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Why was/is Russia so bitter?

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I was all for it at the time, just based on the logic position that we knew Saddam had had WMDs and so therefore he must have WMDs (oops smile.gif ).

What pissed me off was watching CNN sometime in the first few weeks of the invasion.

Reporter: "Why are you here?"

Young soldier: "To kick Saddam's ass for 911"

Reporter: "Some people say he wasn't involved"

It wasn't "some people". It was everyone, with one notable exception who had a conflict of interest ("he tried to kill my dad"). I stopped treating CNN as a reputable news source on that day.

jon. Assuming the "they" in the suitcase nuke is a terrorist organisation, the chances have greatly increased since Iraq.

We didn't have Western Islamic terrorists before then (sure we had jihadis, but at that point there wasn't much difference between them and the people who went to fight in Spain in 1936). Imagine what it's done for the cause over in countries where the coffee shop talk was already about killing Jews.

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Okay, we all die then, eh? LIVE FREE or DIEHARDER. Give me liberty or give me death. Screw Commmies, screw the Flintstones in the Middle. Screw Russia & China. Their way of life, sux.

Far as separation of church & state. I wonder how God feels being "separate"? I wonder how God feels being left out of school?

People make up the Church. People make up the State. Therefore, it's impossible to have a clean division, because it's all about people. People lead. People decide. People do things based on what they believe. It's as simple as that.

Far as Bush lying about WMD, get over it. He lied, he lied, he lied. I don't care, I don't care, I don't care. All politicians lie. All people lie.

Far as Israel, well, they are our friend, because of religion. Simple as that. Christians love the Jewish nation. We are to love all people. But when it's obvious that the other people want to eliminate the Jews, it's a clear decision we side with the Jews.

Germany tried to kill Jews. Babylon tried to kill the Jews. The Romans tried to kill off the Jews. Well, they all failed. The land is theirs, based on religion. They will get their land when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to wipe out anti-Christ.

Until then, we stand on the Bible, that's religion.

Until then, we open our mouths & preach the Gospel, that's religion.

Until then, if the spiritual enemies want a fleshly war, then we defend ourselves either with offense or defense. Praise the Lord & pass teh ammunition, that is religion.

Whether you think you're religious or not, you are religious. Whatever you believe is your religion.

The bible is true, everything is heading to:


the place where the final battle will be fought between the forces of good and evil (probably so called in reference to the battlefield of Megiddo. Rev. 16:16).

Jesus saves,


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Why does Christ care about Jews and their land? they aren't "saved" by him by definition, and all the promises are old testament, which as yuo have so often pointed out is not the word of god anyway......or is it.......I'm not sure what your current take on that bit is.... :rolleyes:

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@Stalin --- Ah, yes indeed. As stated, "saved" today is crystal clear. Yet a future convenant is given to a few remnants of Israel based on, well, the Bible itself. Lets let the Bible do the work.

For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

This is from Hebrews chapter #8 (NT), which brings to light (manifests) the promises in (OT) Jer 31:31

Mainstreamers today (Pat Robertson) falsely interpet this as the NT promise to the church, thus those Christians wanted an Earthly kingdom. It is not so, it is contrary to the word of God! The promise is to Israel, future smile.gif

Much, much going on. Basically, Revelation is Jacob's Trouble, the method in which the Lord will be King over Israel. First the church is pulled out (Raptured). Sort of a reset, a new module like SC2 smile.gif

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Thats right rambo people do make up the state.People from ALL walks of life(not just your christain way)Your way of thinking is what CAUSES terrorism and is in itself a form of terrorism.You would want to impose americas christain values by any and all means.Just like terrorist want to impose their way.They pick on the weak and defenceless just like you would.If your country is so concerned about the "right"way of life and feedom why dont you go try and kick china out of tibet.The chinese have just a "great"human rights record.Is it because they can shoot back or is it because you need them to keep your economy going?If its the latter then it sounds like your country made a pact with the devil to further its gains.I bet you dont email or write the president over that and advise him to break off all relations with china and while were at it why not the rest of the muslim middle east.Its all because of GREED(capitalism).As long as it suits you you have no problem dealing with these people.As soon as they do something you percieve as, or in some cases not at all wrong you would wipe them out if you could.Sounds like a very familar philosiphy to a certian european country back in the 1930s.America and for that matter the rest of the world is VERY lucky someone with your way of thinking isnt running your govt.We would all be dead by now.

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On and On .....On it goes...what 3 pages here, 10 in the Patton thread and you people are clueless.

Its great, I love this community, some wisps of reason, some fleeting wisdom, bits and pieces, but you have to read between the lines...wonderful exchanges of insignificance.

I feel like the psychiatrist and these posts are the patient's response from that proverbial couch, absolutely beautiful.

And I don't even have to ask the questions.


