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I know there are a lot of vets around here that school the AI with their monitors off, so I need some help. I usually play Fall Weis on the standard level, and I plays as the Axis.

I must not be thinking creatively enough, because I just can't take down the Soviet Union.

The best I've done was to take Moscow, Archangel, and that city way, way in the back the Russians run to. I've never taken Stalingrad.

The game runs the same way everytime, I have big gains in the begining, then it slows down, and then my forces crack, and about that time the British and the Americans come into mop up what the Russians left.

Help! :mad:

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Sounds to me like you need to vary your tactics.

Against the AI I tend to use the historical three front attack with three army groups made up of 2 armies, one armour, one artillery, an antitank and one air unit per army group. I use corps and balkan units to hold cities and prevent partizans from appearing. AG North goes for Riga and Leningrad. AG Centre for Moscow via Minsk and Smolensk. AG South for Kiev, Kharkov and Stalingrad. ASAP I form an italian army group to assist and a fourth german AG to act as a reserve. By this time it is usually all over for the Ruskies.

Ensure your supply is always in tact and rest units in one city for a few turns before pressing on to the next objective and you can't go wrong really.

Try sending Rommel up into the caucuses via Iraq if you have problems. Or even put some bombers in Iraq to keep the Russian oil fields from producing too many MPPs for the Reds smile.gif

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or what you can do is take out UK mainland and cairo by 41 and then even if you start slow in the USSR -you can focus on the east and then just use your bombers and navy in the west to spot any ampibs attempts by the US.

Operate half of your forces on turn one near the west and declare war on benelux by rd 2. If you are lucky, France can fall by November 39 or worst by March 40. Experiment with set-up of forces what works for you. Italian forces are good for garrison duties also.

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well I'm definitely a so called expert on conquering Russia and the biggest thing you have to do is get Turkey to join the Axis send troops there and attack all of the caucuses usually falls in 3 turns including Rostov, and Stalingrad (paratroopers are great for those two cities). Simultaneously invade central Russia and within four to five turns that should fall and pretty much the Russians have no chance to win then. their Mpp should be like 165 per turn with full un-attacked convoys. Then stop and withdrew your air units for the Russian Winter. One other big thing is you might want to invade Russia in mid-April 42' or 43'. Hope that helps it works for me every time against the allies in any Russian campaign. Oh this doesn't work very good with games not played against the AI so you have to be creative there since they will see it coming and will react to it.

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Thanks everybody, I'll try out some of these ideas. My biggest problem with the Russians, is their seemingly endless supply of troops, and after a while killing all of them takes it's toll and my guys are done for.

What would you recommend as far as research goes? I tend to put a lot of my research into heavy tanks, and that only seems to work well until the Russians bring their anti-tank research level up to two or three and then everything balances out.

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Problem with some strategies here are:

You may be able to pull them of against the AI but not against a human player.

Only against a beginner you will be able to pull of a victiory against England and Egypt in time.

Investing many resources against Turkey works well against the AI but is much harder to pull of against a human player.

MY suggestion i to learn to play a solid game which works against a human player too.

Take a look at the following link:

Panzerliga Mulitplayer guide SC2

Always use HQs to max out supply. Attach teh HQs to the attacking and frontline units, attack only if you can have the overwhelming forces on your side. Dont overextend sourself.

Secure your income base with spain / and or the middle east. Dont waste resources on operating your trioops to much around. Dont forget to invest on the essential technologyies

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Para's can jump over and over again, what do you mean? They obviously can't prepare to jump on the same turn they landed from a paradrop, and they also require at least 6 supply (I believe it is 6) to prepare again.

Against the AI and in WaW, it's typically a good idea to grab Norway. You get free garrison units to help protect its shores, offers a good base for resupplying your subs and you ensure that MPP's flow to you. An Allied invasion could cut that off, or even diplomatic efforts could cut off the Norway convoys.

In SC2 vanilla, taking Norway as Axis is debateable.

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yes I agree.But if the allies want to take Norway though they could probably do it rather easily so if you where at war with Russia would you send forces to defend Norway or would you just forget about Norway and keep pushing for a Russian victory this has never happened to me before but it's possible so what would you do?

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scottsmm if you let the Allies take Norway(its not as easy as you think if the Germans guard it properly)they will then threaten all of the Baltic(Sweden,Finland and Denamrk)plus not to mention Germany.

As far as defending Norway goes it would also depend on whats happened to the German and Allied navies.Is America in the war yet.Overall loosing Norway to the Allies isnot a good thing.

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ya I know that but if the allies every did anything on mainland Europe it would be a huge mistake Cause by that point most likely Russia is defeated so if they did choose Denmark they wouldn't capture Copenhagen so they would run low on supplies. But what don't get is how would they threaten Finland since it would be blocked of by the Copenhagen port. Oh and if they attacked Germany then that would obviously put me in decent position to counter-attack just as long as they didn't capture both capitals if that happened I would just surrender because there would be no point in fighting on with just the damned Italians.

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Here is a build strategy to try vs the computer.You will want:


-2 Tanks

-1 Tac

-1 or 2 anti-tank

-As many corps as you can buy

The idea is to have 3 HQ, 4 tanks, 1 AT, and whatever else you can to plug the gaps. 1 HQ goes to Africa, but you can forgo that to try and conquer Russia. Your objectives are to cut of Leningrad, get to Moscow, and get to and take Karkov. Bonus points if you take Leningrad and Moscow before winter. Hunker down and live out the winter. Only if you can have a bunch of units attack one Soviet unit attack in Winter. Otherwise, save your Strength for the following spring. Your AT is cheap and should lead an attack on an enemy tank followed by some infantry attack (and TAC/STR/Fighter of course) to get rid of his pesky offensive units. Keep your tanks attacking anything beside tanks and AT guns.

You are really setting yourself up for 1942. Build as your technology dictates, and if you keep your strength up through the winter, you can go gangbusters again soon as the skies clear. There are umpteen billion ways to go, but give this one a go. This works well vs the computer, and really not so well vs a human. Good luck.

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