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Why was/is Russia so bitter?

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yogi:


We seem to be creating a pattern here. First Patton, Now Russia and probably more.

Who'd of thought on the SC2 forum all roads lead to religous discussion? :confused:

Ah there we have it. Yogi defending Rambo, the two antagonists are now like brothers. </font>
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Originally posted by Yogi:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kuniworth:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yogi:


We seem to be creating a pattern here. First Patton, Now Russia and probably more.

Who'd of thought on the SC2 forum all roads lead to religous discussion? :confused:

Ah there we have it. Yogi defending Rambo, the two antagonists are now like brothers. </font>
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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yogi:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kuniworth:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yogi:


We seem to be creating a pattern here. First Patton, Now Russia and probably more.

Who'd of thought on the SC2 forum all roads lead to religous discussion? :confused:

Ah there we have it. Yogi defending Rambo, the two antagonists are now like brothers. </font>
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A234, you're not without intelligence.

As time marches on and the experiences of life writes its epitaph upon your soul you will gain the wisdom to see the truth.

It will then be for you to embrace or deny, the choice is yours, but rest assured you will possess the tools.

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My grandfather was a Southern Baptist minister. I loved the man dearly. He raised me and taught me almost all my believes. I was even a minister at the age of 16 as he ordained me.

As I grew and found that there was more in the world then the Bible could explain I understood the Bible was just a really good book with lots of interesting stories.

I even studied the Catholic religion when I was engaged to a cute Italian girl who got killed. Went all the way to the last step and I just dont do confusions to a man so no Catholic am I.

It was actually my grandfather/mother that turned me away from the Christian religion. I married a wonderful Chinese girl whom I have as of yesterday been married to for 40 years. She is Buddhist and my step grandmother would not even allow her and my children into the house because they were Buddhist. My grandfather only made a faint attempt to defend me and my family and that really disappointed me.

I at that point KNEW the Christian religion was nothing but words not actions. As a Christian at that time my in laws invited me in and shared all they had with me. My grandfather who had raised me and taught me Christianity didnt respect me or my family enough to allow us to visit him. That is Christianity a believe that they are better then everyone else.

My middle son is now Christian and his wife tried that same crap and I pulled both of them aside and expained that I did not mind them being Christian but if they wanted to visit my home we are Buddhist and you will not make a bad comments about our religion as I do not make bad comments about yours.

Regrettfully for my granddaughter they have never allowed her to stay with us overnight or go on any of our cruises or trips aboard. I believe that is part of the religion crap but when she married my son she knew we where Buddhist. He change to Christian for her and that is fine just dont force me to believe in false things.

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"Getting ordained" by the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) means absoletly nothing. Either you are "born again" by repented & believing the Gospel....or you are dead in tresspasses & sin.

Obviously by your own words, you reject the Gosepl of the Lord Jesus Christ. Without the blood, there is no remission of sin.

Dollman, your plastic sculpture fat bellied Buddha couldn't save a billygoat. Far as the bible just being words, it's more than that, it's the Word of God.

By the way, "YOU can't change to a religion". Jesus isn't just an insurance form you sign.

"Ye must be born again" --- John 3:3

3 days & nights after Buddha was buried, you know what happenend? NOT A THING. He turned green.

3 days & nights after Mohammad was buried, you know what happenend? NOT A THING. Some bugs started to eat on him.

3 days & nights after they bury ANY pope, you know what happens? NOT A THING.

3 days & nights after they buried the Lord Jesus Christ. SOMETHING HAPPENEND. He walked out of the tomb & said good morning. It was a good morning!

Why seek ye the living among the dead? Christ is he that liveth, and was dead.

Praise the Lord & his son the Lord Jesus Christ.


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Hmmm, interesting thought that Mr. Pascal, how about I sew you a triangle?

If Bush is correct in religion, but wrong in action, then goes to Hell (like you said)...then Bush is wrong & the religion (Jesus) is right smile.gif

But then, with the Jesus religion & you as an Atheist, that's bad news for you. You will be in Hell & maybe in the same call as Bush! Would that be double Hell for you!

But if you are right, then Bush is wrong. Then it doesn't matter in the end if Bush was wrong & you were right smile.gif

Somebody record & rack that!


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Countries like Russia always have a list of reasons why they need to oppress their neighbors, and amazingly enough these days they always seem to a cadre of defenders amongst their declared enemies who sympathize with their reasons or aims and who blame their own leaders whenever they try to do something about it. Communism's publicly stated goal was world dominance and the exportation of revolution. Wherever it succeeded, death, prison states and poverty resulted. The efforts on the part of the West to counteract this were manifestly reactive (defensive) in nature. That some here are willing to equivocate and accept the communists' excuses argues an almost blinding historical and geopolitical ignorance.

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jon. Considering the all-powerful nature of your god, he's a little limited geographically.

Who's saved - do you know how many of your type of Christians there are? I don't, but I'd guess we're talking tens of millions. He's a chronic underachiever.

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Nope, not sure of the count. But the Lord knows. He's even got a book with the names in it, and a spot for those unbelievers too smile.gif

Oh, it's no shock that the amount "saved" is small. Leave plenty of cannon fodder for Revelations chapter 4 & beyond.

Noah wasn't very convincing either, only 8 total got in the boat.

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Targul, it's unfair to judge a faith by the actions of person. Just because someone says they are Chistian, and does something un-Christian, doesn't prove anything about the faith itself, just the person.

God doesn't need every single follower to be 100% perfect in order to justify Himself. God is God regardless of what people do.

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Nope I have plenty of those Christian events to back me so I am quite happy.

But we are not discussing God. Most people believe in God. I definitely believe in God no question in my mind as to his existance. It is this strange Christian believe I have trouble with.

Jesus and this book written by man is a different story. Rambo says it was written by God but sorry he didnt write a simgle sentence, not a single word. Man wrote the Bible. Man then interpeted the writings from language to language, king to king and religion to religion.

And sorry again God doesnt have a book of names why would he need it. God is kind and forgiving. Would he make man knowing he was going to send him to hell for eternity. No way. Well at least not my God. Yours maybe evil and do such things but my God is good. So sorry I have no hell.

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Well, assuming your lot are correct, I'd say he's pretty evil. Lets forget people in the past (and as your lot are a relatively new phenomenon, that's being more than fair). Lets be generous and say there are 100m of your sect of Christians today.

That god is damning over 6 billion people alive today. The overwhelming majority of those are merely being faithful to their own god(s). A large number of those that aren't Christian even believe that it's the same god, in one form or another. Although they may have heard of Christianity, they won't have had a convincing case put to them to change. Even if they had, they'd convert to RC or possibly Anglican.

In that context, I'd say the Cathars had it right smile.gif .

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Hmmm, interesting thought that Mr. Pascal, how about I sew you a triangle?

If Bush is correct in religion, but wrong in action, then goes to Hell (like you said)...then Bush is wrong & the religion (Jesus) is right smile.gif

But then, with the Jesus religion & you as an Atheist, that's bad news for you. You will be in Hell & maybe in the same call as Bush! Would that be double Hell for you!

But if you are right, then Bush is wrong. Then it doesn't matter in the end if Bush was wrong & you were right smile.gif

Somebody record & rack that!


Naah you didn't get it : to me Jesus was a rather good guy (what he preached - I mean himself- is not that bad), but had nothing godlike. Then Bush is wrong as a man.

If your God exists, indeed Bush and myself will meet in Hell. But I'm pretty sure it/he doesn't, so both of us will just die. GW would nevertheless had been an evil criminal liar, which I hope not to be or become.

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