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Few questions from a newbie

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Hi guies. I'm playing Axis in the Fall Weserebung 1940 campaign. Here are some questions :

1. Paratroops in Norway. I attaqued Norway with Axis Paratroops and Norway surrendered. Now, since the supply level of these paratroops remains too low (Supply = 4) to "prepare", how can I get them back to Denmark or Germany ?

2. Damaged ports. I noticed than ports get repaired automatically by a value of 1 per turn, if they get sufficient supply (am I right ?). Is there a way to repair them faster ? I tried with the engineers, but these fellows seem to focus on fortification only.

3. Impregnable Malt. I tried with aircrats and battleships, but I could not get it. Should I use bombers ? paratroups ? anything else ?

Thank you for your help.

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(1) Paras

brings them in a city with an attached ports. Then ship them back to Germany.

(2) Damaged ports

They repair automatically with a speed of 10% efficiency (=1 point) per turn

(3) Malta

Malta is tricky. If you want it early in the war, you need to do a lot of things. At first you need all the italian ships to group around Malta and lower the supply level of the island AND THE ATTACHED PORT to zero (you can you the german and italian bomber as well, if you need the ships elsewhere; combining them all helps, but unit will take damage!). Once you bombed both down to zero, it starts with supply 1 next turn and can only reinforce the corps to 4. You need to have all Airfleets and esp. the Tac bomber down there.. and the german Strat Bomber, which will help a lot (you get it in 07/40). Once you killed the corps, you need to amphib the empty island.

Usually the plan is: lower supply level and de-entrench in the first turn, continue bombing in the second turn damage the unit to a strength of 4 or lower (killing it in that turn already is fine but difficult), and in the third turn finish it off.. then amphib in.

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HvS has presented a correct summary, but for a variation on the Malta assault, remember that the occupying unit is dependent on both the fortress and the port for subsequent reinforcement levels.

Reducing the efficiency of both will ultimately lead to a max reinforcement level of 0/0% efficiency, but usually 4 because they recover each turn, 10% minimum efficiency.

Using your Fighters(WaW) to reduce the entrenchments is the most efficient use of MPPs, bombers next and lastly your naval vessels, unless you have built some DDs for Italy.

Once the entrenchment is gone it is a little matter to reduce the garrison to combat ineffectiveness(destroyed)) with your TAC bombers.

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Hmmm, seems your asking some elementary questions, all these are in the book. The game all follows a very very linear system. To play you should get down pat the basics by just ignoring the rules and losing units, playing the AI you will get the feel for everything you asked after about 5 games plus you will get the fun of it.

I will say this, every object on the map that is a city/resource/port/fort will automatically repair per turn unless special situations as there are limits and partisans that disrupt this. Also that Supply 5 is the bottom rung of which you will ever want your Troops and Ports-Cities collect supply and HQ increases it... Making the two invaluable...

Good luck and play around with but the book explains it to the Tee and winging gives you a feel that will break it down so when you do ask you will understand better.

Originally posted by moet:

Hi guies. I'm playing Axis in the Fall Weserebung 1940 campaign. Here are some questions :

1. Paratroops in Norway. I attaqued Norway with Axis Paratroops and Norway surrendered. Now, since the supply level of these paratroops remains too low (Supply = 4) to "prepare", how can I get them back to Denmark or Germany ?

2. Damaged ports. I noticed than ports get repaired automatically by a value of 1 per turn, if they get sufficient supply (am I right ?). Is there a way to repair them faster ? I tried with the engineers, but these fellows seem to focus on fortification only.

3. Impregnable Malt. I tried with aircrats and battleships, but I could not get it. Should I use bombers ? paratroups ? anything else ?

Thank you for your help.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by voncasey:

is it still a good strategy to place a bomber on malta as the allies...........sounds like it may be too easy to kill with the new weaps

Depends, if the Axis are bombing Malta, leave the corps there, much cheaper to repair than a bomber. If you are using the bomber to spot, Malta is not bad.
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I have a few question about some game issues.

1. Why do tanks get so much damage from infatnry with AT weapons even if the tank is at Lev 5? Tanks become expensive and useless. A Corp (AT = 3) can do 4 or 5 dmg to a tank (If the Tank attacks 2 times). After that ur tank is history the next round.

The same Corp attacked by an Army would do 1 or 2 dmg. If i look at the stats of the unit the tank has an huge defence compared to the defence of the army. So im not sure if this is right.

2. I was attacking england in June 1940. All was ok but from then till June 1941 i had only 1 turn of good weather to use my airforce. It was raining all the time in england or in france. And the AI reinforced his Corp to -3??. Is this a bug?


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Well i look at it logical. My tanks at Level 0 had no problems in killing the french army with AT 0 (I lost 1 or none strenght). If i increase my tank by 5 and the AT by 3 i should have less losses not more. Taking out a tank is hard. Not something for 2 Corps and a fighter.

Actualy Manchester is easyer then London, till u reach Manchester u killed the RN and most of the enemy.


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Yes i have 1.02 installed. The Corp was at 8 and the cop started to reinforce his troops. In the end he ended up at -3. I dont have the save since i played vrs the comp (autosave is overwritten).

about the Tanks. I played vrs a Human player. I made some test.

My Corp at full strenght (AT 2) moved to a russian tank (Level 3) and Special forces (Infatry weapons Level 1). If i attack the Special forces i lose 2 strenght the other nothing. If i attack the tank i lose 3 the tank 2. This cant be right. Bothe enemy units r at 1 entrenchment and have no XP.


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Personally, I like to first take Gibraltar by bending a few Spanish arms. (aka diplomacy)

Then thru superior tactics, muscle the Brits out of Egypt. Only then do I have a look at Malta.

All verse the AI of course.

IMO, it’s just not cost effective to amass such a huge force to take Malta head on at an early stage of the game. Given the time and resources, you may have only a small window to try a Head On Full assault before Russia beckons.


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with Malta

i have seen the strategy to place a bomber there for ship killer/spotter in sc2 'vanilla' BUT just wondered with the new unit types would it be easier to kill now despite the fortification cause i don't want to send him down there just to get mauled

b)why cant the corp op move off malta? seemed to have to transport then op from the mainland in my latest AI game

c)do most peops leave a corps as it may be for defensible vs axis attacks to take malta?

d)wouldnt waiting til later in the game to take malta be difficult as you need alot of air and they will be needed to kill Stalin

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Think of a ratio, not a +/- for tank vs. AT. So, level 5 tank/level 1 AT = 5:1, 5/3 = 1.666. I do agree it does seem a bit high for tank losses vs corps in SC2, but it seems right on in WaW. I don't see any differences in the formulas, but maybe 2 strikes gives the tanks a bit more xp so they don't take quite the loss.


a) The new units in WaW make no difference in taking Malta.

B) There are no rail lines in Malta to the mainland. The corps has to take a ship 1st. Remember, planes op move whereever they want if that's what you are thinking about with the corp.

c)You only can take Malta if its vacant, so you have to bomb whatever is there out of existence for invasion. It would make sense to leave a corps there, as replacements are cheaper. You can put whatever you want there, but bomber replacements get pricey.

d) Later in the game, if you have time to worry about a small pile of dirt in the Mediterranean Sea, then your oppenent is not doing his job. Some air is useful, but see JJR as to the real way to knock out Malta.

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