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How about some form of limitted stacking, say, two units max, only one of which could be a ground unit? That way, certain soft units (HQs, air units, etc.) could have some protection if desired, while 'cleaning up' the clutter on the battlefield. I've heard some issue about stacks being to complicated (they could certainly be irritating in board games - god forbid you played with anyone who had big and/or clumsy fingers!), but with a two unit cap, the 'stack' could still be graphically represented as a single icon. Think 'half and half' pizza - no need to click through a stack rummaging for units. In combat, it shouldn't matter on offense, and on defense the appropriate unit can handle the appropriate type of attack (ground units react to ground attacks, air to air, etc.).

In any event, temporary stacking should at least be allowed during movement, as long as units finnish their move off in an empty space...

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I support this idea (hell, I suggested it in the first place), though I'd make a little alteration to it, so that you can stack units without any namely set limit, but the units in the stack wouldn't be allowed to be of the same type - you could stack an air fleet with corps, but you couldn't stack two ground units or two air fleets.

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Originally posted by With Clusters:

Oops, sorry if I hijacked your idea, I must have missed it elsewhere. Anyhow, I figured a two unit stack would be easiest to graphically represent (again, the half-and-half pizza concept), so as to avoid confusion and micromanagement.

I suggested it on the Tiles/Hexes thread. But it wasn't exactly the same, only very similar. We seem to think alike. :D And good that you brought it up on a separate thread. smile.gif
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I would like the ability to stack ships in port; however, if the port is attacked only one ship in port should be able to defend and all should have a chance to take damage. Futhermore, only one ship should be able to counter attack from a port hex.

Only one ship in a port should be able to attack out of a port hex. Perhaps only the strongest one.

Much like Pearl Harbor, get caught in a port and you are a sitting duck, you are likely anchored and can't all manuever at once.

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  • 2 months later...

I also like the idea of putting two units next to each other in the same tile.

Now, this raises a number of questions. For starters:

These two units combine their defense strength? ...as a sum, or as an average?

What happens if one of the two units is destroyed?

These two units attack together, or, separately?

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HQ's and air units are to vulnerable to ground attack and you should have option of asigning ground unit for there support, also the axis should be able to defend the port city of brest while achieving max air range over north atlantic, or allies to defend malta and be able to attack axis shipping in med

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Personally I would allow any two units to stack in any hex including sea hexes(or possible any open hex, for example not mountain, city, or swamp etc.), and draw them side-by-side to improve gameplay (as stated elsewhere).

I beleive that the most suitable way to implement this for SC is to keep everything the same, but have the strongest defensive unit defend each attack. ie. No combined attacks or combined defenses and no special stacking rule, like different unit types for example. IOWs the game plays almost identically to SC with no stacking. For a more complex game I can see advantages to all sorts of stacking rules, but this is SC.

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I wouldn't allow two ground units to be stacked in the same tile. The main reason for the limited stacking rule would be, as SFC DEMO pointed out, places like Malta, where you should be able to have both a ground unit and an air unit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by John DiFool the 2nd:

Can ships stack in ports? I think this would be

a worthwhile exception to no-stacking...

John DiFool

A ship, isn't a ship, it's a fleet. Consider the different "ship" types to be fleets of different total tonnage.

I don't think ports should be able to stack, definately not unlimited stacking.

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