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Arado whatever else you say about JJR at least he uses paragrpahs..........hint, hint.... ;)

Seamonkey insignificance is a necessary condition for the existance of importance. It is well that we are well versed in insignificance that we may easily identify the opposite! :cool:

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SeaMonkey why dont you tell us why we are all so clueless except for you(unless you are calling yourself clueless and then thats ok).

Rambo im not blaming christians for anything(your the one that implies its the christian way or no way). Im just saying that there are other peoples views that count and elected officials are supposed to respect ALL of them as best they can.

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Hey don't put words into Rambo's mouth - it's HIS christian way or no way - there's plenty of Christians he rekons aren't "saved" - the whole of the Catholic Church for example......then again maybe he doesn't think they'er christians?? :confused:

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Ha Ha ! please ignore my presence, I'm just trying to accumulate posts.

SO....A234...reference my above post....see what I mean? :cool:

Its so easy....Gotta Luv Cavemen.

Think about it!

I know...I know..its hard....Prez Bush said it himself..."Its hard work"

Poor things, its been instilled in you since your first rational thought, conditioned reasoning....Ha! "Its not your fault".

Constant bombardment from the media, your truly entrenched righteous thoughts were unearthed long ago.

You can't accomplish anything in this complicated global society, your but a pawn, aimless, except for your pathetic opinions, born of your environment, how livid.

And you call yourselfs "students of history"? Sure, you know some details, the specifics that have been documented, tainted with biased opinions, the books you read contribute to the image of self importance.

Like these posts, bits and pieces....try to get into the minds of your ancestors..."The Greater Generations". Conjure up a simple basis of survival and understand what it means to be alive.

You still have a chance!

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I can not image any president expect for maybe our present dictator president to ever use nuclear weapons.

They are like the chemical weapons of WWI. After there use no one uses them. Even Hitler was wise enough to stay away from chemical warfare.

Sure there maybe incidents but full scale nuclear war makes zero sense for all sides.

Israel is an extreme danger to the US. Our involvement with them is strange. They provide nothing we need and we provide them with existance and the ability to bully there neighbors which they do often.

I can remember in 67 they placed us on airplanes and flew us over Israel while doing air refueling to watch that war. We were told should the Israels not pull back we would be required to jump in a destroy all the oil wells.

We seem very confused there. We make them overpowering for there neighbors then expect them to not use that overwhelming power. That has zero chance of working.

Hell, if it where left up to me I would sell arms to all sides let them fight it out and negoiate the oil treaty with the winner.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Our love for Israel is not strange, it's simple bible.

I ain't no bigot criminal. Wanna compare W-2 forms?

How many crimes in the name of Bible/Coran/Red Book/Juche/Whatever "holy" scripts ?

And if that kind of answer aint' bigotry, sheesh..

Xhat's a W-2 form BTW ? - Surely an US admin form, but I'm no American if ever you didn't guess ...

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I ain't no bigot criminal
Anyone who wishes to impose their religious beliefs on others is a bigot. You've made it clear you would do so if you had the power or have someone else do it (Bush).

A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own. You can not deny that your religious fervor does not put you in this category.

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I have not recieved a W-2 since 1983. I issued them to my employees. When I retired I issued over 100 of them to my employees. I also gave them 1099's since I wanted to provide some of the profit I recieved from selling my businesses to my loyal employees. Not sure why you would want to compare income. I am retired and have not made money since 1995. I recieve no government assitance other then free medical care since I am a combat disabled vet. I do not even collect the disability I am entitled to by the VA.

I have read your Bible and never saw that verse that said thou shall support Israel and make them more powerful then there neighbors.

Since the majority of Israel are Jews do not see why your Christian religion would support all those people who are going to hell according to you.

Remember they too are not saved so it off to hell they go. Goodness hell is going to be great since the couple of saved Christians wont be there to tell us we are all going to hell.

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@Blashy --- Yeah, you'd love to feed me to the lions...all in the name of Earth Worship Day or some queer event. By the way, I don't need a Bible to know that queerdom is wicked & wrong.

@targul --- Dude called me a criminal, I work for an honest living, thus the W-2 take. Sure, grab my 1099's from stock profits smile.gif

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The verse about being a friend to the Jew is OT. It's true they ain't saved, else they'd be a Christian. Now, far as actually favoring them, true, that's not black & white in the Bible. Why then? Well, seeing the gas chambers of WW-2 is enough to know those dudes need some dirt back. There's lots of land over there (look at map).

Also, God hasn't made everything in the book as a "To do list". The Holy Spirit guides us, prayer helps us make decisions. Sometimes, we just don't know the right course of action.

For example: It never says "thou shall not smoke cigs". Never says you can't smoke crack, be drug dealer. Good grief, it's gotta wonder God why he had to write that being a queer is wrong.

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Originally posted by Yogi:


We seem to be creating a pattern here. First Patton, Now Russia and probably more.

Who'd of thought on the SC2 forum all roads lead to religous discussion? :confused:

Ah there we have it. Yogi defending Rambo, the two antagonists are now like brothers.
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