star-spangled-banner side in the campaign.

if you *do* happen to play the syringes (in your private home, at night, in the basement, with tinfoiled walls) then all you need to know and yell is "yaller yaller" to drive them on.


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Not likely. Just like in earlier games, the sound effects are *planed* to be modable but its not likely we will include a toggle to switch out of a giveb nations native speech.

We didnt't with the French, Germans, Australians, Hungarians, Romanians, Russians, English, Finnish or any of the other nationalities that had their own native language voices in previous games. Why should we do it for the Syrians?


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It's simple: a NEW game = BETTER interface.

If you don't like it, don't apply the toggle. You're happy, I'm happy; we're ALL happy...

Frankly, despite the ability to order beer, and other needs, in German, and a year of Russian culminating in my ability to reply to any query with "I don't understand", CMBB and CMBO were not linguistically satisfying to me. When I commanded my Germans and Russians I had NO FRIGGIN' CLUE what they were saying! (As punishment for my men speaking behind my back like that I'd often send them on reckless attacks. Fools.) As for French, how many ways can you say, "I surrender"? The Finns never spoke; the attacked with individual ferocity unmatched by words: hence, I never needed to know exactly what they were saying.



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I would have liked them for French, German, Russian, and Finnish, too. . . well, not so much for German, as I speak it passably well, so I didn't need them there. But that's beside the point.

But the others, it took me lots of tedious listening work, first tracking down the relevant .wav files, and then cross-referencing w/ translations posted here on the forum to figure out what my soldiers were saying.

Once it was done, I liked the fact that I had learned a bit of "Combat Russian" (French, Hungarian, etc.). But I would have liked it even more if the process was *a bit* easier. IMHO, text subtitles is a happy medium, allowing linguistic authenticity, but also easing the learning process.

I completely agree with C3k, it would be a welcome game *improvement*. As much as I loved CMX1, I don't think anyone (BFC included) would pretend the first engine was perfect. Otherwise, there would be no need for a new engine. . . IMHO, subtitles in CMX2 would bring it a bit closer to perfection.



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Ok, so it's new and improved CM with subtitles. What does that get you? It gets you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside that your little digital troops are talking to you. And that's it. It has no effect on the play of the game.

Right now the sounds indicate state changes that are also indicated in the interface. They're ear candy.

If your squad gives you the voice cue for "we're freakin' out here." There's nothing you can do until the orders phase anyway. And when the orders phase comes, you'll have all the little icons in the interface to tell you what their status is.

Subtitles won't change that unless the sounds are going to take on more importance in the new engine. And even if that is the case, it's not close combat where you can react immediately to the cue.

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Originally posted by c3k:



What a repellant idea. I insist that the ravings of this Anglophone Extremist be dismissed out of hand.

However, I would take it as a personal favour if real, colloquial bursts of Arabic were to take place, not stilted phrases out of 1940s war flicks.

Also, it would be great if the disc came with a pdf that actually detailed the things that were being said.

I see no reason why CM shouldn't be both a great tactical game, as well as a learning tool.

After all, if the current Administration has their way, it might give US soldiers a leg up.

Picture it: US Marines firing wildly into a mosque in northern Syria, followed by shouting inside.

Private: Advance! We've got 'em on the run!

Sergeant: What?!

Private: They're shouting, 'Let's get out of here, we're all going to die!', Sarge!

Sergeant: Maggot! How do you know that?!

Private: I learned it from Combat Mission: Strike Force, Sarge!

Sergeant: You heard the pissant! Advance upon that building!

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Originally posted by c3k:


It's simple: a NEW game = BETTER interface.

I'll put in a vote with c3k. I think some type of English translation (either subtitles or the option for English voices for non-English units -- whether Syrian, Russian, or German) would be a worthwhile addition to the game.
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