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AAR Colin Vs DAK_21_PzDivision (Rambo Tournament)

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Thanks. I think you played great.

I made a few mistakes. One was that I could have used my paratroopers better in some of the US/UK CA. Basically, I could have prevented you getting units away better - in the second fight in France they weren't doing much that was useful in Russia.

I also left Spain a bit vulnerable even though it was the obvious target.

Your bomber strategy was great (esp in areas like North Africa) but hit problems with weaker ground forces and that the Luftwaffe was so powerful (very experienced, long range) so I had a countermeasure.

When you invaded with W. Allies you tended to hit 2 targets, a minor country (eg Norway) and one that lead to a direct fight with the powerful Axis ground forces (Spain, France). Or land at multiple points (US in France, UK in Spain, a nice idea but it needed to be coordinated as the US French were losing by the time the UK forces approached Madrid). I think if you are going to fight the Axis on mainland Europe you either do small raids (like your excellent one on Italy) or go in with everything (including armour). I'm also not sure on timing - you tended to invade late in the year which has the advantage that bad weather may inhibit the Axis response. However, in this game it let me operate West in the Fall, destroy you and be back in Russia for the Spring with only a small delay. Therefore the W. Allies did not save Russia.

I'm not sure diplomacy on Turkey was viable. Agreed, you should have blocked Spain.

Thanks - it was really good. Now I will take Bombers seriously!!!!

Hellraiser - think we are on for final (at last!). Which side? I've played Axis twice, Allies once. If you start send me a turn. I notice you win fast and I'm slow (all games were long) :(

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It's hard to really put together a Strong D-Day, I noticed Colin mentioned that. Without a good Supply source that is defensible you'll often get hammered right back into the Sea by the Germans... That's where a lot of Fighters with experience can rule supreme over a lot of Bombers...

I have troubles with my D-day, North African Campaigns and finding good spots to do Raids. I'm overly cautious... So I liked this game it showed flexability on both Commanders parts despite Pitfalls and errors to stay in the game till the bitter end... HellRaiser is a Hell of an opponent if he's not bored smile.gif

Beware Colin and good luck

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Thanks to all who followed this nice game.

As i said before, i found myself behind you since the beginning of the game... I even was scared because i thought i could loose the game in Egypt after UK falls...

After Barbarrosa began, i was surprise because you didn't made fast advances so i became trust in the victory again... However, despite you didn't advance faster you advanced with great superiority, bit a bit, slowly but unbeatable! :-(

My bombers made fine, but i couldn't coordinate them with the naval assaults because some problems... that prevent, for example, that in the seconds D-Day over France, i found strong German forces around Paris... There i made a big mistake... once it was clear that i won't get Paris easily i had to concentrate my forces to prevent that you could reinforce Madrid... (and then you can't support more advances over the urals) but i didn't realize of this danger...

Well, in short words: you didn't mistakes, serious mistakes, and i did. You were ahead all the game and i not! Result: a nice victory!

Looking forward for a new tournament!


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