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Why 2 week delay of North American retail box?

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I read the Paradox post of the delay of 1-2 weeks for the retail box but with no info about why. I could not find a thread that answers the question so I am curious.

Are they waiting to incorperate the 1.01 patch into the retail version or what?

Not that it is anyone's fault but why not a little more info. I tend to have more sympathy for people that can explain the reaons behind a snafu rather than just saying there is a problem.

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For whatever reason, Paradox retail distribution in the US is notoriously delayed. The same thing happened when the EU3 Collector's Edition was supposed to be exclusive to Target stores: it took 2 weeks for the game to show up. I think they "outsource" their North American distribution and whoever does it is slow. The Internet is a wonderful thing.

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I have had trouble with downloads in the past and prefer the cold hard box in my hand (anyone remember Steam downloads?)

I understand that things do get delayed but 2 weeks seems a long time when the disk went gold a while ago.

I am not complaining (well, not much) but after waiting for years it would have been nice to have. I guess I will just have to read everyone's AARs to wet my appitite.

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Picture this guys... you put in an order with one of the largest manufacturers of CD-ROMs and DVDs in the world. They make them, they get assembled into boxes, and you get your first production sample to do final QA. Then you find out that it doesn't work. You rip open another one, it doesn't work either. You repeat until you are convinced that it will just keep going like that. Then you have to make a bunch of angry phone calls and then announce to the public that there will be a delay.

Yup... that's what happened. I could almost hear the people at Paradox in Sweden screaming from way over here in the US!

Battlefront's own physical goods will take about that long to get into your hands, though for different reasons. We simply didn't have time to interrupt the v1.01 completion effort to make a new Gold Master, yet we didn't want to produce a v1.0 GM since it was already weeks out of date. Everything is in our warehouse waiting for the CD, then everything will ship promptly.


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