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MAcintosh install failure

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After a first problem (received a windows cd instead of a macintosh cd) let me explain you

my second one ...

i am in trouble to install CMAK on an

E-mac G3 400 mhz computer.

MAC OS 9.0.3 with 256 meg ram

the problem looks like the one described in

the trouble shooting CMAK page (install issue) :

"cannot run CMAK because openplay is missing "

after 6 to 7 install tentatives (including trying to install an english version) i tried to move the openplay icon from the CMAK DEMO folder

to the CMAK folder and lauch the game :

results : black screen then crash

no error msg. ( had to close the computer abnormally)

i tried the second solution : double click on the DATA4 icon... as described

little problem : there is no Data4 icon on my CD ROM.... :confused:

there are 3 installers (english, german , french)

3 "read me" ( 1 per language )

one data2h icon, 1data2c icon and 1 data3 icon and that's all...

looking in the CMAK folder i only find 200 (two hundred exactly ) bmp files , no wave folder .seems that all these BMP are related to

dashboard button or indicators...

compared to CMBB it makes a big diffrence and obviously the install does not run to the end...

hard disk check : 4.33 GB are available.

CMAK DEMO works perfectly (not kiding) so i do not think taht i have a problem of ram or


hmmm , buying a pc is not an acceptable solution .... smile.gif

HELP. :(

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Originally posted by jean-Luc:

i tried the second solution : double click on the DATA4 icon... as described

little problem : there is no Data4 icon on my CD ROM.... :confused:

You're right. On the CMAK CD there is only Data2H, Data2C, and Data3.

looking in the CMAK folder i only find 200 (two hundred exactly ) bmp files , no wave folder .seems that all these BMP are related to

dashboard button or indicators...

compared to CMBB it makes a big diffrence and obviously the install does not run to the end...

Again, you are right about that. My BMP folder shows 7,023 items. My WAV folder contains 2,154 items.

hard disk check : 4.33 GB are available.
My CMAK folder occupies 1.31GB on my hard drive, so you should have plenty. Have you recently defragged your HD? I don't know if that makes a difference, but it's a good thing to do in any case.

hmmm , buying a pc is not an acceptable solution .... smile.gif
Yes! Let's not get carried away and do anything rash!


Have you examined your CD for dirt, smudges, scratches, or anything that would prevent it from playing all the way through?


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If you click on any of the icons ('data2h', 'data2c' and 'data3') do they self-extract or do nothing ? You may want to copy these files off of the CD and into your CMAK folder and attempt to run them. If they don't do anything when you click on them, possibly try to open them up with Stuffit or whatever compression program you have.

Hopefully this is just an issue of the installer not extracting the other files (and that the installer has extracted all of the files that are associated with it).

I suspect (but I don't know for sure) that the info about the 'data4' file was just copied over from the CMBB troubleshooting info. The 'data3' file most likely contains the OpenPlay files, but in your case that obviously isn't all that is missing.

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As Schrullenhaft said, create a folder on the desktop and name it "CMAK" or something.

Copy over from the CD into the new folder the English Installer and the 3 Data files.

Run the copied installer, select where you want the game installed and you hopefully should be away. It takes a while so put the kettle on and half-an-hour later you should have a hot copy of CMAK to slurp smile.gif

Also, make sure your before installing that your Energy Saver control panel is set for the Hard Drive not to go to sleep (when done you can set it back to how it was).

When installed you might have to set the CMAK application a bit memory than allocated by default.

Is there a G3 e-mac, did you mean an i-mac?

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I have had good success with copying the info on the CD to the hard drive. It still took most of forever to complete the install. I had to redo it twice.

Hopefully they will use a DVD next time. Being able to drag the folders to my hard drive instead of suffering a 1.5 hour install would be much preferred.

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Originally posted by Wicky:

It takes a while so put the kettle on and half-an-hour later you should have a hot copy of CMAK to slurp smile.gif

I think it took me two and a half hours, and my machine is quite a bit faster than his. He might as well take his girlfriend out to dinner and a movie.

Y'know, that tip about turning off Energy Saver was something I didn't think of. If that was it, you might suppose he would have noticed, but you never know.


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hello ...

tried to copy the fiels from the cd on the hard disk then to lauch the install ..... same results.

(copied file 693 meg became a 79meg folder

once "expanded")

downloaded new version of stuffit expander

( 703, precious was 5.5) :same result...

the three folders seems to be not recognized when i try to expand them with stuffit ....

i drag the icon to the stuffit windows ..and

nothing happen....


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I think using stuffit was possibly misleading but I may be wrong.

How many Gigabytes capacity do you have left free to install onto your Hard Drive?

Originally posted by jean-Luc:

hello ...

tried to copy the fiels from the cd on the hard disk then to lauch the install ..... same results.

(copied file 693 meg became a 79meg folder

once "expanded")

downloaded new version of stuffit expander

( 703, precious was 5.5) :same result...

the three folders seems to be not recognized when i try to expand them with stuffit ....

i drag the icon to the stuffit windows ..and

nothing happen....


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I don't have actual access to a Mac version of the CMAK installer, so I don't know what compression format the files are in. I was hoping that they were Stuffit-compatible archives, but they may be archives that are unique to the installer software that BTS/BFC are using, which may not be expandable with other archive programs.

