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Kuni, if you care so much about the homeless, then why don't you have a homeless person living with you? Repeat, when are you going to allow the street ppl in your home? Repeat, when are you going to bring in a homeless dude in your house?

Kuni, next time you cash your paycheck, go give it to a homeless drunk who won't work. The time after that, give your check to somebody who won't work. Continue to this forever, it's called Socialism. People who won't work, shouldn't be in your wallet. Unions are just as bad. Unions are of the Devil.

By the way, even with healthcare, there's no guarantee of living longer.

[ July 29, 2007, 07:26 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

If you want healthcare, than get a job. Nothing is free.

Haha, this from a guy who preaches his religion. With at its core is about helping your fellow man.

Making profit from medicine and the food supply is simply pure greed and evil.

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I don't know about Unions. Over the years I've come to have a love/hate relationship with them. I had a Union job once. You nearly had to shoot someone to get fired, or be one of the worst employees known to mankind and never show up to work.

However, Unions were originally formed to fight for workers' rights in the face of corporate greed. Working 60 hour weeks, low wages, poor working conditions and no healthcare pissed enough people off to form a Union. With corporations pulling healthcare and pension plans to save money, outsourcing, and lower wages for more work...I feel Unions, in certain industries, are one of the last lines of defense against corporations.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Kuni, if you care so much about the homeless, then why don't you have a homeless person living with you? Repeat, when are you going to allow the street ppl in your home? Repeat, when are you going to bring in a homeless dude in your house?

Kuni, next time you cash your paycheck, go give it to a homeless drunk who won't work. The time after that, give your check to somebody who won't work. Continue to this forever, it's called Socialism. People who won't work, shouldn't be in your wallet. Unions are just as bad. Unions are of the Devil.

By the way, even with healthcare, there's no guarantee of living longer.

Well I give some of my salary each month to charity. And I do charity work occasionaly, have worked drug addicts and so on. This summer I took a person with mental problems onto a journey to meet his relatives he had not seen for 18 years, to help his rehabilitation.

But that's just wont cut it. And I don't blame people who don't feel they can be a "good" and "caring" person all the time.

It's morally wrong that addicts and people with mental problems should have to DEPEND on me and others helping them out. It's humiliating for everyone. It should be a HUMAN RIGHT to get helped(as said in UN standard rules) not depend on the mood of the more fortunate in our society.

Many people don't even got a chance. I sometimes meet those who have been sexual abused as a child and then get their life ruined by mental problems related to this. They never had a chance. And it's my opinion that this wont be solved from society by giving the parent a harsh penalty, society must ALSO assure that future kids don't have to go through that. And that means that we must afford better health care, more teachers in schools, better psychiatry etc. All that cost money.

What's important is that the society as a whole helps those in need. Society should prioritize social problems instead of getting the richer to have even more money.

That can be done by creating a strong welfare state, where you get help to stop you from falling into homelessness or have your life ruined if you get into trouble.

But it's true, we live in a capitalistic state. Competition is getting tougher, only way to assure this is that we make mutual agreements about these HUMAN RIGHTS. And we need to think more of what kind of world we want to live in.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Blashy --- Working isn't a sin. Not working is a sin. You of the world try to twist the truth. You'd love to feed me to the Lions, steal my money, & burn my Bible.

I never said it was sin, I merely quoted what you said, that you're fine with people suffering if they don't have enough money or none at all.

Allot of poverty is simple bad luck of being born at the wrong place. Imagine being born in the middle of the desert to a nomad tribe. You had no choice.

But to you, if they don't have the money, no medicine and no food... screw' em!

Food and water should NEVER be a for profit business and access to medical services should be free for all man, it is call being civilized, something humanity is at this point FAR from ever achieving.

And I would never burn your book, unlike you religious fanatics who given power would IMPOSE your beliefs on others.

Although I would ban ANY public funding and no special treatments because of your religious beliefs. Keep your religion to yourself and your place of worship.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Unions are just as bad. Unions are of the Devil.

And who are you to claim that? Where in the bible does it say this?

Your experience of unions may differ from mine. I have very good experience of them, they defend people from getting exploited by the employee and help improve the work environment.

With the model you use in the US, with benefits connected to what company you workin in, I can't see any reason why a union should want something bad happen to the companies.

