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World War 2


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I would like to add another reason for the gaming popularity of WWII: the Germans had really cool uniforms. They looked evil AND stylish, and made for great-looking movie villains. I think the writer Kurt Vonnegut may have made the same observation, but I don't have the reference.

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I had 2 grandfathers who served on the Eastern Front, one of whom survived and one who did not.

I think the one that died was in the conscripted infantry, while the survivor was a bomber plane mechanic.

Despite all that however, I would LOVE to see CMx2 NOT being set in WW2 :D

Just because CMBO, CMBB AND CMAK have pretty much satisfied all my nostalgic interest in the subject for quite some time to come. I still play CMBO and CMBB.

Also, I hope that the BTS team doesn't get discouraged by all these WW2 grogs constantly moaning about how the first game better be WW2. You know they'll all buy it anyway no matter what it is, BTS, so fire away! :D

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Yep. Been almost two years since I bought any computer game. No guarantee I'll buy anything just because it's got the BFC label on it. In fact, the only non-CM game I've purchased from them in the last five years is TacOps. Although there may well be a number of non-WW II games that I would be interested in, if a title doesn't grab me, I'll give it a pass. By the sound of it, there will be such a stream of games coming out of BFC in the future, that there will still be plenty to pick and choose from.


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Originally posted by Sergei:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Ivan Drago:

Also, I hope that the BTS team doesn't get discouraged by all these WW2 grogs constantly moaning about how the first game better be WW2. You know they'll all buy it anyway no matter what it is, BTS, so fire away! :D

Yeah, well, you'll buy it anyway too. ;) </font>
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a night out on the town here in NYC ($40-$80)
You must be a dweeb if you can go out that cheaply. Everybody knows you can't go any place cool and trendy in NYC for under $200. Heck, $40 is probably just what you have to slip the doorman to let you in :D So for $40 it sounds like a movie and some popcorn. $80 probably gets you the movie with a couple of hotdogs and a milkshake after. Yippie!

As Kip is fond of saying... "all in good fun" ;)


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />a night out on the town here in NYC ($40-$80)

You must be a dweeb if you can go out that cheaply. Everybody knows you can't go any place cool and trendy in NYC for under $200. Heck, $40 is probably just what you have to slip the doorman to let you in :D So for $40 it sounds like a movie and some popcorn. $80 probably gets you the movie with a couple of hotdogs and a milkshake after.


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Oh and you only need to bribe the mongoloid at the door if you're showing up in your overalls and a rake.
Ah... that explains a couple of things, however where I live we wear plaid (or Cahart) and tote chainsaws. There are a few people that fit your description, but they are in the minority. Dang'd factory farms!

As for being a tourist in the Big Apple, I wouldn't know. Only been there on business and found that was enough for me. Wee bit too many manmade structures, and the people that live in them, for my tastes. I like population densities that are measured in people per square mile rather than people per square feet :D


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I agree with much of what others have said about the appeal of WWII. The availability of film footage, personal accounts and documents; the relatively black and white, Good versus Evil morality; the coolness of the German uniforms and hardware - all contribute to the fascination with the period.

From a personal point of view, my mum was in the BDM and I had an uncle in the SS - as a cook! - and another who was on the staff of von Paulus in the Russian campaign.

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The totality of it. Has there been another time in history when so much of the world's output was invested into killing other people?

And the outcome of that singlemindedness - massive technological progress (from Swordfish to Meteors, atomic bombs, Operations Research, first computers, etc)

The impact on societies for at least one, maybe two generations after (State planning/ logistics won WW2, a key, IMHO to the acceptance of the enlargement of the state after WW2 everywhere in the world)

The collapse of the European colonial empires.

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