Although Drag&Drop shouldn't have any problems, you may want to see if you can open the files from within the program (since they may not associate with Stuffit).

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Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

I don't have actual access to a Mac version of the CMAK installer, so I don't know what compression format the files are in. I was hoping that they were Stuffit-compatible archives, but they may be archives that are unique to the installer software that BTS/BFC are using, which may not be expandable with other archive programs.

Although Drag&Drop shouldn't have any problems, you may want to see if you can open the files from within the program (since they may not associate with Stuffit).

Mac finder is seeing the 3 data files (2H, 2C & 3) as application programs - Individually double clicking one of them starts it off - with a "preparing to install" but as it starts to install it crashes out - Most probably because it hasn't had a preference set to where to install too as that is a choice made when starting the main Installer (which when I installed mine worked it's way automatically accessing the 3 data files)

The files are marked as created by Aladdin 7.1.1 (InstallerMaker?) so they're most probably mutant self-extracting archives but are hopeless without running in unison from the 1st installer file.

[ December 11, 2003, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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Originally posted by jean-Luc:

hello ...

tried to copy the fiels from the cd on the hard disk then to lauch the install ..... same results.

(copied file 693 meg became a 79meg folder

once "expanded")

downloaded new version of stuffit expander

( 703, precious was 5.5) :same result...

the three folders seems to be not recognized when i try to expand them with stuffit ....

i drag the icon to the stuffit windows ..and

nothing happen....


I am reaching the conclusion that you simply have a bad CD. You might try returning it to BFC for a replacement. Seems like we've covered all the possible explantions for why you can't load the game. One other thing you might try before sending the CD away is seeing if it will load properly on another Mac, if you have access to one.


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i am trying to install it on an old imac i kept

for my son ( my flat is becaming an apple museum as i never resell or scrap my old computer :D )

it seems to work .... as fast as can run a snail but it works...

think that the problem commes from my system ... macos or the expander... or both ...

never mind the time it will takes ....(very long i guess ) will wait until the istallation complete

on the "papy" imac then download it on my current one ...

just have to knee and pray smile.gif

thank you to al for your answers ;)


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Regarding the slow installation of CMAK on older Mac… be patient. You do not have a ‘duck’. Open a bottle of Claret, grab a good book and give the installer time for a 'full toss'. Three hours and 12 minute for installation of my new CMAK CD yesterday!

1996 PowerPC 8500(180) with Sonnet 400MHz processor upgrade. OS 9.1 & I ran minimal extensions; energy saver set to no HD sleep, etc.

Question: You can not change the amount of memory dedicated to the CMAK installer. Would more memory installation speed the process or is installation mostly a processor speed issue.

Best of luck with your ‘vintage’ Mac installs.


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Regarding the slow installation of CMAK on older Mac… be patient. You do not have a ‘duck’. Open a bottle of Claret, grab a good book and give the installer time for a 'full toss'. Three hours and 12 minute for installation of my new CMAK CD yesterday!

1996 PowerPC 8500(180) with Sonnet 400MHz processor upgrade. OS 9.1 & I ran minimal extensions; energy saver set to no HD sleep, etc.

Question: You can not change the amount of memory dedicated to the CMAK installer. Would more memory installation speed the process or is installation mostly a processor speed issue.

Best of luck with your ‘vintage’ Mac installs.


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Originally posted by DawgBonz:

Would more memory installation speed the process or is installation mostly a processor speed issue.

I think it's mostly an issue of the read time of your CD drive. People who have loaded the entire contents of the CD onto their hard drives and run the installer from there report much faster install times. I didn't do that with CMAK but I did do it with CMBB and noticed something like a one-third reduction in installation time. Of course, you spend about that much time loading the installer onto your HD, so it's a toss-up. A good idea though if you anticipate doing a possible re-installation down the road.


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I think it's mostly an issue of the read time of your CD drive. ..........A good idea though if you anticipate doing a possible re-installation down the road.


Thanks Michael for your good suggestion. I have the HD room but may 3 hour 12 minute 'anticipation of CMAK installation', the fine bottle(s) of Claret … friends over… got me in the mood for talking proper like the British. Next thing I knew I was having tea on the hood of my Scout vehicle while the 3" mortar boys let it rip!

Love the taste of dust in the morning. smile.gif


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Recalling the installation of CMBB (which I had to do twice), I noticed that the initial part of the installation went pretty quickly. It was only on the late part of the installation that things slowed down.

I don't have any real basis for this supposition, but I wonder if the number of data files in a single folder happens to cross some boundary number where the performance on the Mac drops a great deal.

I don't recall any similar issue with CMBO. And the installation went quite quickly until a large number of files had been installed. Then it slowed to a crawl. I suppose an alternate explanation might be that the large data files were installed late in the process, but I'm guessing it was stressing the directory size.

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Originally posted by kmead:

I don't know what its an issue of. I have a fast cd drive (52x) and it was very slow. My CPU speed is 867 so its not a slug nor a speed demon, but even running it from the hard drive it took forever, over 1.5 hours.

On my 733MHz it took 2.5 hours (plus a little) off the CD.


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