On the contrary unions are important for defending the right of the "little man".

And if they are dominant they keep the wages up so businesses have to compete with good products instead of wage-cuts. That's a more resonsible captialism than the exploting stuff we see today.

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Originally posted by Timskorn:

Kuni, you will not find evidence, only truth. You're looking under the wrong rocks. If a persons heart is searching, search. Study the religious texts of the world with an open eye and an open heart, and see what comes of it.

Well religion is fine with me, of course people's belief is something to be respected. And the church have done many good thing but also some awful things through history.

When Jesus is used as a mean to keep the poor getting poorer, than this interpretation of Jesus message is simply morally wrong.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Blashy --- Working isn't a sin. Not working is a sin. You of the world try to twist the truth. You'd love to feed me to the Lions, steal my money, & burn my Bible.

I never said it was sin, I merely quoted what you said, that you're fine with people suffering if they don't have enough money or none at all.

Allot of poverty is simple bad luck of being born at the wrong place. Imagine being born in the middle of the desert to a nomad tribe. You had no choice.

But to you, if they don't have the money, no medicine and no food... screw' em!

Food and water should NEVER be a for profit business and access to medical services should be free for all man, it is call being civilized, something humanity is at this point FAR from ever achieving.

And I would never burn your book, unlike you religious fanatics who given power would IMPOSE your beliefs on others.

Although I would ban ANY public funding and no special treatments because of your religious beliefs. Keep your religion to yourself and your place of worship. </font>

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Bottom line, Blashy & KommieWorth need to get saved. Make whatever excuse you want...one is as bad as another. (see Cain for bad sacrifice). Socialists are experts about spending your money. They want to help the homeless, yet won't let them live in their house. Why not sell your computer & feed the poor KommieWorth? Kuni & Blashy want to spend your money to help poor, not their money.

Yeah, Unions are of the Devil and scumbags. I drove a truck for 2 years in college. Scumbag Union wanted me to pay them $200/month in fees! You can kiss my born again rearend if I'll pay to work. They give me this crap that they "get a better deal". I refused to pay the Union fees & drove as an independent. My life, my safety was threatened. I was shunned, I was called names, etc. Guess what, here's one person who got thru it all. I don't want scumbag unions.

The countries that are in poverty, are in poverty for a reason, it ain't luck. God's judgment is real.

You think it's luck that the United States became a superpower because of the roots of this country? You think it's back luck the Indians got wiped out because they bowed to statues?

God is the judge of all...individuals, the church, the non-believers, the nations, groups, creation, etc...God judges all. Better get saved.

BTW: "Well I give some of my salary each month to charity" - Kuni

I bet you just give a symbolic amount just being able to score cheap points. (See Cain, chapter #4, in the front of the book, the song has be sung.)

[ July 29, 2007, 09:42 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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I find it surprising that everyone who fails to believe as Rambo is a commie. Is a commie someone who allows others to believe as they wish. Well, guess I am a commie.

If communissum leads to people having food, clothing and a place to sleep I support that also. I have been to communist nations. I spent many years in China. Also I have spent time in Russia. Are all the people who live in these vast lands are communist and non believer in the Rambo way. I think they might be. First they know not Rambo. Second they have their own believes and ways.

Until we learn to get along and not be both obnoxious and unpleasant to our fellow man we are forced to have wars, poverty and unfair enrichments thoughout the world.

Just because I am American and reside here does not make me any better or any worse then the peasant residing in China working on his farm.

I must thank the US Army for teaching me this. While I trained for Special Forces we learned to respect our fellows that we were to teach both to fight and live. In my case they were no longer gooks or subhuman they became men and women just like any and we learned regardless of race, religion, social graces or political affliation to treat them with respect and dignity.

I lead a battalion of Loatian Soldiers who mostly used spears and crossbows but these men joined me to fight not because of communism they didnt know what that was. They joined me because I taught the village ways to irragate. How to get enough food. How to get clean water. How to protect the village from invaders. BTW they also taught me many things I did not know also so it was always a two way street.

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Since when am against feeding the widows, orphans, & those who cannot feed themselves? Never.

I'm against Socialist Government scumbags stealing my money & giving in to lazy drunks & cigarette smokers...sitting around scratching off lottery tickets with my tax cash.

