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Fantomas_SC2_Classical_Wargame_Mod : Version 3.5 : Light octogones and new towns

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IMHO, Fernando did a very nice job with the new graphics for SC2. :cool:

And I completely fail to see the point of superimposing 6-sided hexagon images on top of 4-sided tiles. Just turn the grid off and play the game! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by fantomas:

The files of "mod 2D Hex" have been actualized.

Now, you may try the demo with a look like SC 1. Of course, the map is not adapted, and I have to wait the editor before working this aspect. ;)


I have modified lots of things about graphics and made the game more clear in play.

You have to choice France/Norway campaign, and choice in advances setting : "national colors".

It is provisoiry work : I need wait to buy the game for making more.

I need a SC1 mod, but this link just shows a news-page, it doesn't downlaods anything :-(
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Here is the last version of my "Mod", that give SC2 new graphics. All the game appearence is modified, and the mod is now playing with 2D or 3D, as you prefer.


Download the last version of mod (Actualized 08/04/2006 14h30-France)

Note that you have to choice the France/Norway campaign in the demo (D. Day scenario is not modded)

This last version allow you to play with 3D or 2D, as you prefer ( see the "readme file" ).

You may choice options you prefer : National colors off/on, weather on/off : the mod works with the both.

I hope that this mod will definitively close the problem of players who don't want buy SC2 due to the fact of they prefer graphics of classical wargames : they will have no longer excuse ! :D

[ April 10, 2006, 12:38 AM: Message edited by: fantomas ]

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a mod that just shows non-isometric
THIS is what's bugging me about the hexagon overlays. It's a top-down non-isometric visual effect but you STILL have the underlying isometric tile grid. This totally screws with your perspective, at least for me after playing SC2 for quite a while now. Again, I fail to see the point of doing this but to each his own I guess. :rolleyes:

The 2-D icon mods look pretty good. I encourage continued development work on these. :cool:

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I wanted absolutly play the game with a classical "look". I played wargames during 30 years, and I can't play with other thing than classical hexagons (I can not adapt me to the original graphics of the game : SC2 is really very excellent, but I would not buy it if I should not realize classical hex mods with it)

I have made this mod for me and for other classical wargamers who want this "classical look". I think it is a good thing to have choice, no ? ;)

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smile.gif Fantomas Thanks for your work. I am simply looking for a 2D Top Down look /mod for SC2 . Just looking at your attemps so far they look much less confusing to me then the false 3D perspective of SC2 right now. Keep up your work!!!
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I can understand the desire for a classical top-down 2-D hexagon look. But that is not what the SC2 map is, regardless of how you make it "look."

I mean, take a chess board and angle it away from you for the isometric effect. Then consider your visual effect of creating the top-down non-isometric hexboard. Now, play chess. Or try to. It's apples and oranges! Ditto for SC2. I get the impression you're not even giving the new game even half a chance. It deserves better.

My recommendation is to play the full game a couple of times. Turn the tile grid off, and just learn to appreciate the new isomteric map as it is. If it still really really bothers you and the hexagon images make it all so so much better, then go for it. I am also a long time turn-based hexagon boardgamer but SC2 is fine, really it is. Give it a chance.

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fantomas, keep up the good work. I've tried the demo and I, too, do not like the isometric view. I think I can get used to the squares instead of hexes, but I would prefer hexes.

Question: What would your map look like with the squares? That might be a good compromise. The SC1 top-down look with the squares so that it is not confusing who can attack who?

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I prepare a new version of the mod which is going to work in a little different way, and there will be no more any confusion: player will immediatly know exactly which unity can attack.

This version will perhaps include in the future roads and rail - roads (it is not still sure).

For counters like Colombia game, players may stick my counters on SC's original counters and give them a little relief and a shadow. It is very easy to make.

I will do perhaps one day, but I have no time actually.

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Files of the mod have been actualized this night : The mod works now with OCTOGONES and no longer with hexagones. Then, the mod respects more the systeme of the game, and may be used for 2D map or 3D map, as the players prefer (see the download and image at the top of this thread).

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Files updated 9/04/2006 - 22h30 -France.

Added :

1- Octogonal basic removable grid (replace original basic removable tiles grid)

2- Different graphics for capitals of great power, capitals of little power and simple towns

If something more wished, may asked here, and I will try to do, as possibilities. tongue.gif

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