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Freshblood in action: Baron vs Hellraiser AAR

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I took way too long taking the English isles. The production points are way out of whack in the allies favor, still they are not making a difference yet.The Eastern front has been quiet. The RN is a collection of broken down damaged ships and the German Navy is more than a match for the American Navy. I have built a sizable reserve to counter any Western incursions on the mainland. They will also be available to operate if need be to Spain or Turkey. I'm being out played but I'm still getting in some good licks!I am really enjoying the game so far. Salute, HR!

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@Baron - when I told you 'ship repairing cost is a joke' I told that because I'm actually repairing them and I miss those mpps wasted on ships :D

And yes, german navy is a good match for the US fleet. Until the RN is back in shape though ;)

It will be interesting whether the Wallies can mount a powerful strike and it will all depend if I choose the appropriate spot.

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HR, if you minimize your game (alt-tab or ESC) while in tcpip it should "hold" the turns and when you minimize it will start playing them from where you minimized, this way you do not have to miss out an anything and don't have to just stand there.

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Originally posted by LampCord:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by hellraiser:

3. UK is not allowed to DOW the USA.

4. RRI forbidden.

Why on earth would the UK want to DOW the US? Doesn't the US go over to the Axis?

And what's RRI? </font>

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Originally posted by David Chapuis:

Whenever my M-line frogs attack german corps, i always suffer more casualties than the germans. And that is attacking against vanilla corps. Are your frogs not taking hits?

And what is RRI?

RRI stands for Rambo's Rome Invasion, an old trick from SC1 - Allies DOW Italy and capture Rome in the first turn - Axis wins the war. So the community banned this tactic smile.gif
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The RN continues its suicidal presense near my LF. The Italian fleet sorties and eliminates a RN carrier and knocks a BB to 1, another RN crusier is knocked down to 6. On land the BEF losses a corps and has another knocked down. As a nice plus the German army is repurchased at half price.

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August 1942. Let there be pain ...

USSR dows Turkey, Istanbul captured, Sivas captured by red paras, Erzurum defender killed.

Russians start a huge offensive from Dnepr-Odessa-Kiew towards Romania - 3 minor armies killed, red army lands and capture the romanian oil. Heavy battles in Greece. Uk raider lands in Italy hitting a LF.

American reinforcement pour into the Med via the loop, ready to assist the invasion of Balkans.

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Russia continues to push forward, 1 german tank destroyed, 2 units cut off, 1 minor corps killed, Bucharest german army down to 4; secondary offensive towards Warsaw; Americans land in Istanbul, Red troops approaching Ankara.

Germans have bomber, LFs, Paras (2) and several armies/corps defending the Balkans. Additional units from the USA arrived thru the loop, Ike and Patton in the game - americans have several armies, corps, 2 tanks in the area.

UK reduce the Athens tank to 1 but unable to recapture the city.

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