Fas as "me being better", far from the truth. I'm a sinner, we all are.

Far as the Chinese culture & religion in general. Screw it, you can have all of that crap. Same with those gods in India, taking a dump in river, then drinking from it. Go ahead, save the enviornment & don't eat your cows. I will, just had burgers last night.

Far the enviornment, I love the enviornement, I just know the Creator.

For Earth Day, I always burn styrofoam, spray a few aerosol cans, & make sure to drive my SUV to town for a couple ice creams.


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Little Sunday Morning Story, as

First posted in another forum, but,

Have decided to tell all:


"Pistol" Pete Maravich

Was recently voted

One of the top 50 basketball players

Of all time.

Professional, or Collegiate.

He was the ONLY white player

Who was ever offered a legitimate contract

By Abe Saperstein,

Who it was that owned

The Harlem Globetrotters.

In college, at LSU, from

1968 to 1971, he averaged

Over 44 points per game,

And this,

WITHOUT the 3-point line.

A record not yet broken.


Almost without exception,

Black & white alike,

He was... despised.

Resented, dis-liked, shunned,

Ignored and in general,

Actually hated.


Nobody else

Could do what he could do

With the basketball,

Not then, and not since.

He took to drinking at an early age

(... yeah,

the jealousies extended that far back)

And continued drinking, oh,

Until his mid-30's it was.


Of a sudden - he quit.


Never touched a drop of alcohol

Ever again.

Began to do "good works,"

Like volunteering in soup kitchens

Down there in Loosianna,

Where he lived.

He would drop off boxes of food

And clothing,

And gave lots of money

To his chosen Church.


He had quit because he had

An "epiphany."

It was "religious" in nature,

As ALL things actually are,

Whether anyone chooses to admit that

Or not.

No matter - an enlightenment

Can arrive for an agnostic or atheist

Just the same as for

Some body who believes

Or has a faith.


All of that isn't the REAL story,

Nope, not by a long-shot.


He had collapsed and died

Playing a "pick-up" game

With some friends.

The autopsy revealed that... he only

Had - HALF a Heart.

IOW, he was missing one of the two

Main arteries supplying oxygen

To the heart-muscle.

ALL of the specialist Doctors

Were in accord.

He SHOULD have died,

As 99.99% of those with the same

Kind of affliction

Will do,

By age - 9 or 10.

He was almost 40 when he finally died.


Would anyone suppose?

Did he do it. :confused:

ALL that immense amount of practice

(... 4-5 hours every single day, from age

6 to 32)

And extremely INTENSE game-play

In college, and in the pros,

And somehow?

Manage to set all those records,


Like I say,

Be voted one of the 50 all-time best?

And quit drinking, when, as I know

Very, very well,

From over 15 years of addictions


That over 90% who try... will "relapse,"

And go back to drinking & drugging.

Hmmm... was it some "thing"

In his body?

In his brain?

Or was it - elsewhere.

You guys who know ALL about

These sorts of matters - decide

Amongst yerselves,

Come to a common consensus, yes? ;)


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Bottom line, Blashy & KommieWorth need to get saved. Make whatever excuse you want...one is as bad as another. (see Cain for bad sacrifice). Socialists are experts about spending your money. They want to help the homeless, yet won't let them live in their house. Why not sell your computer & feed the poor KommieWorth? Kuni & Blashy want to spend your money to help poor, not their money.

Yeah, Unions are of the Devil and scumbags. I drove a truck for 2 years in college. Scumbag Union wanted me to pay them $200/month in fees! You can kiss my born again rearend if I'll pay to work. They give me this crap that they "get a better deal". I refused to pay the Union fees & drove as an independent. My life, my safety was threatened. I was shunned, I was called names, etc. Guess what, here's one person who got thru it all. I don't want scumbag unions.

The countries that are in poverty, are in poverty for a reason, it ain't luck. God's judgment is real.

You think it's luck that the United States became a superpower because of the roots of this country? You think it's back luck the Indians got wiped out because they bowed to statues?

God is the judge of all...individuals, the church, the non-believers, the nations, groups, creation, etc...God judges all. Better get saved.

