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  1. The Real Deal lost. Im ready for the next opponent. Ivan
  2. Well i forgot u need Cairo to pull this off. So if u lose all this as an Allie maybee u need this punishment. Ivan
  3. Well i agree. If u play germany right the russian player cant do anything to prevent the fall of Moscow and Stalingrad (Im not aware of a successful deffence so far), no matter how good he is. after that u just have to sent ur 10 planes to France and take out London and u win. Dosnt seems right to me. Im playing a PBEM game in the turnament and i will win this way next turn (hope no bad weather will come). Its summer 42 and ther is no defence vrs it. Its frustrating for the Allies. Ivan
  4. BAD idea to have a slow attack on russia. If u have the troops u can take the Caucasus in 42 anyway. No tech needed. Just the standard. Dont forget russia can be as strong as germany if not attacked right. Ivan
  5. Flawless? no way i played it flawless. U took UK after all. I knew u where preparing but i really thought u would not do it that late. And yes, turkey was a huge mistake (UK 2, but not as much as Turkey). U attacked the turn i wanted to invest $ to get them. This way i had a platform for my AF. U had a nice Luftwaffe (5 fighters, 3 (4) Tactical, 2 bombers. But i had also 5 fighters and they where at a higher level then urs (exept the russian, he was level 1). I still have 8 aircraft in production, would be a black 42 for axis. The forward defense was in russia since i knew u had not much ground troops. So i could risk an early fight. Who is next to play? Ivan
  6. I started a game with mock, do we have to post in forum about the game? Ivan
  7. None has reply. So i can play u mock. What side do u prefer to start with. I play with undo off, weather on. Ivan
  8. Yes i have 1.02 installed. The Corp was at 8 and the cop started to reinforce his troops. In the end he ended up at -3. I dont have the save since i played vrs the comp (autosave is overwritten). about the Tanks. I played vrs a Human player. I made some test. My Corp at full strenght (AT 2) moved to a russian tank (Level 3) and Special forces (Infatry weapons Level 1). If i attack the Special forces i lose 2 strenght the other nothing. If i attack the tank i lose 3 the tank 2. This cant be right. Bothe enemy units r at 1 entrenchment and have no XP. Ivan
  9. Well i look at it logical. My tanks at Level 0 had no problems in killing the french army with AT 0 (I lost 1 or none strenght). If i increase my tank by 5 and the AT by 3 i should have less losses not more. Taking out a tank is hard. Not something for 2 Corps and a fighter. Actualy Manchester is easyer then London, till u reach Manchester u killed the RN and most of the enemy. Ivan
  10. I have a few question about some game issues. 1. Why do tanks get so much damage from infatnry with AT weapons even if the tank is at Lev 5? Tanks become expensive and useless. A Corp (AT = 3) can do 4 or 5 dmg to a tank (If the Tank attacks 2 times). After that ur tank is history the next round. The same Corp attacked by an Army would do 1 or 2 dmg. If i look at the stats of the unit the tank has an huge defence compared to the defence of the army. So im not sure if this is right. 2. I was attacking england in June 1940. All was ok but from then till June 1941 i had only 1 turn of good weather to use my airforce. It was raining all the time in england or in france. And the AI reinforced his Corp to -3??. Is this a bug? Ivan
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