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Tried installing the demo from gamers hell, got two error messages:

The first said someting about path missing followed by a long string.

The second followed just after I clicked ok on the first one and it said "files missing error in t72.exe" and the installation then crashed.

anyone else getting this?

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I got the same thing from Gamershell, weird indeed. So I went to Filefront, downloaded it and tried installing it... and... right in the middle of the installation error message and computer frozen??? Rebooted, hoping it would work this time, same thing again, and rebooted once more. Did I tell you that my computer froze the three times that I tried to install it from Gamershell's file? And that a reboot ensued after. God, in one hour I rebooted 5 times with the reset button!

I really need help... Thanks...

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By the way, in order to install the game, you will need about 800 megs to 1 gig of free space. The installer extracts into a temp spot, runs and then deletes itself but you need the space while for it to run.

The temp space is usually the same place as your My Documents folder is located.


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i have to place my demo thoughts somewhere, and i do it here in this "demo thread"...

so at first, i got no problems with downloadeing/installing the demo.

than i got a little letdown, only 3 "missions" and 2 of it, training and the other one with one enemy tank!

1.driving course

driving course is nicely made, and the waypoints are working(they dont worked in the russian versi)! only problem, a hint tells me to raise a snorkel(i belive) with the button X, but x is my button for the gas pedal. so i took the flat side of the ford to the right.

still one question, what in this world could do such a mighty tank ditch like seen at driving course???

2.shooting range

cool to see the shooting range this time, becouse russian version got it but it crashed to desktop, so i never saw it. its a strange feeling to really kill people while target practis, but i get used too, and its fun ;)

only problem; it seems impossible to me, that you can find a clear shot from POS1, to the camp. i just drive directly to POS2 after i reached POS1, from where i can shoot the camp, and both tracked vehics. the rest works fine, but i cant orde "move to waypoint" too :confused: ,but i will remap the key...

3. T72 vs. leo

this mission seem a little bit :confused: to me! i dont know what to say!? you start, change to F6, load UR, find LEO@ approx. 1700, shot and done. whithout releasing the handbrake(mountain brake). he isnt fighting or somthing, he stands there and waits so get shot from the starting point by a atgm. strange...

i really miss the 4 single player missions, next to this 2 trainigs missions, wich the russian demo got. there where 1 t34-85, 1 t55, and 2 t72 missions, and good ones too. here, i can more ore less drive around and shoot buildings but noone ever shot at me in this demo! :eek:

so, dont get me wrong, everything is ok ;)

but it was just a little negative suprise, becouse of, i was heavylie used(i played russian demo verry very often ;) ) to much more content...

i think everyone would be happy to get meybe "1" real fighting mission in sometime... :rolleyes:

best greetings


[ July 16, 2005, 07:59 AM: Message edited by: Pandur ]

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Originally posted by Pandur:

a hint tells me to raise a snorkel(i belive) with the button X, but x is my button for the gas pedal.

I think the "X" key gives the engine more gas. It's a little vague and took me some time examining all the gauges while pressing it to see what it was doing.

I also found I had to drop down to first gear to make it through the ford, otherwise the engine would stall. A hint on that stage to do that would be helpful.

The start of the firing range is plain peculair to me. The driver moved to a spot at the first waypoint where the tank seemed to be stopped tilted at a 45 degree angle, making it difficult to locate the target. That happened on both occasions I tried it.

In general the demo would benefit from some tightening up. As it is it just doesn't feel finished.

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Downloaded the demo and it installed ok.Asked me if I wanted a shortcut placed on my desktop and I clicked ok.

Clicking on the shortcut brought up a brief blue frame....and then nothing! Ok, go into programs and click on the program there ( with video ).Same thing happens.Much cursing and gnashing of teeth, I try another approach.Into programs click on link but WITHOUT video and it worked!

Driving course: The X key also had me puzzled and I also just entered the shallow bit in the second run ( tank sunk in the first run! ).Great course but the background music was getting on my nerves.Switched music off and also turned it right down in the menu to make sure I wouldn't have to listen to it again. Yes, the blasted tune started up again on the driving course!

Shooting range: Got into the commanders seat no problem but the program told me to hit the ' ~ ' key to tell the driver to move to the first way point. Tried that key but no joy so I drove the tank myself to the first way point.Found the barracks to my right and started blasting away.By the 9th shot I gave up.

Conclusion: Nice graphics but this game is not for me. I'm afraid I'm a CM junkie so will wait until the next generation of CM comes out.

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Originally posted by British Tommy:

the program told me to hit the ' ~ ' key to tell the driver to move to the first way point. Tried that key but no joy

I had that same problem, and in fact the "@" key is correct. I assumed I had the keyboard on my other machine set to US. I'll have to check it later.
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Originally posted by Sirocco:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by British Tommy:

the program told me to hit the ' ~ ' key to tell the driver to move to the first way point. Tried that key but no joy

I had that same problem, and in fact the "@" key is correct. I assumed I had the keyboard on my other machine set to US. I'll have to check it later. </font>
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Just a question.

Why does the Russian demo have more missions? I was really looking forward to playing the Americanized version since the russian version ctd's all the time.

It seems as though the russian demo has a couple of missions from the actual simulation.

[ July 17, 2005, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: klugman ]

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Sorry not to have got back to you sooner.

What happens is that I double click on the T72 setup file and it seems to extract OK. But when I then click on the Play demo button, the purple one, there is a noise like a cash register being closed, the program window disappears, and nothing happens… that is the end of it. For sure it is the Play demo, and no the delete demo button that I press.

I have a very normal Dell system, Mobile 725 processor, Nvidiago 5200 64MB graphics card, XP2SP2…. all very normal.

Guess I am missing some component. These things happen ;) .

All the best,


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