BTW: "Well I give some of my salary each month to charity" - Kuni

I bet you just give a symbolic amount just being able to score cheap points. (See Cain, chapter #4, in the front of the book, the song has be sung.)

You are selfish Rambo. That might work for you, but it won't build a better world.
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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Since when am against feeding the widows, orphans, & those who cannot feed themselves? Never.

I'm against Socialist Government scumbags stealing my money & giving in to lazy drunks & cigarette smokers...sitting around scratching off lottery tickets with my tax cash.

Fas as "me being better", far from the truth. I'm a sinner, we all are.

Far as the Chinese culture & religion in general. Screw it, you can have all of that crap. Same with those gods in India, taking a dump in river, then drinking from it. Go ahead, save the enviornment & don't eat your cows. I will, just had burgers last night.

Far the enviornment, I love the enviornement, I just know the Creator.

For Earth Day, I always burn styrofoam, spray a few aerosol cans, & make sure to drive my SUV to town for a couple ice creams.


Well same thing here, selfishness, the complete opposite of the teaching of Christ.
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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

The countries that are in poverty, are in poverty for a reason, it ain't luck. God's judgment is real.

You think it's luck that the United States became a superpower because of the roots of this country? You think it's back luck the Indians got wiped out because they bowed to statues?

God is the judge of all...individuals, the church, the non-believers, the nations, groups, creation, etc...God judges all. Better get saved.

Spoken like a true religious fanatic, blame everyone's misery or problems for not believing in your god.

Also goes well with greed.

You know the western world has a word for these religious fanatics in the middle east... terrorists. Guess what word they (middle east countries) use for Christians with those same type of views... terrorists.

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@Kommieworth --- How much more of my hard earned income do you want your Socialist buddies to steal? After it's all said & done, over 50% of my jack is stolen before I touch one dime.

So I work all day, so you can sit in a cublical with your Socialist Government buddies to steal my money.

At least Capitalist are making something. At least we invent stuff. Look at Russia, they are all poor. China's commie plan failed. India's gods failed them. Bottom line, the whole world is going Capitalist, because it's the best system.

Federal Income tax

Social security tax - I'll never see this.

State tax --- Double government is waste.

Sales tax --- 9% more, after already getting income taxed!

Property tax --- Gotta pay on what I already own?

Gas tax --- Where's this jack going?

Toll bridge tax --- Bridge is already paid for.

Dog license tax --- This a joke?

Cat license tax --- This a joke?

Phone tax --- What a joke.

Airport tax --- Security is a joke anyhow.

Water tax --- I don't even use their H20 !!!

Car tag tax --- Bye-bye dough for a plate

License tax --- Bye-bye dough

Marriage license --- Bye-bye dough

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Yes rambo the world is going capitalist but from what ive read if china and india grossly abuse the worlds natural resources and environment the way you say you do(the way americans and candians do right now)we would need 4 more worlds just to support our greed.Now lets talk about that nice clean air;especially in L.A.Breathe deeply.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Federal Income tax

Social security tax - I'll never see this.

State tax --- Double government is waste.

Sales tax --- 9% more, after already getting income taxed!

Property tax --- Gotta pay on what I already own?

Gas tax --- Where's this jack going?

Toll bridge tax --- Bridge is already paid for.

Dog license tax --- This a joke?

Cat license tax --- This a joke?

Phone tax --- What a joke.

Airport tax --- Security is a joke anyhow.

Water tax --- I don't even use their H20 !!!

Car tag tax --- Bye-bye dough for a plate

License tax --- Bye-bye dough

Marriage license --- Bye-bye dough

By all means cut them all......but then I bet you'll all complain about how you're not the world's #1 any more soon after....

you wanna be the big boy on the block - you gotta pay for it somehow.

You want to be able to drive your gas guzzlers (more or less) as you please? then you need billions to build F22's and B-2's and Tomahawks and all that otehr pretty stuff to make sure no-one argues too much.

You want to use 25% of the world's resources for 5% of its population?? then you'd better make sure teh rest of the world can't do anything about it, or it might not last long......

you complain about Federal taxes.....and then about having a State Govt.......well which one do you want to get rid of??!!

Man you're so blind.....you must be the guy they wrote the phrase about - there are none so blind as those who choose not to see.

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